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Woman wearing mask and gloves sitting among a group of people outside (© Ariana Cubillos/AP Images)

Maduro’s sham election: ‘Those who don’t vote, won’t eat’

The Maduro regime played fast and loose with the safety of millions of Venezuelans on December 6, while threatening to cut off their benefits.
Mike Pompeo standing in front of illuminated map of the United States with words 5G Clean Path written on it (© Andrew Harnik/AP Images)

Expanded Clean Network initiative safeguards data

The Clean Network initiative protects the entire technology data system from malign actors around the world.
Chinese flag hanging near security camera mounted on ceiling (© Mark Schiefelbein/AP Images)

U.S. acts to protect investors from Beijing’s military fundraising

The U.S. is blocking Chinese firms that support China's military from raising funds on stock exchanges in the United States.
Man walking past destroyed home (USAID)

USAID helps hurricane survivors in Central and South America

After Hurricanes Eta and Iota swept through Central and South America, USAID jumped into action to provide relief supplies and other emergency aid.
Illustration of conveyor belt moving boxes over map of the globe (State Dept./D. Thompson)

U.S. works with partners to protect global supply chains

The U.S. is working to diversify global supply chains because, as COVID-19 has shown, if supply chains are too concentrated they can be easily disrupted.
Grilled meat on skewers with ethnic symbols on handles (© Deb Lindsey/Washington Post/Getty Images)

Uyghur restaurateurs serve culinary diplomacy

Whether it's overt or subtle, two U.S. Uyghur restaurant owners in the U.S. use their eateries to explain how China mistreats their people. Learn more here.
People wearing Red Cross emblems and cranes near rubble at blast site (© Jim Bourdier/AP Images)

The Iranian regime’s 40-year campaign of assassinations

Since the 1979 revolution Iran has plotted assassinations and bombings against diplomats and dissidents. See some of Iran's campaign of violence.
Mike Pompeo speaking at lectern (© Jessica McGowan/Getty Images)

Pompeo urges U.S. colleges to defend academic freedom

Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo urged U.S. universities to protect academic freedom from the Chinese Communist Party's attempts to undermine it.
Donald Trump standing at lectern with outstretched arms in front of Operation Warp Speed background (© Evan Vucci/AP Images)

U.S. to authorize COVID-19 vaccines in coming days

President Trump says the United States will soon begin authorizing vaccines against COVID-19 after an unprecedented push to end the global pandemic quickly.