
Research is needed in two key areas: how the digital healthcare ecosystem can improve patient safety and how components of it can be safely used and implemented. AHRQ-funded research provides critical evidence in both areas, and the Program recently renewed a special emphasis notice reaffirming the intent to support research regarding the safety of the digital healthcare ecosystem.

Related Funded Projects

Displaying 1 - 10 of 278
Project Name Contract/Grant Number Principal Investigator Start Date End Date
A Demonstration Project: Assessing the Significance and Impact of Utilizing a Novel Telemedicine Application in the Delivery of Community-Based Palliative Care in a Rural Seriously Ill Population R21 HS026565 Bull, Janet H. September 30, 2019 September 29, 2021
Enabling Shared Decision Making to Reduce Harm from Drug Interactions: An End-to-End Demonstration U18 HS027099 Malone, Daniel C. September 30, 2019 September 29, 2021
Understanding CancelRX: Impact on Clinical Workflows, Medication Safety Risks, and Patient Outcomes R21 HS026584 Pitts, Samantha September 15, 2019 August 31, 2021
Assessing the Relationship Between Care Processes and Clinical Decision Support for Order Entry R03 HS026266 Zhang, Jiajie September 1, 2019 August 31, 2021
Scaling E.Q.U.I.P.P.E.D. Clinical Decision Support R18 HS026877 Vandenberg, Ann E. August 1, 2019 July 31, 2021
Dissemination and Implementation of QT Risk Clinical Decision Support R18 HS026662 Malone, Daniel C. April 1, 2019 March 31, 2021
Health Information Exchange Utilization and Inter-Hospital Transfer Outcomes R01 HS026732 Usher, Michael G. April 1, 2019 January 31, 2023
CancelRx: A Health IT Tool to Decrease Medication Discrepancies in the Outpatient Setting R21 HS025793 Chui, Michelle Anne August 1, 2018 July 31, 2020
Optimizing Acute Post-Operative Dental Pain Management Using New Health Information Technology U18 HS026135 Kalenderian, Elsbeth August 1, 2018 June 30, 2021
Improving Patient Safety and Clinician Cognitive Support Through eMAR Redesign R01 HS025136 Ratwani, Raj M. July 1, 2018 April 30, 2023

Related Publications

Displaying 1 - 10 of 827
Publication Name Publication Year Project Name Contract/Grant Number Principal Investigator
A factored generalized additive model for clinical decision support in the operating room. 2020 Anesthesiology Control Tower: Feedback Alerts to Supplement Treatment (ACTFAST) R21 HS024581 Avidan, Michael
A health system's pilot experience with using mobile Social Knowledge Networking (SKN) technology to enable meaningful use of EHR medication reconciliation technology. 2020 Using Social Knowledge Networking (SKN) Technology To Enable Meaningful Use of EHR Technology R21 HS024335 Rangachari, Pavani
Anesthesiology Control Tower: Feedback Alerts to Supplement Treatment (ACTFAST) - Final Report 2020 Anesthesiology Control Tower: Feedback Alerts to Supplement Treatment (ACTFAST) R21 HS024581 Avidan, Michael
Association of display of patient photographs in the electronic health record with wrong-patient order entry errors. 2020 Providing Evidence and Developing a Toolkit to Accelerate the Adoption of Patient Photographs in Electronic Health Records R01 HS024713 Adelman, Jason Stuart
CancelRx: A Health IT Tool to Decrease Medication Discrepancies in the Outpatient Setting - Final Report 2020 CancelRx: A Health IT Tool to Decrease Medication Discrepancies in the Outpatient Setting R21 HS025793 Chui, Michelle Anne
Evidence of clinically meaningful drug-drug interaction with concomitant use of colchicine and clarithromycin. 2020 Meaningful Drug Interaction Alerts R01 HS025984 Malone, Daniel C.
Improving notifiable disease case reporting through electronic information exchange-facilitated decision support: A controlled before-and-after trial. 2020 Improving Population Health Through Enhanced Targeted Regional Decision Support R01 HS020909 Dixon, Brian
Legal aspects of information sharing and communication by poison centers in the United States. 2020 Electronic Exchange of Poisoning Information R01 HS021472 Cummins, Mollie Rebecca
Patients as Safeguards: Understanding the Information Needs of Hospitalized Patients - Final Report 2020 Patients as Safeguards: Understanding the Information Needs of Hospitalized Patients R01 HS022894 Pratt, Wanda
The complementary nature of query-based and directed health information exchange in primary care practice. 2020 Use of Push and Pull Health Information Exchange Technologies by Ambulatory Care Practices and the Impact on Potentially Avoidable Health Care Utilization R01 HS024556 Vest, Joshua Ryan