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CRCHD Diversity Training

The Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities (CRCHD) Diversity Training Branch (DTB) leads NCI's efforts to fund training for students and investigators from diverse populations to become the next generation of competitive researchers in cancer and cancer health disparities research.

Diversity Training Programs

CRCHD is committed to funding cancer research training for those from backgrounds underrepresented in cancer biomedical and behavioral sciences. Based on the belief that a diverse workforce is essential for advancing cancer knowledge and particularly cancer disparities knowledge, CRCHD developed two innovative and comprehensive diversity training programs:

  • Continuing Umbrella of Research Experiences (CURE)

    CURE offers training opportunities for qualified underrepresented individuals across the academic continuum starting with high school students and continuing through independent cancer researchers. CURE also offers full funding to protect research time, incorporates mentoring relationships with advanced researchers, and includes valuable networking opportunities.

  • Intramural Continuing Umbrella of Research Experiences (iCURE)

    iCURE will bring undergraduate students, post-baccalaureate and post-masters individuals, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows into the NCI research community and support mentored research experiences. iCURE particularly encourages the participation of individuals from underrepresented populations, and aims to further NCI’s interest in diversity. 

  • Partnerships to Advance Cancer Health Equality (PACHE)

    PACHE helps expand high-level training opportunities available to CURE trainees by fostering partnerships between NCI-designated Cancer Centers and academic institutions serving underserved health disparity populations and underrepresented students. PACHE training awards for CURE trainees are available through the PACHE institutions.

CRCHD Training Eligibility

Eligibility requirements vary from mechanism to mechanism.

Some basic eligibility requirements include:

  • Individuals from racial and ethnic groups are underrepresented in cancer-related biomedical, behavioral, clinical, or social science research.

    Individuals from racial and ethnic groups can be identified as “underrepresented” by the institution they are attending. To be eligible for CRCHD-sponsored training opportunities, students must also meet the eligibility requirements for the training programs to which they are applying.

  • Individuals with disabilities, who are defined as those with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.
  • Individuals who are first generation college graduates, regardless of race or ethnicity. Eligibility under this category is limited to students.
  • Individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds, who are defined as:
    • Individuals who come from a family with an annual income below established low-income thresholds. These thresholds are based on family size; published by the U.S. Bureau of the Census; adjusted annually for changes in the Consumer Price Index; and adjusted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services for use in all health professions programs. The Secretary periodically publishes these income levels.
    • For individuals from low-income backgrounds, the institution must be able to demonstrate that such candidates have qualified for Federal disadvantaged assistance or they have received either of the following student loans: Health Professions Student Loans (HPSL); Loans for Disadvantaged Student Program; or they have received scholarships from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services under the Scholarship for Individuals with Exceptional Financial Need.
    • Individuals who come from a social, cultural, and/or educational environment, such as certain rural or inner-city environments, that have demonstrably and recently directly inhibited the individual from obtaining the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to develop and participate in a research career.
  • Only U.S. citizens, non-citizen nationals, or an individual lawfully admitted for permanent residence who possesses an Alien Registration Receipt Card (I-151 or I-551), or some other verification of legal admission as a permanent resident prior to the time of award, are eligible for this award. Individuals on temporary or student visas are not eligible.
  • Individuals must meet the specific requirements of the opportunity to which they are applying.

Additional Information

The CURE Infographic

Discover more about the details of who is eligible for the CURE program and the amazing benefits it provides. Download the PDF. 

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