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NOAA Merged Land Ocean Global Surface Temperature Analysis (NOAAGlobalTemp)

The NOAA Merged Land Ocean Global Surface Temperature Analysis Dataset
(NOAAGlobalTemp) is a merged land–ocean surface temperature analysis (formerly known as MLOST). It is a spatially gridded (5° × 5°) global surface temperature dataset, with monthly resolution from January 1880 to present. We combine a global sea surface (water) temperature (SST) dataset with a global land surface air temperature dataset into this merged dataset of both the Earth’s land and ocean surface temperatures. The SST dataset is the Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperature (ERSST) . The land surface air temperature dataset is similar to ERSST but uses data from the Global Historical Climatology Network Monthly (GHCN-Monthly) database. We provide the NOAAGlobalTemp dataset as temperature anomalies, relative to a 1971–2000 monthly climatology, following the World Meteorological rganization convention.

NOAAGlobalTemp v5:  

Access to NOAAGlobalTemp v5

The newest version of NOAAGlobalTemp is version v5. Major improvements in v5 include: 1) The SST dataset (the Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperature, ERSST) has been upgraded to version 5.0; and 2) The land surface air temperature dataset (the Global Historical Climatology Network Monthly, GHCN-M) has been upgraded to version 4. NOAAGlobalTemp v5 has been created to utilize more comprehensive data collection and increased spatial coverage over both land and ocean surfaces, and improvements to the treatment of historical changes in observing practice.

NOAAGlobalTemp v4:

Access to NOAAGlobalTemp v4

The previous version of NOAAGlobalTemp is version v4. The input datasets are the Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperature (ERSST) to version4 and the Global Historical Climatology Network Monthly (GHCN-M) version 3.3.0. 

Contact Information

Huai-Min Zhang

Boyin Huang

Jay Lawrimore