Diplomat in Residence – South
(Northern AL, Northern GA, TN)
Allen DuBose, DIR South

Region: South


Tours: Hermosillo, Mexico (consular); Guayaquil, Ecuador (general services officer); OBO WHA (area manager); NEA/SCA (assignments officer); Dubai, United Arab Emirates (management officer); EUR-IO/EX (post management officer)

Career Track: Management

Years of Service: 15

Prior Experience: I spent more than 15 years working in operations and finance before joining the Foreign Service. Besides being the Finance Director at Everglades Direct Inc., a business consultant, and entrepreneur, I rose to the level of Director of Global Gateway Management for North America at satellite communications company, Iridium, LLC. It was there that I was responsible for the establishment of the service provider networks in Canada, the U.S., and Mexico. This is also where my interest in working internationally was sparked.

Languages: Spanish

Education: BA in economics from The College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, VA. M.B.A. in finance from Atlanta University in Atlanta, GA

Interesting Experience: It’s said that Consular and Management Officers have the best stories, and having served tours in both of those sections I’d have to agree. One interesting consular experience I had was when I was holding a visa interview with a Mexican magazine cover model only to notice that several of my colleagues were curiously hovering behind me. An interesting experience while serving in a management role was when I was inspecting a house in Nassau that I thought was messy and then realized had been looted.

Last Post: Dubai, UAE

Why I Chose the Foreign Service: I joined the Foreign Service as a Management Generalist, already with extensive experience in private industry. It didn’t take long for me to see how rewarding it is to apply previously gained business skills in complex international environments. Serving in the U.S. Foreign Service has given me the opportunity to receive career-long training, develop my skills, and offer my family an international lifestyle. A career as a Foreign Service Officer requires embracing change and welcoming challenges that are rare in private industry, so why not have some fun globetrotting at the same time?