Office of Audits

Joan Mockeridge, Assistant Inspector General for Audits

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About the Office of Audits

The Office of the Inspector General conducts and supervises audits relating to Smithsonian programs and operations. At least annually, we conduct an analysis to identify high-risk areas for review to provide assurance that the Smithsonian's programs and operations are working efficiently and effectively.  We publish the results of this analysis in our annual audit plan. OIG audits are conducted in accordance with Government Audit Standards, issued by the U.S. Government Accountability Office.  OIG also monitors the external audit of the Institution's financial statements and contracts out reviews of the Institution's information security practices.

Audit Peer Review

Government Auditing Standards require audit organizations to undergo external peer reviews by independent reviewers every three years. In our most recent peer review, the OIG for the Federal Housing Finance Agency concluded that our quality control system was designed to meet government auditing standards and complied with those standards for the year ended March 31, 2020.  Download the September 2020 peer review report.