Tag Archives: Profiles in Science

A banner reading "UUU are Great Marshall" hung in a hallway. January 12

Molecular Biology Behind the Blackboard

By Paul Theerman Originally published in Hidden Treasure: The National Library of Medicine, 2011. The photograph is dramatic, more dramatic in its own way than the famous one of James Watson and Francis Crick. Like that photograph, this one portrays two young scientists in the throes—the joys—of collaboration. The names are not as well known: […]

A man receives an award before a room full of people in formal dress. December 09

Celebrating the Nobel Prize

By Christie Moffatt The Nobel Prize Award Ceremony takes place tomorrow, December 10, in Stockholm, Sweden, as it does each year, on the anniversary of Alfred Nobel’s death. These prestigious international awards recognize outstanding achievements in chemistry, economics, literature, peace, physics, and physiology or medicine. On this exciting occasion, and in the spirit of celebrating […]

A comparison of a normal and drugged brain showing higher l-dopa in the treated brain. October 14

Truly Translational: Louis Sokoloff and PET Brain Imaging

By Susan Speaker Twenty-first century medical practitioners have many ways of making images of the inside of the body, including x-rays, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computerized axial tomography (CT scan), and positron emission tomography (PET). These technologies allow physicians to “see” structural abnormalities, and in the case of functional MRI and PET, can show […]

President Johnson takes papers from DeBakey as they stand beside a podium. June 23

Apply Now! A New History Fellowship at NLM

By Jeffrey S. Reznick Earlier this year, the National Library of Medicine announced its receipt of a generous gift from The DeBakey Medical Foundation to support enhanced access to the Michael E. DeBakey Archives at the NLM, and to establish the Michael E. DeBakey Fellowship in the History of Medicine. The NLM is pleased to […]

Michael DeBakey and surgical team at work in an operating room. February 12

A Decade of Phenomenal Progress in Heart Surgery

By Susan Speaker In March of 1959, Dr. Michael DeBakey testified in the U.S. House of Representatives about the phenomenal progress made against cardiovascular disease since 1949. Ten years earlier, diseases of the heart and blood vessels consigned millions to lives as invalids, and very often to an early death. These included children born with […]

A group of men in uniform stand outside on the grass in front of a building. December 29

“What a mess! And we are not half through”: Dr. Osler on England’s home front in World War I

By Susan Speaker This is one of a series of occasional posts highlighting collections that document medical activities during the Great War, which lasted from August 1914 to November 1918. These Osler family letters are in the collections of the Osler Library at McGill University and the Alan Mason Chesney Medical Archives of the Johns […]

Detail from the cover of the Understanding AIDS brochure. December 01

Challenging an Epidemic of Misinformation

By Christie Moffatt The focus of this year’s World AIDS Day is on challenging myths and focusing on facts about HIV, rethinking stereotypes and being positive about HIV. On this day we might also honor those who took up such challenges in the early years of the AIDS epidemic. U.S. Surgeon General Dr. C. Everett […]