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NNLM Offices

The NNLM DOCLINE Coordination Office (NDCO) ensures that affiliated and unaffiliated health professionals, researchers, librarians, and the public have equal access to biomedical and health information and provide assistance to DOCLINE participants with their day-to-day use of the DOCLINE system.

The NNLM Evaluation Office (NEO) supports the evaluation and assessment needs of the National Network Steering Committee (NNSC) by providing consultation and resource services to assist NNLM members in planning and measuring the process and impact of all their activities, services, and resources. This includes assessing outcomes and gaining a better understanding of the relationships between improved access to health information and changes in behavior. Evaluating NNLM activities ensures that they are designed and implemented in an effective and efficient manner. Evaluation and consultation results should contribute to the growing knowledge base of health information usage and accessibility.

The National Network Coordinating Office oversees the Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM). The role of the NNCO is to coordinate the Network’s programs through the RMLs and National Offices, and chair the National Network Steering Committee (NNSC).

The NNLM Public Health Coordination Office (NPHCO) manages, improves, and expands the Public Health Digital Library (PHDL) to achieve a cost-effective, sustainable model of providing access to information services for public health workers. 

The NNLM Training Office (NTO) plans, creates, shares, delivers, and coordinates an instructional program and educational materials based on key NLM products and services for a variety of audiences throughout the NNLM.

The NNLM Web Services Office (NWSO) develops and maintains reliable Web services for NNLM public and internal needs, while ensuring that services are compliant with the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Information Policies.