Library of Congress

Program for Cooperative Cataloging

The Library of Congress > Cataloging, Acquisitions > PCC > Discussion Lists

The PCC Secretariat maintains the following e-mail discussion lists to communicate with PCC participants, distribute policy announcements, provide operational information, announce the availability of reports, training materials, and meeting agendas, and much more. Find out who is eligible to join each list and see instructions for joining below.

PCC Discussion List

[email protected] is an unmoderated e-mail discussion list intended primarily for participants in the NACO program and for participants in the PCC program in general. The list is operated by the Library of Congress and has the following purposes:

  • To disseminate announcements relating to the NACO program and to the PCC program in general.
  • To allow PCC participants to share information, discuss general cooperative cataloging issues, and pose questions to each other about NACO policies and practices. Questions posted may be answered by any list member and not necessarily by Library of Congress staff.

Who may subscribe:

  • NACO funnel coordinators and NACO institutional liaisons must be subscribed.
  • Other PCC participants are welcome to subscribe.
  • PCC participants moving to non-PCC libraries may retain their subscription privileges.
  • Subscription is open to non-PCC members identified as valued participants in projects or issues of interest to the PCC. PCC members wishing to "sponsor" a non-PCC member for subscription to the discussion list should make this known by sending an email to the PCC Secretariat at [email protected]

How to subscribe:

List archives:

BIBCO Discussion List

[email protected] is an unmoderated e-mail discussion list intended primarily for participants in the BIBCO program. The list is operated by the Library of Congress and has the following purposes:

  • To disseminate announcements relating to the BIBCO program.
  • To allow program members to share information and pose questions to each other about BIBCO policies and practices. Questions posted may be answered by any list member and not necessarily by Library of Congress staff.

Who may subscribe:

  • BIBCO funnel coordinators and BIBCO institutional liaisons must be subscribed.
  • Other BIBCO participants are welcome to subscribe.
  • BIBCO participants moving to non-BIBCO libraries may retain their subscription privileges.
  • Subscription is open to non-BIBCO members identified as valued participants in projects or issues of interest to the BIBCO program. BIBCO members wishing to "sponsor" a non-BIBCO member for subscription to the discussion list should make this known by sending an email to the PCC Secretariat at [email protected]

How to subscribe:

List archives:

CONSER Discussion List

[email protected] is an unmoderated e-mail discussion list intended primarily for participants in the CONSER program. The list is operated by the Library of Congress and has the following purposes:

  • To disseminate announcements relating to the CONSER program.
  • To allow program members to share information and pose questions to each other about CONSER policies and practices. Questions posted may be answered by any list member and not necessarily by Library of Congress staff.

Who may subscribe:

  • CONSER funnel coordinators and CONSER institutional liaisons must be subscribed.
  • Other CONSER participants are welcome to subscribe.
  • CONSER participants moving to non-CONSER libraries may retain their subscription privileges.
  • Subscription is open to non-CONSER members identified as valued participants in projects or issues of interest to the CONSER program. CONSER members wishing to "sponsor" a non-CONSER member for subscription to the discussion list should make this known by sending an email to the CONSER Coordinator at [email protected]

How to subscribe:

List archives:

SACO Discussion List

[email protected] is an unmoderated e-mail discussion list intended primarily for participants in the SACO program. The list is operated by the Library of Congress and has the following purposes:

  • To disseminate announcements relating to the SACO program (including summaries of decisions from monthly LC Subject Editorial Meetings, enabling SACO contributors to keep abreast of changes and know whether their SACO proposals have been approved).
  • To foster discussion on the construction, use, and application of LC Subject Headings (LCSH), Classification (LCC), Genre/Form Terms (LCGFT), Demographic Group Terms (LCDGT), and Medium of Performance Terms (LCMPT)
  • To allow program members to share information and pose questions to each other about SACO policies and practices. Questions posted may be answered by any list member and not necessarily by Library of Congress staff.

Who may subscribe:

  • SACO funnel coordinators and SACO institutional liaisons must be subscribed.
  • Other SACO participants are welcome to subscribe.
  • SACO participants moving to non-SACO libraries may retain their subscription privileges.
  • Subscription is open to non-SACO members identified as valued participants in projects or issues of interest to the SACO program. SACO members wishing to "sponsor" a non-SACO member for subscription to the discussion list should make this known by sending an email to the PCC Secretariat at [email protected]

How to subscribe:

List archives: