American Job Center Finder

American Job Center Finder

American Job Center Finder

Find an American Job Center in your local area.

Nearly 2,400 AJCs nationwide help people search for jobs, find training, and answer other employment related questions. COVID-19 update: Please note that many AJCs are temporarily closed or shifted to virtual services; you will see a special note in red if we have information about closures or alternative services. If you need to file for unemployment insurance, please visit Unemployment Benefits Finder.

Nearly 2,400 AJCs nationwide help people search for jobs, find training, and answer other employment related questions.

Below is a list of the American Job Centers closest to your location.

Use the phone numbers or websites listed to contact any center; learn more by clicking on a center name. COVID-19 update: Many AJCs are temporarily closed or have moved to virtual services. You may see updates for individual centers below. Please call or email a center for the latest information on their current services.

Search in a different area by typing a new location into the box and clicking “Search.”

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Note: Only the first 500 centers are available for download.

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