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Coronavirus Guidance

OPM maintains the website to provide easy access to information about telework in the Federal Government. For resources and information related to telework explore the site using the navigations above. Click here for guidance on HR flexibilities and authorities related to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).

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News & Announcements

Apr 16

2019 Status of Telework in the Federal Government Report Released

OPM is pleased to present the 2019 Status of Telework in the Federal Government Report. This report provides an overview of Federal telework programs and shows the continued progress of telework in the Federal Government.

Sep 12

Overseas Telework Guidance

OPM is pleased to share The Department of State’s Authority Regarding Domestic Employees Teleworking Overseas. The guidance on Overseas Telework addresses a long-standing need for information and policy guidance specific to overseas work arrangements. This information will help Federal agencies and employees understand the unique statutory requirements of this type of remote work arrangement.

More Announcements

Computer screen showing training modules

Online Training

Through web-based training, OPM covers the essentials of telework to ensure that all Federal employees have access to the training they need to be motivated and effective teleworkers. Telework Fundamentals for Employees and Telework Fundamentals for Managers are now available on

Find Agency Coordinators

Whether you want to telework, are currently teleworking, or are managing teleworkers—if you have questions about telework, your best resource is your agency Telework Coordinators and Telework Managing Officer.

Illustration of a magnifying glass, representing finding agency contacts

If I am a new Federal employee, can I start teleworking immediately?