Note:  While we are transitioning our web pages, products marked with an (*) link to product pages on the old system. Products on those pages are up-to-date, but links on those pages may go to old information or may be broken. Thank you for your patience!

Overview of GFS LAMP 

The Localized Aviation MOS Program (LAMP) system provides aviation forecast guidance. LAMP is designed to frequently update the central Model Output Statistics (MOS) product suite primarily by incorporating the most recent observational data. The guidance is available at over 2000 stations in the CONUS, Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. The guidance is also available for select weather elements in gridded format covering the NDFD CONUS grid. The products are updated hourly and valid over a 25-hour period.

MDL is responsible for developing the LAMP system and supporting the operational implementation of the system on the NOAA/NWS/NCEP Weather and Climate Operational Supercomputer Systems (WCOSS). LAMP is run in the NWS operational jobstream on WCOSS, and the official products are the text bulletins, BUFR messages, and GRIB2 gridded data. MDL produces the graphical images for display on the MDL web pages see here. LAMP is supported 24x7 in NWS operations, while the graphical products are considered quasi-operational and therefore are not supported operationally.

For more information about GFS LAMP, please see our About page.

GFS LAMP Products

Experimental Products

MDL is proposing to implement Localized Aviation MOS Program (LAMP) and Gridded LAMP (GLMP) Version 2.3 in January 2021. The changes associated with this upgrade are summarized here:

  • Addition of GLMP ceiling height and visibility guidance for Alaska on the NBM domain out to 38 hours.

  • Addition of GLMP 1-h convection and 1-h lightning probability and potential guidance for Alaska on the NBM domain out to 38 hours.

  • Addition of LAMP 1-h probability of precipitation guidance for the CONUS out to 38 hours.  This new guidance will be added to the LAV text bulletins and meteograms for CONUS stations.

  • Expansion of CONUS GLMP sky cover guidance to the NBM CONUS domain and extension of forecast projections to 38 hours.  

  • Refresh of CONUS conditional ceiling height and conditional visibility guidance at stations to incorporate the HRRR and extension to 38 hours.  This updated guidance at stations and new guidance for 26-38 hours will be added to the LAMP text bulletins (1-25 hours and 1-38 hours).

  • Addition of ceiling height, visibility, 1-h convection, and 1-h lightning guidance for 76 remote stations in Alaska.  A separate LAMP text bulletin will be made available on NCEP web services for these 76 remote Alaska stations.  Additional elements will be added to these bulletins in the next LMP implementation.


Portions of this research are in response to requirements and funding by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official policy or position of the FAA. Portions of the work are based upon work supported by the JTTI Program within NOAA/OAR Weather Program Office. 


This guidance is to be used for feedback only and not for flight planning purposes. 


For more information, please see our Public Information Statement requesting comments through September 23, 2020.