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Computing, Environment and Life Sciences

The CELS directorate integrates Argonne’s research in the life sciences with the environmental sciences and the computing sciences and has established a leadership computing facility essential for advanced simulation.

The mission of Argonne’s Computing, Environment, and Life Sciences (CELS) directorate is to enable groundbreaking scientific and technical accomplishments in areas of critical importance to the 21st century.


Computing, Environment and Life Sciences General Inquiries


U.S. Department of Energy’s Exascale Computing Project (ECP)

Argonne National Laboratory is contributing to all facets and focus areas: Application Development, Project Management, Software Technology, Exascale Systems, and Hardware Technology


Life Sciences: Technologies Available for Licensing

Argonne grants licenses for lab-developed intellectual property to existing and start-up companies that are technically and financially capable of turning early-stage technology into commercial products.

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Licensable Software

Argonne has created a wealth of powerful software and models with broad-ranging applications, such as simulation and modeling, computation, Internet usage, and more

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With an unwavering focus on our mission, our researchers take an interdisciplinary approach to research, advancing their fields of study and generating new knowledge for the benefit of future generations.