Organizational Structure

Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCCs)

Across the North American continent, Pacific Islands and the Caribbean 22 individual, self-directed partnerships — Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCCs) — go beyond jurisdictional and political boundaries to undertake work specific to the needs of their geographies and collaborators.

Each LCC is governed by a voluntary steering committee with members typically representing conservation and resource management partners from a wide variety of federal, state, territorial and international agencies; tribal and other indigenous governments, non-governmental organizations and others located within the LCC geographic region. Each LCC also has a staff Coordinator and Science Coordinator.

LCC Network

The LCC Network is the collective of the 22 LCCs collectively and their active members. The LCC Network’s purpose is to harness the capacities and abilities of the LCCs in support of common conservation outcomes and serve as a strategic forum for collegial collaboration, coordination and integration.

At the national level, there is an LCC Network Coordinator and Assistant Coordinator as well as communications, budget, grant and other support staff. The LCC Network office is located in the Falls Church, VA headquarters of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

LCC Council

The LCC Council is a representative body of executive-level, interagency, tribal and non-governmental leaders from LCC partner organizations. The LCC Council supports the cooperative conservation and sustainable resource management efforts of the LCC Network; assists the LCC Network in achieving its goals; contributes to building a constituency of partners; and helps sustain the LCC initiative. View the LCC Council Charter

LCC Coordinators Team (LCT)

The LCC Coordinators Team (LCT) comprises the Coordinators from each of the 22 LCCs and the LCC Network Coordinators. The LCT works on aspects of LCC Network operations and other matters as appropriate, while respecting individual LCC steering committee governance authority. View the LCT Charter

LCC Science Coordinators Team (LSCT)

The LCC Network Science Coordinators Team (LSCT) comprises all of the Science Coordinators from each of the 22 LCCs and the LCC Network Coordinators. The LSCT serves as a forum for communication and collaboration on technical and scientific matters among the LCCs and between the LCC Network and other science partners. View LSCT Charter