Management Performance

USAID is strengthening its central management performance function to address the operational challenges of the 21st century, and to build a modern development enterprise aligned with the Federal Government’s management initiatives and cross-cutting goals.

USAID’s operations performance is important to the Agency’s ability to achieve its development objectives; ensure that resources are aligned with priorities; and institutionalize USAID Forward reforms. To learn more about performance management at USAID, read the Agency’s Operations Performance Policy.

The Agency coordinates and conducts a wide range of management assessments and analyses, using a variety of methods, including desk studies, data analyses, business process reviews, and systems analyses.

Management Initiatives

USAID’s contribution to the Government-wide management improvement agenda is presented on in the following focus areas:

  • Cybersecurity: Improve cybersecurity performance through ongoing awareness of information security, vulnerabilities, and threats impacting the operating information environment, ensuring that only authorized users have access to resources and information; and the implementation of technologies and processes that reduce the risk of malware.
  • Climate Change: More than double Federal government consumption of electricity from renewable sources to 20% by 2020 and improve energy efficiency at Federal facilities as part of the water strategy to reduce the Federal Government’s direct greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent by 2025 (2008 baseline).
  • Insider Threat and Security Clearance Reform: Mitigate the inherent risks and vulnerabilities posed by personnel with trusted access to government information, facilities, systems, and other personnel.
  • Customer Service: Deliver world-class customer services to citizens by making it faster and easier for individuals and businesses to complete transactions and have a positive experience with government.
  • Category Management: Expand the use of high-quality, high-value strategic sourcing solutions in order to improve the government’s buying power and reduce contract duplication.
  • Benchmark and Improve Mission-Support Operations: Improve administrative efficiency and increase the adoption of effective management practices by establishing cost and quality benchmarks of mission-support operations and giving agency decision-makers better data to compare options, allocate resources, and improve processes.
  • Open Data: Fuel entrepreneurship and innovation and improve government efficiency and effectiveness by unlocking the value of government data and adopting management approaches that promote interoperability and openness of this data.
  • People and Culture: Innovate by unlocking the full potential of the workforce we have today and building the workforce we need for tomorrow. 

Last updated: November 04, 2016

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