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FOA for 2021-2026

Funding Opportunity Announcement for NNLM 2021-2026 Cooperative Agreements

The Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM) is supported by a cooperative agreement (UG4) that operates on a five-year cycle. 

On June 2, 2020, NLM published a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) inviting cooperative agreement (UG4) applications for Regional Medical Libraries (RMLs) as the central component of the renamed Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM).  The FOA also solicits proposals for RMLs to host one or more of the NNLM Offices, which are functional units that serve the entire NNLM program. The application deadline was September 11, 2020 and is now closed.

More Information:

Request for Information (RFI): Evolving the Network of the National Library of Medicine (UG4)

In October 2019, a Request for Information (RFI) was posted seeking input and feedback from the public on ways to ensure that the NNLM can continue to advance the progress of medicine and improve public health by providing U.S. health professionals with equal access to biomedical information and improving individuals' access to information to enable them to make informed decisions about their health. The RFI due date was December 02, 2019.