Save the Date: SLAC Summer Institute XXXVII: Cosmic Accelerators will be on August 3-14, 2009.

Visit SSI 2008 Website

Welcome to the SLAC Summer Institute

The SLAC Summer Institute is an annual event held in Panofsky Auditorium at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center in July. The exact dates of SSI change from year to year. The Institute is a ten-day Summer School where each morning will have three one-hour lectures, while the afternoons will consist of a mix of topical talks, SLAC tours, and discussion sessions. Social activities and student poster sessions are planned for the evenings. This is a truly unique event that allow students and researchers to interact in such a way that enlightens everyone involved.

The SLAC Summer Institute is hosted by Stanford University and co-sponsored by the US Department of Energy and the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. SLAC is located west of the Stanford Campus and approximately 33 miles south of San Francisco.