

Showing 1 - 10 of 438
Tue, December 15 2020

AirSpace Presents
Voyages to Mars: Dreaming

Interplanetary road trips take a WHILE. So for this episode of Voyages to Mars, while we cruise onward towards the Red Planet, we’re listening to some poetry that pays tribute to long duration space travel.

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AirSpace Presents
Voyages to Mars: Dreaming

Voyages to Mars
Mon, December 14 2020

The Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter

This month, gas giants Jupiter and Saturn are coming together in the sky for a once-in-a-lifetime event called a great conjunction. It will peak on December 21, 2020.

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Jupiter and Saturn
Sat, December 12 2020

Failure to Launch: The Heart-Stopping Pad Shutdown of Gemini VI-A

Moments after ignition on December 12, 1965, one of Gemini VI's engine suddenly shut down. Astronauts Wally Schirra and Thomas Stafford waited tensely in the cockpit for a plan to get them out of the life threatening situation. What happened over the next three days is nothing short of remarkable.

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Wally Schirra and Thomas Stafford
Thu, November 26 2020

AirSpace Season 3|Ep.10
Station to Station

We all need a little self-care these days, so in honor of the ISS's 20th anniversary, we’ll tell you about what astronaut life is like when they aren’t doing the extraordinary science, essential maintenance, and extraterrestrial chores necessary to sustain our home in space.

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AirSpace Season 3|Ep.10
Station to Station

Logo for AirSpace Podcast 2020
Tue, November 17 2020

AirSpace Presents
Voyages to Mars: Sending Humans

Ray Bradbury’s The Martian Chronicles, published a few years before the world’s first satellite was even launched (!), remains one of the most influential stories of human settlement on Mars ever published.

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AirSpace Presents
Voyages to Mars: Sending Humans

Voyages to Mars
Mon, November 2 2020

How Do Astronauts Vote From Space?

How do you cast your ballot when you are floating over 200 miles above your polling place? Thanks to a special electronic absentee ballot, astronauts are able to vote from space.

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The International Space Station (ISS)
Fri, October 30 2020

Famous Correspondents of Arthur C. Clarke

Throughout his long life, famed science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke corresponded with numerous people. This blog examine the correspondents that Clarke had with Stanley Kubrick, rocket scientist and pioneer Wernher von Braun, and Irish fantasy author Edward Plunkett, who published under the name Lord Dunsany.

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Arthur C. Clarke
Thu, October 29 2020

Herbert Desind: A Passion for Spaceflight

The Archives of the National Air and Space Museum holds three million images in various photographic formats, covering the breadth and depth of the history of aviation and space flight. One such collection is the Herbert Stephen Desind Collection, which covers the history of space flight and exploration.  

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Herbert Stephen Desind Collection
Tue, October 20 2020

AirSpace Presents
Voyages to Mars: Robots

Humans aren't yet able to go to Mars ourselves, so we’re reliant on the help of rovers and landers to be our eyes and ears on the surface - our mechanical “boots on the ground.” This episode is our ode to ROBOTS!

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AirSpace Presents
Voyages to Mars: Robots

Voyages to Mars
Tue, October 13 2020

The Moon: Before We Knew

Reading Mark Wick’s novel To Mars Via the Moon words motivated reflection on how our thinking of the Moon changed as real-life science and technology has evolved, in contrast to science ficton.

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