AHRQ Digital Healthcare Research Reports

2019 Year In Review

This Year in Review report summarizes the research activities and outcomes funded by the AHRQ Digital Healthcare Research Program in 2019. The objective of the report is to support AHRQ stakeholders, including clinicians, health systems, policymakers, researchers, and patients to:

  • Learn about the goals of research funded by the Digital Healthcare Research Program.
  • Discover the innovative health technologies developed and tested by AHRQ-funded researchers, including new and emerging research funded in 2019.
  • Understand how the Digital Healthcare Research Program improves healthcare quality and safety at the patient, provider, and health systems levels.
  • Access knowledge and products disseminated by AHRQ’s Digital Healthcare-funded researchers to enhance knowledge transfer and the replication of successful strategies that improve patient safety and healthcare quality.

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2018 Year in Review

This Year in Review report summarizes the research activities and outcomes funded by the AHRQ Digital Healthcare Research Program in 2018. The objective of this report is to support AHRQ stakeholders, including patients, clinicians, researchers, and policymakers, to:

  • Learn about the goals of Digital Healthcare Research Program-funded research.
  • Discover the innovative health technologies developed and tested by AHRQ-funded researchers, including new and emerging research in 2018.
  • Understand how the Digital Healthcare Research Program improves healthcare quality and safety at the patient, provider, and health systems levels.
  • Access learnings and products disseminated by AHRQ’s Digital Healthcare Research Program-funded researchers in support of knowledge transfer and replication of successful digital health strategies that improve patient safety and healthcare quality.

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