Decision support tools

Preview image of CCAST 1pg_April2020.pdf
February 20, 2018

Collaborative Conservation and Adaptation Strategy Toolbox (CCAST)

An Online Library of Conservation Case Studies

August 10, 2017

This resource provides easy access to information about strategies for adaptive management and monitoring of desert amphibians.  It is built from work completed by Dr.

Preview image of UrbanMonarch_tool_manual.pdf
May 1, 2017

These tools include maps that estimate the amount of milkweed present in metropolitan areas (baseline milkweed density)  and  maps that estimate the potential increase in the number of milkweed stems under different conditions (scenario planning).

Preview image of ClimateDecisionFramework_FINAL_corrected.pdf
February 13, 2017

This report presents a decision support framework aimed at helping managers of freshwater ecosystems in the northern Rockies think critically about how to apply climate information to their management decisions.

Invasive Species Reporter interface preview
February 2, 2017
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game and the Department of Natural Resources developed this Invasive Species Reporter that allows users to send a report with the geographic location of an invasive species from their mobile device while in the field (assuming they have internet service) or when the
Preview image of HO5_AppLCC Funded Research and Science Products.pdf
January 4, 2017

This document provides a synthesis of all Appalachian LCC funded research project deliverables such as decision support tools, data layers, final reports, and other vital information that will help plan and manage for the conservation of aquatic and terrestrial systems throughout the region.

Image of Prioritization Tool Interface
December 12, 2016

The Coastal Wetland Prioritization Tool provides information on the ecological condition, water quality, surrounding human pressures and conservation status of coastal wetlands.

Decision Support Tool Interface
December 12, 2016

The Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Restoration Assessments help coastal wetland managers consider the broader context of their local conservation opportunities by identifying specific areas with high potential for restoration, comparing results with basemaps and oblique aerial photography and...

Fish Habitat Map
December 7, 2016

The National Fish Habitat Partnership has released their latest This Assessment Report, released by the National Fish Habitat Partnership, summarizes all the human impacts on fish habitats in the rivers and estuaries of the United States.

Great Lakes Inform - Information Management and Delivery System
October 28, 2016

Great Lakes Inform is a free, online platform designed to increase the efficiency of regional conservation and resource management in the Great Lakes. Great Lakes Inform is a “first-stop” shop to find, share, and access information that helps you address key Great Lakes issues.

Landscape Climate Dashboard
October 18, 2016

The Landscape Climate Dashboard is a new visualization tool that helps you to explore future climate projections and soil site sensitivity for federally and tribally protected lands across the California, Pacific Northwest, Great Basin...

SECAP Dam Prioritization Tool Preview Screen
August 15, 2016

This map and prioritization tool are designed to be screening-level tools that can be used to help investigate potential fish passage/aquatic organism passage opportunities in the Southeast U.S. in the context of of many ecological factors.

Preview image of considering-climate-change.pdf
August 4, 2016

Climate change is altering coastal environments and how conservation is approached.

Conservation Planning Atlas Home Page
August 1, 2016

This atlas is a data discovery, visualization, and analytical platform for stakeholders throughout the Caribbean. With the atlas you can search for spatial datasets, visualize supported projects, and learn more about landscape scale conservation science and design in the region.

National Phenology Network Gridded Climate Data Visualization
June 27, 2016

The USA National Phenology Network promotes a broad understanding of plant and animal phenology and its relationship with environmental change.  The Network is a consortium of individuals and organizations that collect, share, and use phenology data, models, and related information.

Appalachian LCC Conservation Design Framework Website Home Page Preview
June 24, 2016

Researchers at Clemson University identified five conservation design elements covering many critical ecological processes and patterns across the Appalachian LCC geography. These elements include large interconnected regions as well as broad landscapes that connect them.

Ecosystem Benefits and Risks Website Home Page Preview
June 24, 2016

The Appalachian LCC has collaborated with the US Forest Service to provide information and tools that fully integrate society’s value of ecosystems with future threats to better inform natural resource planning and management.

Preview image of pp1826.pdf
June 2, 2016

This report details analysis conducted by scientists from the University of Alaska Fairbanks, U.S. Geological Survey and the U.S. Forest Service.

May 26, 2016

Users of the conservation planning tool are able to access information about status, threats, and conservation opportunities based on their priorities, indicating where management is best located to benefit their species of interest, and additionally, they are able to compare the best management...

Preview image of ghi_conservation_blueprint_report.pdf
May 26, 2016

This geospatial tool contains a wealth of geospatial products, including water quality layers, agricultural system layers, geophysical layers, fish and wildlife focal areas, and many others. All told, over 100 different geospatial layers are organized within the...

Preview image of PFLCCCPAMay16v2small.pdf
May 16, 2016

The Peninsular Florida LCC Conservation Planning Atlas is a data discovery, visualization, and analytical platform for stakeholders throughout the Peninsular Florida area.

Gulf Coast Prairie Conservation Planning Atlas
March 18, 2016

The Gulf Coast Prairie LCC Conservation Planning Atlas is a platform that allows users to discover, access and integrate existing spatial data layers and maps for use in analysis and conservation planning.

image of tool shed interface
February 14, 2016

Last year, the USDA Regional Climate Hubs released their first Hub-wide product, the Climate Hubs Tool Shed. The Tool Shed is an online, searchable database of tools to assist in adapting working lands to the impacts of climate change.

Southeast Aquatic Connectivity Assessment Project
January 29, 2016

Southeast Aquatic Connectivity Assessment Project (SEACAP) map and prioritization tool are designed to be screening-level tools that can be used to help investigate potential fish passage / aquatic organism passage opportunities in the Southeast United States in the context of many ecological...

 Chesapeake Fish Passage Prioritization Tool
January 29, 2016

The Chesapeake Fish Passage Prioritization project was designed to help managers identify potential fish passage projects that are most likely to produce ecological benefits. Results include three consensus-based scenarios that depict dams in the 64,000 square mile Chesapeake Bay watershed where...

Sea Lamprey Control Map
January 29, 2016

The network of sea lamprey barriers consists of purpose-built barriers as well as numerous dams constructed for other purposes that also serve to block upstream migration of adult sea lampreys.

January 20, 2016

Fishworks is a web-based GIS platform that allows users to access sophisticated optimization tools that identify barriers which, if removed, would maximize habitat improvements for migratory fish in the Great Lakes Basin.

Screen shot of LC Map
November 20, 2015

This is the primary access to the LC MAP Data Catalog tool, powered by ScienceBase. LC MAP was originally developed by the U.S.

Preview image of cir1416.pdf
October 26, 2015

The Restoration Handbook for Sagebrush Steppe Ecosystems aids wildlife and habitat managers in developing strategies to prioritize where and how to invest in sagebrush steppe ecosystem restoration efforts.

Future San Francisco Bay Tidal Marshes screen shot
October 14, 2015
  • The models generating these maps are the first to take into account the ability of marshes to accrete, or keep up with, rising sea levels, in the San Francisco Bay Estuary.
Energy forecast map
October 9, 2015

The Nature Conservancy - with support from the Appalachian LCC - completed a study to assist policy makers, land management agencies, and industry in assessing potential future energy development and how that may overlap with biological and ecological values. screen shot
October 6, 2015

The Adaptation Workbook is a structured process to consider the potential effects of climate change on forest ecosystems and design forest management and conservation actions that can help prepare for changing conditions.

The Riparian Prioritization for Climate Change Resilience screen shot
October 6, 2015

The RPCCR tool enables users to dynamically locate areas (within the selected region) in the riparian zone that would benefit most from increased shading produced by planting of trees.

Southern Rockies LCC Conservation Planning Atlas
October 5, 2015

The Southern Rockies LCC Conservation Planning Atlas (CPA) provides a platform to access and integrate geospatial data sets, maps, and information for use in analysis and conservation planning.

Screen shot of
October 1, 2015

The Climate Commons offers a starting point for discovery of climate change data and related resources, information about the science that produced it, and guidance for applying climate change science to conservation in California.

Conservation Planning Atlas
September 29, 2015

The Conservation Planning Atlas is a platform for data discovery, sharing and collaboration for partners working on Landscape Conservation Design.

Preview image of Blueprint_Factsheet.pdf
September 29, 2015

Blueprint 2.0 is a living map showing the best places for shared conservation action in the face of climate change, urban growth, and sea-level rise. The data-driven online tool includes all the terrestrial, freshwater, and marine ecosystems of the South Atlantic.

Image of Climate Ready Great Lakes screen image
June 14, 2015

NOAA’s Climate Ready Great Lakes posted three training modules online designed to help create a Great Lakes region that is “climate ready.” These modules provide stakeholders and decision makers with clear information about the Great Lakes climate, as well as strategies on adaptation.

Conservation Design Geonode screen shot
August 6, 2014

The Appalachian LCC and the Eastern Brooktrout Joint Venture Partnership's open-source mapping platform "Conservation Design" is designed to support the conservation community and their diverse needs to view, create, and analyze spatial data and maps.

Water Harvesting Assessment Toolbox
July 14, 2014

The Water Harvesting Assessment Toolbox  is a prototype decision aid designed to help communities in the Southwest US understand the role water harvesting can play in meeting water resource challenges while providing multiple additional benefits.

January 8, 2014

The Nature Conservancy, in partnership with the Upper Midwest and Great Lakes LCC, launched the Great Lakes Migratory Bird Stopover Portal in 2014, an online database available to natural resources managers across the Great Lakes that...

Deep roots of native prairie plants in agricultural buffer strips can improve water quality. Credit: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
August 1, 2013

Shifting temperature and precipitation trends coupled with changing agricultural practices have the potential to influence water quality across broad geographies, from America’s cornbelt to the farming communities of the Great Lakes. Researchers with U.S. Geological Survey, a strong partner in...

December 5, 2012

In 2012, LCC partner WWF Northern Great Plains Program unveiled a new Northern Plains Conservation Network interactive web map for the ecoregion, which reflects a regional assessment of conservation...

November 28, 2012

Climate scientists often develop models to predict how climate may change in an effort to inform other models that predict how these changes may impact conservation targets.