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HIV Antibody Testing Kit

Edition: December 16, 2020

Feature Article: Checking on FY 2020 Application and Award Totals

In fiscal year (FY) 2020, NIAID awarded more R01 and R21 grants than ever before, with success rates for R01 and R21 applications notably higher than in recent years.

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scientist using a calculator

Edition: December 02, 2020

Feature Article: Writing a Winning Application—Nail Your Budget

Peer reviewers will use your budget request to gauge your understanding of how much your project will cost. Be realistic, request only what is necessary and reasonable, and justify everything, especially the unusual and "big ticket" items.

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John J. McGowan, Ph.D.

Edition: November 18, 2020

Feature Article: NIAID Funding News—The Origin Story

Intelligence, creativity, and dedication are highly valued attributes among investigators. Less celebrated, but equally critical to a successful career in biomedical research, is good grantsmanship. We interviewed Dr. John J. McGowan, NIAID’s longtime deputy director for science management, about NIAID's efforts to empower applicants by providing online resources.

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Incubating Shaker

Edition: November 04, 2020

Feature Article: Writing a Winning Application—Define Resources

A key step to writing a winning application is to assess your needs and how you will access the resources required to conduct your planned research.

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Virtual Seminar Screenshot

Edition: October 21, 2020

Feature Article: Preview of NIH Virtual Seminar on Program Funding and Grant Administration

NIH’s previously scheduled fall Regional Seminar on grant and contract processes, programs, and administration is going virtual. Next week's Virtual Seminar will feature video presentations, online booths, and text chats.

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Team of Researchers

Edition: October 08, 2020

Feature Article: Writing a Winning Application—Build Your Team

To convince reviewers that your team is able to complete your proposed research, expand your pool of expertise by recruiting expert consultants and collaborators, especially those who are known and respected in the field.

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Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2

Edition: September 16, 2020

Feature Article: Assessing Spring and Summer Research Activity Levels at NIAID

The number of research project grant applications submitted to NIAID from March 1 to July 31, 2020, far exceeds the volume of applications received by NIAID over the same period of time in 2017, 2018, and 2019, respectively.

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cashews and almonds

Edition: September 02, 2020

Feature Article: Writing a Winning Application—Outline Your Experiments

The experimental design—the nitty-gritty of what you will actually do—must enable you to achieve the Specific Aims you describe and test your hypothesis. Optimally, your experimental results should be able to prove or disprove your central hypothesis.

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box of pipet tips

Edition: August 19, 2020

Feature Article: NIAID Adjusts Paylines Throughout the Fiscal Year

In setting NIAID's paylines, our budget office takes several factors into account, including our expected appropriation, application volume, and awarded grants' projected average costs.

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3D print of a coronavirus spike

Edition: August 05, 2020

Feature Article: Writing a Winning Application—Draft and Evaluate Specific Aims

Your project should tackle important research within your niche and must be able to move your field forward. Identifying reasonable Specific Aims is the best way to guide your project's design.

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PPE Demonstration

Edition: July 15, 2020

Feature Article: New Emergency Opportunity Funds PPE for COVID-19 Clinical Research

Our new funding opportunity announcement is designed to support purchase of personal protective equipment (PPE) for NIAID-funded clinical trials and clinical studies on COVID-19.

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Research Poster Session for Trainees

Edition: July 01, 2020

Feature Article: Writing a Winning Application—Find Your Niche

Use networking and literature review to find a research niche—a specialized corner of your field—where you could conduct research for the next 10 years or so to make the greatest impact.

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Dr. Anthony Fauci

Edition: June 17, 2020

Feature Article: June Advisory Council Meeting—A Virtual Reality

NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci and Vaccine Research Center Director Dr. John Mascola provided remarks on the Institute's research response to COVID-19 at the 195th NIAID Advisory Council meeting.

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Skin Test for Food Allergy

Edition: June 03, 2020

Feature Article: Writing a Winning Application—Conduct a Self-Assessment

When applying for an independent research grant, you need demonstrable expertise in a scientific field because you need reviewers to deem you able to complete the work you propose.

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A testing kit used to detect HIV antibodies rapidly in human blood

Edition: May 20, 2020

Feature Article: Quiz Yourself on NIH Grant Funding Vocabulary

How familiar are you with NIAID’s application and grant terminology? Test your knowledge by taking this 10-question quiz and reading our explanations for each answer.

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SARS-CoV-2 image

Edition: May 06, 2020

Feature Article: New R01, R21 Pair of COVID-19 Emergency FOAs With Rolling Submission

These funding opportunity announcements are ideal for applicants proposing new coronavirus-related research projects. They feature rolling submission, meaning you can submit an application as soon as it is ready and NIAID will review it in an expedited fashion.

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electron micrograph of an apoptotic cell heavily infected with SARS-COV-2 virus particles

Edition: April 15, 2020

Feature Article: NIAID’s Research Response to COVID-19

In leading the U.S. government’s biomedical research response to the pandemic, NIAID is engaged in a multitude of activities focused on vaccine and therapeutic development as well as other priority areas.

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Novel coronavirus micrograph

Edition: April 01, 2020

Feature Article: Updates on NIAID Funding for SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-2019 Research

We strongly encourage NIAID grantees developing applications in response to the NIAID Urgent Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) to transition to the NIAID Emergency NOSI instead.

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Clinical Trial Volunteer at Information Desk

Edition: March 18, 2020

Feature Article: NIH Posts Guidance on Closures and Cancellations Related to COVID-19

Review NIH instruction for researchers on practical matters like late applications, salary, stipends, clinical trials, travel, and conference grants, as they relate to closures and cancellations in response to COVID-19.

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Dissecting Microscope and Specimens for Vector Research

Edition: March 04, 2020

Feature Article: Generate Your Own Lists of Recently Funded Grants

NIAID makes about 6,000 competing and noncompeting grant awards annually; learn how to create a list of recently funded awards filtered by keywords to match your research interests.

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Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2

Edition: February 19, 2020

Feature Article: NIAID’s Multi-Pronged Response to the COVID-2019 Outbreak

NIAID is taking several approaches to support new research in response to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-2019), including our first use of NIH's Urgent Award mechanism.

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NIH Zebrafish

Edition: February 05, 2020

Feature Article: Five Questions To Answer When Considering Vertebrate Animals Research

All procedures involving live vertebrate animals must be designed and performed with due consideration of their relevance to human or animal health, the advancement of knowledge, or the good of society.

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Assorted Medications

Edition: January 22, 2020

Feature Article: Understand Scope and Why It Matters for Managing Your Grant

NIAID staff determine scope based on the original application and any negotiated reductions in funding, removal of Specific Aims, bars to award, or other issues. Grantees are required to obtain NIAID’s prior approval before changing the scope of their research activities.

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Preliminary Data

Edition: January 08, 2020

Feature Article: Highlight Preliminary Data in Your Application

When applying, you must assess whether or not your preliminary data are sufficient to convince reviewers that your project has a high likelihood of success. Reviewers use this information to evaluate both the merit of your proposed studies and your skills as a scientist.

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macaque monkey

Edition: December 18, 2019

Feature Article: Maximize Research Funds and Fill Gaps With NIAID Resources

Our Resources for Researchers could save you time and money by fulfilling a research need, such as obtaining a reagent, using state-of-the-art analytical tools to examine datasets, or accessing preclinical services.

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