Federal Crowdsource Mobile Testing Program

Compatibility testing service that agencies can use to test the mobile-friendliness of their websites.

Does your mobile site function properly on all devices your users have? Are you able to test your mobile site on all devices that access it? Do you have the time and money to maintain a mobile test lab?

We’re guessing not.

Our CrowdSource Mobile Testing program is a FREE service provided for federal agencies by federal employees. We do compatibility testing (determining how mobile websites display on the multiple makes and models of devices, operating systems, and mobile browsers), for mobile websites that agencies think are mobile-friendly.

Here’s How It Works

You tell us your top tasks for your mobile website –

We help you create a script for our testers!

We recruit an army of Testers (all federal employees) to evaluate your application on a wide variety of mobile devices and provide you with a results report you can immediately use to enhance your application.

It works, take our customers’ word for it!

American Battle Monuments Commission on testing Normandy App: Your feedback and input was critical to our testing process. In fact, you’ll notice a big difference on the home screen that stemmed directly from your comments. Instead of the scrolling left to right navigation from the home screen, we redesigned the home screen so the five main subpages are all right there. TSA on testing TSA.gov responsive site: The entire process of the Federal Mobile Crowdsource Testing Program and test cycle was helpful and extremely valuable. The testers explaining the exact issues and the steps they took to get to that specific problem will help us redesign and update the site to best disseminate pertinent security information the traveling public.

Whether you have a site ready for testing or want to join our cadre of volunteer mobile testers, send us an email and indicate in the message whether you have a site you’re interested in having tested, or if you want to become a tester.

But Wait! Do You Test Native Apps?!?!

Our program has tested a native app or two, but there have been some challenges to doing so. If your app is already in the app stores, then we won’t have a problem. Just send us an email and let us know how we might be able to help.

Want to learn more about what we’ve learned in the Crowdsource Mobile Testing program? Check out our lessons learned blog posts!