Fewer than half of all Roma children in Europe and Central Asia aged 3–6 attend preschool. In Serbia, only 6 percent of these children are enrolled in early child education programs. The World Bank Group is teaming up with the Novak Djokovic Foundation to help ensure that all children can benefit from early childhood development: http://wrld.bg/Rpypy

World Bank's photo.

Did you know that the first five years of a person's life is the most important stage for brain development? That's why we believe that investing in young children is one of the biggest wins for education and fighting poverty.

Join us online for a special event on the importance of early childhood education with tennis star Novak Djokovic. The live event will take place at 11:45 a.m. EDT: http://wrld.bg/Rlr1c.

World Bank's photo.

In Serbia, only half of all children between the ages of 3 and 5 years old are enrolled in early child education programs.

Join us online for a special event on the importance of early childhood education with tennis star Novak Djokovic. The live event will take place at 11:45 a.m. EDT: http://wrld.bg/Rlr1c. Follow the conversation on Twitter with ‪#‎ServingECD‬

World Bank's photo.

Happy ‪#‎WorldWaterWeek‬!
Can you imagine living without fresh water and hygienic latrines? VIDEO: How clean ‪#‎water‬ and better ‪#‎sanitation‬ helps build up a healthier community in rural ‪#‎Vietnam‬.

The Terena people, a Brazilian indigenous group, have become cassava champions: they now produce four times more cassava, and more importantly, they do so without harming the environment. Here's how: http://wrld.bg/RmmyS

World Bank's photo.

Solar irrigation pumps can make farmers more resilient against the erratic shifts in rainfall patterns caused by climate change or the unreliable supply and high costs of fossil fuels needed to operate water pumps: http://wrld.bg/RiWLY ‪#‎wwweek‬

World Bank's photo.

African nationals, come work with us!

Bank staff work with governments, civil society groups, the private sector, and others in developing countries around the world, assisting people in all areas of development, from policy and strategic advice to the identification, preparation, appraisal, and supervision of development projects. For further information and to apply by August 31, click here: http://wrld.bg/R6iAc

World Bank's photo.

Fantastic Negrito, born Xavier Dphrepaulezz, the eighth of 14 siblings, grew up in a strict orthodox Muslim household in rural Massachusetts, a predominantly Christian area, where he felt very much the outsider. As a teenager, his family pulled up stakes and moved to urban Oakland, Calif., infamous for bloody gang wars over drugs in the ‘80s. He absorbed that gang lifestyle, setting himself on a dangerous path.
He's since put himself on a different path, sharing his version of black roots music with the world: http://wrld.bg/R9YNa

Have you ever consider starting your own company or had a great business idea that never quite took off? The entrepreneurial spirit is becoming evident in millions of people worldwide and, in particular, among the under-30s - around one fourth of the world’s population. If you are one of them, share your ‪#‎youthbiz‬ story with us here and inspire others http://wrld.bg/RcNW6

World Bank's photo.

As population and economic growth bump up against finite—and increasingly degraded—water resources, competition between agricultural, industrial, and municipal water uses increases, putting stress on existing water sources. This stress is felt most acutely in urban areas, particularly among the urban poor: http://wrld.bg/RiV3c

World Bank's photo.

For NPR's Tiny Desk Concert winner Fantastic Negrito, black roots music is about celebrating and preserving African-American culture. “There's no way to be a black man in America and not experience racism. But blackness is something to be celebrated and that's what I do through my music." Join us as we welcome him on this episode of ‪#‎Music4Dev‬ : http://wrld.bg/R9YNa

Are you from ‪#‎Africa‬?

We are recruiting ‪#‎Africans‬ and want you to join our team. Our recruitment drive is aimed at increasing the number of Sub Saharan Africans in our work force which reflects our senior leadership commitment for a diverse workforce in which African nationals can play a key role in fighting ‪#‎poverty‬ and increase ‪#‎sharedprosperity‬. Apply by August 31. Details on how to apply: http://wrld.bg/R6hKp

World Bank's photo.

We love happy endings and this is a good one, via UNICEF

UNICEF's photo.

Together at last! Rahmatou and her two-week-old son Ousman, were reunited with the baby’s father, Mohammed, when the village of Massesebe in Sierra Leone was re...leased from Ebola quarantine. Baby Ousman was born at home one day into the quarantine period and spent the last two weeks at a UNICEF-supported interim care centre. Thanks to Unicef Sierra Leone for sharing.

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In Nairobi, ‪#‎Kenya‬ where an estimated two million people live in informal settlements, providing legal, yet affordable electricity can be a daunting challenge. But by using a community-based approach, Kenya’s national utility has tackled the issue successfully, providing safer and affordable electricity to the country’s slums: http://wrld.bg/R0z6d

World Bank's photo.

Thanks RED. Share if you believe we can have an AIDS free generation.

(RED)'s photo.

We can deliver the first AIDS FREE GENERATION in over 30 years.

SHARE if you're with us!

In the next 15 years, we will need a total of 600 millions ‪#‎jobs‬ for young people entering the workforce. Are we ready? http://wrld.bg/R03Fc

International Youth Day is a time to consider the situation of young people in labor markets. Worldwide, an unprecedented number of young people are not working and not in school or training. Many are discouraged due to lack of opportunities and no longer looking for work.

Learn about being stateless and what UNHCR is doing about it:

UNHCR's photo.

Can you imagine being stateless?

Learn about how Moldova ran one of Europe's largest campaigns to prevent and address statelessness.

We're proud to have worke...d with them to help 212,000 people like Elena, say "I belong."

Learn more: http://trib.al/n5LJYgl

Please sign our Open Letter to End Statelessness: ibelong.unhcr.org/

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“We will become dynamic, enterprising people who will decide our own lives, bursting with energy and ambition to express ourselves and carve our fruitful careers” – writes Luu Vinh Trinh – a participant in a Vietnamese essay writing competition.
600 Vietnamese spoke up about the future of the country and these are their thoughts: http://wrld.bg/R2OYP

World Bank's photo.

For NPR's Tiny Desk Concert winner Fantastic Negrito, black roots music is about celebrating and preserving African-American culture. “There's no way to be a black man in America and not experience racism. But blackness is something to be celebrated and that's what I do through my music." Join us as we welcome him on this episode of ‪#‎Music4Dev‬

For NPR's Tiny Desk Concert winner Fantastic Negrito, black roots music is about celebrating and preserving African-American culture. “There's no way to be a black man in America and not experience racism. But blackness is something to be celebrated and that's what I do through my music." Join us as we welcome him on this episode of ‪#‎Music4Dev‬

The World Bank Group’s recruitment drive aimed at increasing the number of Sub Saharan Africans in its work force reflects the Bank Group’s senior leadership commitment for a diverse workforce in which African nationals can play a key role in fighting poverty and increasing shared prosperity. Bank staff work with governments, civil society groups, the private sector, and others in developing countries around the world, assisting people in all areas of development, from policy and strategic advice to the identification, preparation, appraisal, and supervision of development projects. For further information and to apply by August 31, click here:http://wrld.bg/R6hwL

World Bank's photo.

What is the job situation where you live?

Do you think that new employment creation, involves tasks that require skills that are non-routine and that ‪#‎jobs‬ that involve routine tasks that are easy to automate are disappearing? Share in the comments! http://wrld.bg/R00Yu

Every moment- but most especially today- we should celebrate young people and the great potential they have. Happy International Youth Day! I’ve been fortunate to meet and talk to several bright young people in my work. Last May, on the sidelines of the Bologna Ministerial Conference in Armenia, I h…

Do you have migrant workers in your country? If so, what kind of jobs do they do?
For migrant workers in Anhui Province in ‪#‎China‬, the percentage of graduates entering employment within six months increased from 51% to 98.2% -- after receiving skills training from a World Bank-supported project.
Read how this makes Chinese migrant workers more competitive in the urban job market: http://wrld.bg/R2NBj
Photo: Jiang Yizhong/World Bank

World Bank's photo.

These are the faces at the frontlines in the fight against ‪#‎Ebola‬ in ‪#‎SierraLeone‬. Let's celebrate them today and all days as they risk their lives to save others. Via UN Women ‪#‎WHD2015‬ ‪#‎sharehumanity‬ ‪#‎ThanksHealthHero‬

UN Women's photo.

Last week was the first time since the Ebola outbreak that Sierra Leone reported zero new cases of the virus, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). ...Earlier this year, we launched a nationwide campaign to encourage and empower women who are at the front lines of disease prevention. Learn more about the "Getting Ebola to Zero and Staying Zero" campaign: http://ow.ly/R3tgJ ‪#‎WHD2015‬ ‪#‎sharehumanity‬ ‪#‎ThanksHealthHero‬

Photo: UN Women/Emma Vincent

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What affects food prices?

Main maize surplus areas in ‪#‎Tanzania‬ have poor transport infrastructure and less than 10% of households in the country's don't have access to irrigation. Read how this affect ‪#‎food‬ prices: http://wrld.bg/R00EL

The question has been asked often in the context of the post-2005 commodity price boom. In a recently published working paper, What drives local food prices? Evidence from the Tanzanian maize market, we examine the factors driving movements of prices in 18 major regional maize markets in Tanzania.

Today, is World Humanitarian Day. Share this for a humanitarian worker you may or may not know. ‪#‎ShareHumanity‬ via United Nations

United Nations's photo.

12 years ago on Wednesday, a terrorist attack on the UN office in Baghdad claimed the lives of 22 people.

World Humanitarian Day is now observed each year to h...onour the efforts of humanitarian aid workers who strive to build a life of dignity for all – and to remember those who have sacrificed their lives while helping to save others.

We pay tribute to our fallen colleagues today and always.

Raise your voice to ‪#‎ShareHumanity‬ at: www.worldhumanitarianday.org

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