Neutrons Sciences Directorate at ORNL

MR—Instrument Team

MR instrument team


MR Team (left to right):

Lead Instrument Scientist: Dr. Valeria Lauter

Valeria Lauter

Beam line 4A's lead instrument scientist is Valeria Lauter. Valeria received her PhD in Experimental and Theoretical Solid State Physics from the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, Russia. Her previous work has been as a Research Scientist at the Technical University of Munich, Germany; Research Scientist at the University of Konstanz, Germany; Visiting Scientist at the Institute Laue-Langevin in Grenoble, France; Research Scientist at the Laboratoire de Magnetisme CNRS in Grenoble, France; and Staff Scientist at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, Russia.

During her many years of experience in neutron scattering Valeria focused on reflectometry, off-specular scattering, and grazing incidence small angle scattering (GISANS) with polarized and unpolarized neutrons. Her professional experience in these fields covers both instrumentation and the physics of low-dimensional systems. The field of Valeria's scientific research includes magnetic and non-magnetic nano-scale materials, magnetic anisotropy, interlayer coupling, GISANS, interfacial structure, formation of domains, magnetisation reversal, determination of layer-by-layer magnetisation distribution, domain structure, self-organised organic structures with incorporated magnetic nanoparticles, high temperature superconducting films, smart films.

In instrumentation Valeria's professional skills are related to the development, construction, commissioning and performing experiments on time-of-flight and monochromatic reflectometers.

Instrument Scientist: Dr. Artur Glavic


Artur Glavic joined SNS in November 2012 as a second instrument scientist at the Magnetism Reflectometer after he received his PhD in experimental solid state physics at the research centre in Jülich in association with the RWTH Aachen University, Germany. At the Jülich Centre for Neutron Science, he investigated complex oxide thin films and heterostructures for their magnetic properties using small- and wide-angle polarized neutron scattering, as well as laboratory and resonant magnetic x-ray techniques (XRD, XRR, XMCD, and XRMS). In conjunction with this work he focused on software development for experimental data treatment, as well as modeling of reflectivity and grazing incidence scattering data. From his experience during pre- and post-graduate studies, Artur’s experimental skills include epitaxial thin film preparation (PLD, MBE, and sputtering), construction, and operation of vacuum and scattering instrumentation, as well as instrument software development.

Scientific Associate: Dr. Haile Ambaye


One of beam Line 4A's scientific associates is Haile Ambaye. Haile received a B.S. and M.S. in Physics from Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia. His masters research was done at the Forschungszentrum Juelich, Germany under a scholarship granted by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Haile earned his PhD in Physics from Clemson University before joining the SNS magnetism reflectometer group in 2006. Previous areas of research include understanding and developing theoretical models for molecular scattering from metal surfaces (rotational and vibrational energy exchange channels), transport processes in disordered media and bio-medical optics (laser detection of anomalous tissue growth).

Scientific Associate: Rick Goyette


Beam Line 4A's second scientific associate is Rick Goyette, who has over twenty years' experience supporting reflectometers and their users. Rick has a B.S. and an M.S. in Physics from the University of Rhode Island, and is a Red Hat Certified Engineer.  Prior to coming to SNS Rick spent sixteen years at the Intense Pulsed Neutron Source where he supported both the polarized and un-polarized reflectometers as well as the single crystal diffractometer and two computer networks.