COVID-19 Information

Global Health Advisory: The Department of State advises U.S. citizens to avoid all international travel due to the global impact of COVID-19.  Many areas throughout the world are now experiencing COVID-19 outbreaks and taking action that may limit traveler mobility, including quarantines and border restrictions. Even countries, jurisdictions, or areas where cases have not been ... Read More»

National HIV Survey (ZIMPHIA 2020) Results Indicate Zimbabwe is On Track to Achieve HIV Epidemic Control by 2030

Harare, Zimbabwe, 1 December 2020 – As Zimbabwe joins the global community in commemorating World AIDS Day, results from the second Zimbabwe Population-based HIV Impact Assessment survey (ZIMPHIA 2020), released today demonstrate the nation’s continued progress towards achieving HIV epidemic control by 2030. ZIMPHIA 2020 found that 86.8 percent of adults living with HIV were ... Read More»


The United States government is pleased to announce an additional USD $3 million for humanitarian demining projects in Zimbabwe.  Since 1998, the United States has invested more than $23.9 million in Zimbabwe to protect people from landmines and promote economic opportunities through safe access to land.  The United States supports the Government of Zimbabwe’s goal ... Read More»

United States colleges receive more Zimbabwean students

Harare, November 17, 2020 – The number of Zimbabwean students studying in the United States increased by 2.5 percent to 1,377 students in the 2019-20 academic year, according to the 2020 Open Doors Report on International Educational Exchange.  Zimbabwe remains the 6th leading country of origin for students in the United States from sub-Saharan Africa. ... Read More»

U.S. engagement supports what is important to the people of Zimbabwe

Op-ed by Ambassador Brian A. Nichols first published in the  Newsday on October 29, 2020 Harare- November 10, 2020-The Zimbabwean government announced on September 8th a mining ban in all national parks – reversing a decision to permit Chinese firms to explore for coal in the world-famous Hwange National Park. This was a wise decision for ... Read More»

United States Launches Two Projects Worth US$78 Million to Provide Critical HIV Healthcare Services

Harare, Zimbabwe, November 3, 2020.  Demonstrating its commitment to the people of Zimbabwe, the United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), launched two projects worth a combined US$78 million to provide critical HIV healthcare services for over half a million Zimbabweans. “The United States is ... Read More»

U.S. Government Assistance to Zimbabwe tops $3.5 billion since 1980

Harare, October 23, 2020: The United States remains the largest provider of health and humanitarian assistance, including the U.S. President’s Emergency Fund for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), food assistance, and disaster relief, to the people of Zimbabwe.  Since Zimbabwe’s independence in 1980, the U.S. government has provided over US$3.5 billion to the people of Zimbabwe, including ... Read More»

USAID Announces Two New Food Security Programs Totaling US$130 Million

Harare, Zimbabwe, October 21, 2020- The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) announced on October 21 two new food security programs, Takunda and Amalima Loko.  These five-year programs will target nearly 490,000 Zimbabweans in Matabeleland North, Masvingo, and Manicaland provinces. “These two new programs will build on the United States’ investment in Zimbabwean people ... Read More»

USAID Celebrates Commercialization of Smallholder Beef and Dairy Production

Harare, Zimbabwe, September 16, 2020- The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and partner Fintrac, marked the successful completion of the five-year Feed the Future Livestock Development program at a virtual event on September 16, 2020 under the theme: Celebrating Commercialization of Smallholder Beef and Dairy Production. Read More»

Joint Statement from the Heads of Missions of Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, the UK and the USA

The Heads of Mission of Canada, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America issue the following statement: Two years ago in his inaugural speech, President Mnangagwa vowed to serve the country and all of its people.  It is in this spirit that the Heads of Mission express their deep concern ... Read More»

Health Alert, New Lockdown Restrictions, and Commercial Flights

Location:  Zimbabwe Event:  Update on Lockdown Restrictions and Availability of Commercial Flights On July 21, President Mnangagwa announced new restrictions under Zimbabwe’s lockdown regulations including: implementing a curfew from 6am to 6pm except for essential services. Given the new surge of reported cases of COVID -19 in Zimbabwe, the following types of businesses can only ... Read More»

Demonstration Alert – U.S. Embassy Harare, Zimbabwe 

Demonstration Alert – U.S. Embassy Harare, Zimbabwe  Location: Harare and Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.  Announced gathering points include, but are not limited to, the following neighborhoods: · Harare Central Business District (CBD) · Bulawayo Central Business District (CBD) Event: Local political figures have called for a potentially large protest against the Zimbabwean government and corruption on July 31 while others have called for counter-protests. There is  a ... Read More»

PEPFAR announces latest HIV program progress & new investments to reach more people in greatest need

July 6, 2020 At the opening of the 23rd International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2020), the  U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)  released its latest program results, showing significant gains in reaching populations in greatest need with life-saving HIV services, and announced new investments aimed at further accelerating PEPFAR’s progress. PEPFAR has reached over 1.5 million adolescent girls and young women with comprehensive ... Read More»

2020 Trafficking in Persons Report

ZIMBABWE: TIER 2 The Government of Zimbabwe does not fully meet the minimum  standards for the elimination of trafficking but is making significant efforts to do so. The  government demonstrated overall increasing efforts compared to the previous reporting period; therefore Zimbabwe remained on Tier 2. These efforts included investigating and prosecuting more traffickers and increasing ... Read More»

U.S. contributes $60.55 million to the WFP to assist Zimbabwe during the lean season

Harare, July 6, 2020 – The United States, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), will provide $60.55 million toward the World Food Programme’s (WFP) 2020/21 Lean Season Food Assistance program in Zimbabwe.  The lean season assistance will begin in August and will feed nearly one million people during the peak of the season, ... Read More»


Updated Entry/Exit Requirements Zimbabwe’s borders are closed to non-residents. The Zimbabwean government has confirmed that U.S. citizens, including dual nationals, are allowed to exit Zimbabwe. Please check with your airline carrier before flying to confirm any additional requirements.  Quarantine All residents returning to Zimbabwe are subject to a 21-day quarantine period at a government-approved facility, though in practice, the government has ... Read More»

2019 Report on International Religious Freedom: Zimbabwe

The constitution prohibits religious discrimination and provides for freedom of religion, including the freedom to practice, propagate, and give expression to one’s religion, in public or in private and alone or with others. Religious and civil society groups reported the government occasionally monitored public events, prayer rallies, church congregations, and religiously affiliated nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) ... Read More»

United States increases COVID-19 funding to $18 million in Zimbabwe

Harare, June 16 2020– The United States Government, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), has committed an additional $10 million in response to COVID-19. The funds will go to the World Food Programme (WFP) for humanitarian assistance for nearly 100,000 vulnerable people in eight urban areas. With this additional funding, U.S. assistance to ... Read More»

United States funding to combat COVID-19 in Zimbabwe now exceeds $8 million

Harare, May 29, 2020 – The United States, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), has committed an additional $2 million in health assistance to support the people of Zimbabwe during the COVID-19 pandemic. U.S. assistance to Zimbabwe’s COVID-19 response now exceeds US$8 million.  USAID has now committed $5 million and the U.S. Centers ... Read More»

Joint Local Statement on Human Rights situation in Zimbabwe

The Heads of Mission of the Delegation of the European Union, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Romania, Sweden and the Heads of Mission of Norway, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States of America issue the following statement in Zimbabwe: The Heads of Mission expect from the Government of Zimbabwe a swift, thorough ... Read More»

USAID Announces New Program to Combat Food Insecurity in Zimbabwe

Harare, Zimbabwe, May 11, 2020– USAID/Zimbabwe announces a new Feed the Future activity, Fostering Agribusiness for Resilient Markets (FARM). The US$19.8 million, five-year contract with Chemonics International will commence in the next few months and will focus its efforts in Manicaland and Masvingo Provinces. FARM builds on the work of Feed the Future Zimbabwe-Crop Development, ... Read More»

United States Approves $230 Million to Fight HIV in Zimbabwe

Harare, Zimbabwe: May 7, 2020 – The United States has approved more than $230 million to support the fight against HIV in Zimbabwe and achieve epidemic control through a comprehensive package of prevention, treatment and support services.  Ambassador Brian A. Nichols made the announcement on April 30 following the approval of the U.S. President’s Emergency ... Read More»

United States assistance to Zimbabwe’s COVID-19 national response now exceeds US$6 million

Through the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the United States has committed US$3 million from the U.S. Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act to support Zimbabwe’s COVID-19 National Preparedness and Response Plan. This new donation brings to over US$6 million the total amount that the United States has committed to ... Read More»

Ambassador Brian A. Nichols interview with ZiFM Stereo on U.S. COVID-19 Response in Zimbabwe

Public Affairs Section United States Embassy TRANSCRIPT: Ambassador Nichols interview with ZiFM Stereo on U.S. COVID-19 Response in Zimbabwe ( April 29, 2020) START: Martha Mamombe (Martha): What do you think will be the impact of the coronavirus on how people travel and socialize? Can we expect life to go back to normal at some ... Read More»

United States Uses $150,000 in PEPFAR Funding to Help with COVID-19 Prevention

Harare, Zimbabwe; April 7, 2020 – The United States, through the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (or PEPFAR), is using at least $150,000 USD to help with COVID-19 prevention measures in Zimbabwe specifically targeted at people living with HIV. This PEPFAR funding includes the purchase of soap, buckets, hand washing stations and hand ... Read More»

Hours and Advice for American Citizens

As the Government of Zimbabwe has announced a 21-day lockdown that goes into effect at 12:02 AM on Monday, March 30, U.S. Embassy Harare has suspended routine consular services until further notice.  If you require an urgent appointment please email  during regular business hours, or call our Duty Officer at +263 772 559 727 for ... Read More»

United States pledges US$470,000 to combat COVID-19 in Zimbabwe

Harare, Zimbabwe; 27 March 2020 –The United States has pledged US$470,000 to fight the spread of COVID-19 in Zimbabwe.  As of Friday, March 27, the World Health Organization (WHO) said over 530,000 people have been infected with COVID-19 worldwide and more than 24,000 people have died from the disease.  Zimbabwe declared its first case last ... Read More»

Evacuation Preparedness

Private American citizens should always be aware of changing circumstances and make a personal decision to depart voluntarily if they feel uncomfortable with the situation.  In the event of an evacuation, the USG first uses commercial transport for official personnel and recommends private American citizens do the same.  There are many benefits of leaving while ... Read More»

COVID-19: Are you an American abroad or know someone who is?

Are you an American abroad or know someone who is? Enroll now in our Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive notifications from U.S. Embassies and Consulates on travel restrictions, health alerts, what’s happening in the country, etc. We can’t take all the calls we’re getting as quickly as we want, and this way you ... Read More»

SAA suspends all international flights until the end of May 2020

SAA has cancelled all international flights until May 31, effective immediately.  If you were booked to depart on an SAA flight, please contact CWT at 012-818-3000 to rebook on a different airline (this number available until 5pm today, then tomorrow, Saturday, from 8:30 – 16:30; after-hours number available 24 hours is 010-219-6780). ================================================================== JOHANNESBURG, 20 ... Read More»

Information for visa applicants regarding COVID- 19

As of March 19, 2020, the United States Embassy in Harare, Zimbabwe is cancelling routine non immigrant visa appointments.  We will resume routine visa services as soon as possible but are unable to provide a specific date at this time.  If you have an urgent matter and need to travel immediately, please email us at ... Read More»

U.S. celebrates 96 Academy for Women Entrepreneurs graduates

Harare, March 13, 2020- United States Ambassador Brian A. Nichols honored 96 Zimbabwean women who completed three months of business skills and entrepreneurship training under the Academy for Women Entrepreneurs (AWE). The graduates are now eligible to compete for seed money to start or grow their businesses. Congratulating the winners, Ambassador Nichols said promoting the ... Read More»

2019 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices: Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe is constitutionally a republic. The country elected Emmerson Mnangagwa president for a five-year term in July 2018 in general elections. Despite incremental improvements from past elections, domestic and international observers noted serious concerns and called for further reforms necessary to meet regional and international standards for democratic elections. Numerous factors contributed to a flawed ... Read More»

Health Alert – U.S. Embassy Harare, Zimbabwe

Location:  Zimbabwe Event: The Government of Zimbabwe has implemented enhanced screening and quarantine measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19.  Travelers should be prepared for travel restrictions to be put into effect with little or no advance notice.  The government of Zimbabwe does not have a website where it is providing additional information on new measures ... Read More»

U.S. partnerships improve food and nutrition security for more than 200,000 vulnerable Zimbabweans

Birchenough Bridge, March 5, 2020.  The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) celebrated the achievements of its US$86 million, seven-year project, which supports an innovative and holistic approach towards improving food and nutrition security in Zimbabwe.  Between 2013 and 2020, the Enhancing Nutrition, Stepping Up Resilience and Enterprise (ENSURE) project assisted more than 200,000 vulnerable ... Read More»

Transcript (SHONA): Ambassador Brian A. Nichols Facebook Live Interview with Tell Zim Masvingo

Public Affairs Section United States Embassy Harare Transcript: Ambassador Brian A. Nichols Facebook Live Interview with Tell Zim News Masvingo China Gumiguru 23; 8.09 am Theresa Takafuma (Theresa): Mangwanani akanaka kwamuri mose. Tinokugashirai paTell Zim Live Talk. Ini, Theresa Takafuma, mupepeti weTech and Innovations kuTell Zim News, ndiri pano ndakagara naVaBrian Nichols, vanova mumiririri mukuru weUnited States of ... Read More»

Transcript (NDEBELE): Ambassador Brian A. Nichols Facebook Live Interview with Tell Zim Masvingo

Uhlangothi lozomphakathi(Public Affairs Section) Indlu yabaMmeli beMelika, eHarare(United States Embassy Harare) Okubhaliweyo kuthethwe kokunye (Transcript): Mmeli (Ambassador) Brian A. Nichols ingxoxo kaFacebook ( Facebook Live Interview ) leTell Zim Masvingo Olwesine 23 Mfumfu; 8.09 ekuseni Theresa Takafuma (Theresa): Livuka njani lonke. Ngiyalamukela kuhlelo lwethu lweTell Zim Live Talk. Ngingu Theresa Takafuma, umhleli wezindaba zeTech and Innovations zeTell Zim, olapha ... Read More»

U.S.-Zimbabwe Partnerships transform the lives of farmers during difficult times

Harare, 19 February 2020 – Today, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) hosted a roundtable discussion with the private sector, academia, and civil society on food security and agricultural programs in Zimbabwe.  The theme, Agriculture-led Growth, Nutrition, and Resilience showcased the transformational impact of U.S.-Zimbabwe partnerships and highlighted best practices in agricultural development. ... Read More»

2020 U.S. General Election Reporting Program

We invite individual print, radio, TV, and web-based journalists to apply for a spot in this fully funded, exchange program.  Journalists will spend 3 weeks in the United States, covering the 2020 U.S. General Elections in battle ground states, working from a U.S. newsroom. Applicants should have at least 5 years of continuous work experience ... Read More»

Presidential Proclamation on suspension of entry into the United States of foreign nationals who pose a risk of transmitting 2019 Novel CoronaVirus

“Entry of aliens who were present in China, excluding the Special Autonomous Regions of Hong Kong and Macau, within 14 days prior to their arrival at the port of entry in the United States is suspended, per Presidential Proclamation. If you reside in China, have traveled to China recently, or intend to travel to China ... Read More»

The United States meets immediate food needs of more than one million Zimbabweans

Oped- The United States meets immediate food needs of more than one million Zimbabweans Harare: January 31, 2020- Zimbabwe’s food security situation is growing ever more precarious as millions of Zimbabweans require food assistance.  The United States Government is committed to helping Zimbabweans face this challenge.  As part of this commitment, the United States is meeting ... Read More»

Transcript (SHONA): Ambassador Brian A. Nichols interview with Trevor Ncube

Transcript (SHONA):  Ambassador Brian A. Nichols interview with Trevor Ncube Watch this interview on YouTube  (Posted Monday, October 21, 2019).    START:  Trevor Ncube: Makadii Zimbabwe, Africa nepasi rose, Tinokugamuchirai pano pachirongwa che In Conversation with Trevor inotsigirwa neTitan Law.  Tinokurukura nyaya zhinji nedzine udzamu dzakasiyana siyana.  Nhasi ndirikukurukura nemumiririri we United States mu Zimbabwe, va Brian. A. Nichols. Trevor Ncube: ... Read More»

Transcript (NDEBELE): Ambassador Brian A. Nichols interview with Trevor Ncube

Transcript (NDEBELE): Ambassador Brian A. Nichols interview with Trevor Ncube Watch this interview on YouTube  (Posted Monday, October 21, 2019).   START:  Trevor Ncube: Salibonani Zimbabwe, Afrika kanye nomhlaba wonke, siyalamukela kungxoxo loTrevor elethwa kini yiTitan Law. Lapha sixoxa indaba ezikhangela okwedlula okusobala, lendaba ezidla ubhedu. Namhlanje ngixoxa lo mmeli welizwe leMelika eZimbabwe, uBrian A. Nichols. Mmeli Brian A. Nichols wamukelekile ... Read More»

U.S. Government Assistance in Zimbabwe in 2019

In 2019, the United States Government provided US$370 million in assistance to the people of Zimbabwe, predominantly in the areas of health and food security/emergency assistance. This includes $177.7 million in health ($150 million of which is for HIV and AIDS, under the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, or PEPFAR), $168.3 million in food ... Read More»

Transcript: Ambassador Brian A. Nichols Facebook Live Interview with Tell Zim Masvingo

Transcript: Ambassador Brian A. Nichols Facebook Live Interview with Tell Zim Masvingo on Thursday October 23rd; 8.09 a.m. Theresa Takafuma (Theresa):  Good morning everyone. Welcome to Tell Zim Live Talk. With me, Theresa Takafuma, the Tech and Innovations Editor for Tell Zim News, sitting here with U.S. Ambassador to Zimbabwe, Ambassador Brian Nichols, where we are going to ... Read More»

Security Alert – U.S. Embassy Harare

Location: Zimbabwe Event: Heightened Middle East Tensions There is heightened tension in the Middle East that may result in security risks to U.S. citizens abroad. Out of an abundance of caution, U.S. Embassy personnel are instructed to be aware that extremists increasingly aim to identify and attack “soft” targets, such as: high-profile public events (sporting ... Read More»

Security Alert – U.S. Embassy Harare, Zimbabwe (Friday – December 20, 2019)

U.S. Embassy to Zimbabwe Security Alert  December 17, 2019 Event:  Holidays in Zimbabwe provide increased risk for criminal activity.  There is a heightened risk of armed robbery, assault, and kidnapping. Travelers to Zimbabwe are perceived to have gifts or large amounts of cash.  Actions to Take:  Exercise additional vigilance throughout the holiday season and at ... Read More»

Ambassador Brian A. Nichols interview with Trevor Ncube

Public Affairs Section United States Embassy Harare Transcript:  Ambassador Brian A. Nichols interview with Trevor Ncube Watch this interview on YouTube (Posted Monday, October 21, 2019).  START:  Trevor Ncube:  Greetings Zimbabwe, Africa and the world, Welcome to In Conversation with Trevor brought to you by Titan Law. I go beyond the headlines and the sensational.  Today I’m in conversation with ... Read More»

United States provides $422,000 for community development projects in seven Zimbabwean provinces

Harare, November 13, 2019:  The United States government has provided more than $422,000 (a $50,000 increase from last year) in small grants support to community-based organizations in seven Zimbabwean provinces.  Announcing the awards, Ambassador Brian A. Nichols said the funding will assist Zimbabwean communities unlock their potential and improve their economic situation. “The people of ... Read More»

Demonstration Alert – U. S. Embassy Harare, Zimbabwe (Friday – October 25, 2019)

Location: Protests planned countrywide. Announced gathering points include, but are not limited to the following in Harare: U.S. Embassy Harare Central Business District (CBD) Robert Mugabe Square National Sports Stadium Event:  A potentially large march sponsored by the Government of Zimbabwe is expected to take place on Friday, October 25, 2019 in observance of Anti-Sanctions ... Read More»

It’s Not Sanctions, It’s Corruption and Lack of Reform

Op-ed by Ambassador Brian A. Nichols first published in the Newsday on October 24, 2019 Harare- October 24, 2019– Blessed with abundant mineral resources, rich farmlands, ideal weather, stunning national parks, and a well-educated, industrious people, Zimbabwe should be the economic powerhouse and the breadbasket of southern Africa, and even more popular as a tourist destination and ... Read More»

Diversity Visa Lottery 2021

The Department of State announces the opening of the registration period for the DV-2021 Diversity Visa Lottery. Commonly known as the “Green Card Lottery,” this program offers people from around the world, the opportunity to work and live in the United States.  Registration is FREE OF CHARGE and can only be done at: See the attached flyer: Read More»

USAID doubles drought response contribution to $86.9 million to assist more than one million Zimbabweans

Harare, September 24, 2019 –The United States Government, through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), is providing an additional US$41.9 million in funding to respond to the critical food security situation in Zimbabwe between October 2019 and April 2020.  The funding will ensure that more than one million rural Zimbabweans have access to ... Read More»

U.S. Embassy Launches Academy of Women Entrepreneurs Program in Zimbabwe

Harare, September 6, 2019: Today, the United States Embassy officially announced the launch of the Zimbabwe edition of the Academy for Women Entrepreneurs (AWE), a White House initiative to support women entrepreneurs globally.  Through the academy, 100 participants from Harare, Bulawayo and Mutare aged 18-35 will receive personalized business mentorship, as well as professional knowledge, ... Read More»


Harare: August 20, 2019- The Heads of Mission of the Delegation of the European Union, France, Germany, Greece, the Netherlands, Romania, Sweden and the United Kingdom and the Heads of Mission of Australia, Canada and the United States of America issue the following statement in Zimbabwe: Intimidation, harassment and physical attacks on human rights defenders, ... Read More»

Demonstration Alert – U. S. Embassy Harare, Zimbabwe

August 15, 2019 Location: Announced gathering points include, but are not limited to, the following neighborhood in Harare, Zimbabwe: Harare Central Business District (CBD) Event: A potentially large MDC-Alliance demonstration and march is expected to take place on Friday, August 16 from 10:00am to 14:30pm starting at Africa Unity Square. The route is anticipated to ... Read More»

Statement on Incidents of Violence in Zimbabwe

Harare: August 15, 2019– The United States expresses its deep concern over the abduction, assault, and torture of civil society and opposition leaders in advance of the planned march on August 16.  The Government of Zimbabwe bears the responsibility to ensure the safety of its citizens under its constitution.  We welcome the Zimbabwean government’s commitment ... Read More»

United States Provides US$45 million in Response to Increased Food Insecurity in Zimbabwe

Harare, August 6, 2019 –The United States Government announced US$45 million in funding to respond to the critical food security situation in the upcoming lean season between October 2019 and March 2020 in Zimbabwe.  The contribution, provided through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), will ensure that 360,880 rural Zimbabweans have adequate food supplies ... Read More»

Accountability and Trust will Determine Success of President’s Reform Agenda

By Ambassador Brian A. Nichols In the late morning of August 1, 2018, I was in President Mnangagwa’s office with then U.S. Senator Jeff Flake, one of the sponsors of the ZDERA amendment, listening to the president’s assessment of Zimbabwe’s Harmonized Elections completed two days before.  While the process was not without flaws, election day ... Read More»

Security Alert: Degrading Communications Infrastructure

Location: Across Zimbabwe Over the past several weeks the communication infrastructure in Zimbabwe has been degraded due to power outages, pilferage of cell tower parts, and lack of generator capacity to maintain continuity of networks.  Embassy community members have reported the inability to make/receive mobile phone calls.  Mobile data services (WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, e-mail) have ... Read More»

Request for Quotations (RFQ) for a Gardening Services solicitation

GSO Procurement &Contracting 2 Lorraine Drive, Bluffhill Harare, Zimbabwe 23 July 2019 To: Prospective Quoters Subject: Request for Quotations number 19Z11519R0003 Enclosed is a Request for Quotations (RFQ) for a Gardening Services solicitation.  If you would like to submit a quotation, follow the instructions in Section 3 of the solicitation, complete the required portions of ... Read More»

U.S. Marathon Runner Khadevis Robinson Visits Zimbabwe

Harare, July 8, 2019: The U.S. Embassy will host two-time American Olympian, marathon runner Khadevis Robinson, July 8-14, in efforts to raise awareness about gender-based violence (GBV), sexual harassment and abuse. Working with implementing partner Female Students Network (FSN), Robinson will lead short races for youth in tertiary institutions in Masvingo, Gwanda, Bulawayo and Harare, ... Read More»

2019 Independence Day Celebration Remarks by Ambassador Brian A. Nichols

 The Honorable Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Retired Lieutenant General, Dr. Sibusiso B. Moyo; Your Excellencies Fellow Ambassadors and Members of the Diplomatic Corps; Honorable Members of Parliament; Representatives of political parties; Your Worships, the Mayors of Harare, Herbert Gomba, and Mutare, Blessing Tandi; Zimbabwean recording artist Buhle; Illustrious Representatives of the Media; ... Read More»

United States provides additional $600,000 for disaster recovery to small holder farmers affected by Cyclone Idai

Harare, Zimbabwe, July 1, 2019 – The United States Government has provided an additional $600,000 to assist approximately 1,700 smallholder farmers in Chimanimani District to recover and rebuild their lives following Cyclone Idai.  The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) will provide funds to its local partner, LEAD Trust, to spearhead these recovery efforts ... Read More»

USAID Launches Farmer-to-Farmer Program in Zimbabwe

Harare, Zimbabwe, May 30, 2019 – The five-year USAID-funded Farmer-to-Farmer Program (2018-2023) launched on May 30.  At a launch event held at Africa Synod House, representatives of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the Government of Zimbabwe, a Farmer-to-Farmer volunteer, and implementing organization Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture (CNFA) reaffirmed their shared commitment to ... Read More»

U.S. selects 42 Zimbabwean youth leaders for Mandela Washington Fellowship Program

Harare, May 28 2019: The United States has invited 42 young Zimbabweans to participate at this year’s Mandela Washington Fellowship program. The Fellowship, which began in 2014, is the flagship program of the Young African Leaders Initiative, which empowers young Africans through academic coursework, leadership training, and networking.  The Fellows depart Harare mid-June and will ... Read More»

Dedication of the New Embassy Campus

Remarks by Ambassador Brian A. Nichols Dedication of the New Embassy Campus Harare, Zimbabwe May 2nd 2019  Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Honorable Cain Mathema, Director of the Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations Tad Davis, U.S. Department of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Special Advisor to the Minister Ambassador Stuart Comberbach, Ministry ... Read More»

The Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations Dedicates the New U.S. Embassy in Harare, Zimbabwe

U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE Office of the Spokesperson For Immediate Release                                                                            May 2, 2019 MEDIA NOTE The Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations Dedicates the New U.S. Embassy in Harare, Zimbabwe As a display of our enduring friendship, U.S. Ambassador Brian A. Nichols, and Director of the Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations Tad Davis, with ... Read More»

The United States celebrates decline in malaria cases and deaths in Zimbabwe on World Malaria Day

Harare, 25 April 2019 – The United States Government stands with the people of Zimbabwe in commemorating World Malaria Day on April 25 and celebrates the considerable decline in malaria cases and deaths.  Through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) ... Read More»

Oped- Zimbabwe’s Path to Prosperity*

By Ambassador Brian A. Nichols On April 3, I gave President Mnangagwa a letter from my government conveying the heartfelt sympathy of the American people for the lives lost in Cyclone Idai.  I also announced that the American people had donated $2.6 million in assistance to disaster victims.  The United States cares deeply about the ... Read More»

United States provides additional US$2.5 million in response to Cyclone Idai

Harare, 3 April, 2019 – The United States Government has provided an additional contribution of US$2.5 million to respond to emergency needs in Zimbabwe following Cyclone Idai.  The contribution, provided through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Office of Food for Peace, will support immediate food needs in the most affected areas of Manicaland ... Read More»

U.S. Embassy celebrates women fighting against injustice

Harare, March 28, 2019- The United States Embassy culminated their Women’s History Month celebration on March 28, 2019 by honoring women who fought against injustice, discrimination and partiality during the Civil Rights Movement in the United States. The screening of the film, The Secret Lives of Bees, a film based on Sue Monk Kidd’s novel, ... Read More»

U.S. Embassy Sponsors 40 Harare Kids in English Language Program

Harare- March 27, 2019- United States Public Affairs Officer Kenneth Wetzel inducted the new cohort for 40 English Micro Scholarship Program (Access) students at Chiedza Child Care Center in Mbare, Harare. The two year course includes after-school classes, intensive English language learning activities, field trips, and soft skills training to prepare them to be dynamic, ... Read More»

United States provides US$100,000 for emergency cyclone relief

United States provides US$100,000 for emergency cyclone relief  Harare, 22 March, 2019 – The United States Government provided an initial contribution of US$100,000 to respond to emergency needs in Zimbabwe following Cyclone Idai.  The contribution, provided through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance, will support immediate interventions to deliver ... Read More»


March 19, 2019 Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Malawi, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe who have been affected by Cyclone Idai in Southern Africa.  The United States is mobilizing to provide support to our partners in Malawi, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe to assist with the relief efforts.  Our embassies in each of these countries stand ... Read More»

Weather Alert –Zimbabwe

Location: Masvingo, Manicaland, Mashonaland East and Harare (March 15, 2019) Event: Cyclone Idai is expected to affect the eastern parts of Zimbabwe between Friday, March 15 and Saturday, March 16.  Forecasters expect extremely high winds, heavy rainfall and flooding in the provinces of Masvingo, Manicaland, Mashonaland East and Harare. Actions to Take: Monitor local news ... Read More»


Zimbabwe is constitutionally a republic. On July 30, the country elected Emmerson Mnangagwa president in general elections. Despite incremental improvements from past elections, domestic and international observers noted serious concerns and called for further reforms necessary to meet regional and international standards for democratic elections. While the pre-election period saw increased democratic space, numerous factors ... Read More»

United States provides additional US$15 million to respond to increased food insecurity

Remarks by U.S. Ambassador Brian A. Nichols United Nations Flash Appeal for Humanitarian Assistance Thursday, February 28, 2019; 17:00 Meikles Hotel, Harare   Under-Secretary-General, Sir Mark Lowcock United Nations Resident Coordinator, Mr. Bishow Parajuli Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet, Dr. Misheck Sibanda Deputy Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet, Mr. Justin Mupamhanga ... Read More»

United States provides additional US$15 million to respond to increased food insecurity

Harare, 28 February, 2019 –The United States Government announced US$15 million in additional funding to respond to the critical food security situation in Zimbabwe.  The contribution, provided through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), brings the total U.S. funding for the current lean season to US$38 million, ensuring nearly 600,000 rural Zimbabweans have adequate ... Read More»

2020 EdUSA Opportunity Program Advert

The EducationUSA office of the United States Embassy seeks to identify and recruit 20 Zimbabwean students from low-income families who score at least 13 points (out of 3 subjects) “A” level examinations to join the EducationUSA Opportunity Funds Program (OF). The program is open to all Zimbabwean students who intend to begin their undergraduate studies ... Read More»

Security Alert: U.S. Embassy Harare, Zimbabwe

Location: Zimbabwe, country-wide Event: Country wide protests, military checkpoints, disruption of internet and social media sites Many grocery stores, schools, fuel stations, and local businesses re-opened on January 17.  The government restored internet service on January 17, but turned it off as of January 18 with no date given for its restoration.  Hospitals remain open ... Read More»

Response to Civil Unrest Provoked by Fuel Shortages and Price Hikes

Harare, January 17, 2019– The U.S. Embassy is concerned about reports of violence in Zimbabwe and urges all parties to exercise restraint and to make every effort to find a peaceful solution.  We condemn any disproportionate use of force and call on Zimbabwe’s security forces to respond to civil unrest professionally and with respect for ... Read More»

Security Alert: U.S. Embassy Harare, Zimbabwe

Security Alert: Continued street blockades and military checkpoints, government disruption of internet, reports of abuse and violence across Zimbabwe by security agents and political party supporters. Location: Across Zimbabwe Event:  In response to protests over fuel shortages and price hikes, police dispersed tear gas against protesters in Bulawayo, Harare, and Mutare on January 14.   On ... Read More»

Security Alert: Continued street blockades & military checkpoints, disruption of social media sites, reports of police abuse and violence

January 15, 2019 Location: Across Zimbabwe Event: In response to protests over fuel shortages and price hikes, police dispersed tear gas against protesters in Bulawayo, Harare, and Mutare on January 14.   On January 15, the Embassy received reports of clashes between security forces and residents in satellite neighborhoods in Harare and Bulawayo.  The Zimbabwe Association ... Read More»

Security Alert: Widespread Disruption, Street Blockades, and Violent Protests in response to Fuel Shortages and a Fuel Price Hike

Location: Harare, outlying areas of Harare, and Bulawayo Event: There have been widespread tensions, sometimes including violent protests, countrywide — including in Harare’s Central Business District, Epworth, Chitungwiza, and downtown Bulawayo. The Embassy recommends that you exercise caution in these areas and monitor local media for updates. Additionally, there are reports of fights breaking out ... Read More»

Security Alert: U.S. Embassy Harare, Zimbabwe

Security Alert: U.S. Embassy Harare, Zimbabwe (January 14, 2019) Location: Harare, outlying areas of Harare, and Bulawayo Event: There have been widespread tensions, sometimes including violent protests, countrywide — including in Harare’s Central Business District, Epworth, Chitungwiza, and downtown Bulawayo. The Embassy recommends that you exercise caution in these areas and monitor local media for ... Read More»

United States supports preservation of Ndebele art and culture

Matobo Hills, December 12, 2018– United States Ambassador Brian A. Nichols participated in a ceremony to launch a publication, documenting Ndebele traditional hut decoration in Matobo Hills.  The U.S. embassy is leading efforts to preserve Zimbabwe’s rich cultural heritage and supports preservation of Zimbabwean art as part of expanded engagement between the United States and ... Read More»

“Consular Notice: Mourning the loss of President George H. W. Bush, December 5 2018”

Wednesday, December 5th has been designated as a national day of mourning as Americans mourn the loss of President George H. W. Bush.  We will shift all visa interviews originally scheduled for Wednesday, December 5th to the following day, Thursday, December 6th.  Please plan to come at the same time as your originally scheduled appointment.  ... Read More»

U.S, Zim celebrate PEPFAR milestones in combating HIV/ AIDS

Harare, November 20, 2018: The United States Embassy marked the 15th anniversary of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) pledging $150 million in annual commitments to Zimbabwe HIV/ AIDS fight as well as announcing new initiatives to reach Zimbabweans with messages to contain the disease. At an event last Friday speakers hailed the ... Read More»

U.S. Government program improves lives of 600,000 orphans and vulnerable children

Harare, 29 November, 2018 – Today at Golden Conifer in Harare, the United States celebrated the World Education Inc. Vana Bantwana program together with the Ministry of Public Service, Labour, and Social Welfare. With funding from the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the Vana ... Read More»

Security Alert: MDC Alliance Demonstration in Harare Central Business District (CBD) Thursday, November 29 — Potential for Civil Disturbance

Location: Harare Commercial Business District Event:   The Embassy has confirmed a potentially large MDC-Alliance demonstration and march scheduled from 10:00 to 14:30 tomorrow morning (Thursday, November 29th) starting at Africa Unity Square.  The route is anticipated to proceed as follows: Begin at Africa Unity Square Proceed west along Jason Moyo Avenue Turn right on to ... Read More»

U.S. provides $370,900 for community development projects in nine provinces

Harare, November 21, 2018: In a signing ceremony today with U.S. Ambassador Brian A. Nichols, the United States government provided $370,900 in small grants to community based organizations in nine provinces.  Through its small grants program, the U.S. Embassy is awarding grants to 17 organizations in Harare, Midlands, Masvingo, Manicaland, Mashonaland Central, Mashonaland East, Mashonaland ... Read More»

2018/19 PEPFAR MEDIA AWARDS Competition

2018/19 PEPFAR MEDIA AWARDS Competition The United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) is launching the HIV and AIDS Media Awards Competition. The awards cover Photo, Print/ Online and Broadcast Journalism categories.  Entries are invited from the media fraternity and should be submitted to the PEPFAR Media Awards Adjudication Committee (PMAAC) at the ... Read More»

United States Announces $475,000 Cultural Preservation Grant for Great Zimbabwe National Monuments

Harare, November 6, 2018:  The United States Government, in cooperation with the National Museums and Monuments of Zimbabwe (NMZZ), has awarded a $475,000 grant to the World Monument Fund (WMF) for preservation work at the Great Zimbabwe national monuments.  Ambassador Brian A. Nichols signed the grant at a ceremony hosted by the NMMZ at the ... Read More»

Zimbabwean Journalist to Observe U.S. Mid-Term Elections

Harare, October 29, 2018– The United States Foreign Press Centers (FPC) invited veteran Zimbabwean journalist Kelvin Jakachira to cover the U.S. mid-term elections in California and Nevada from October 31 – November 8, 2018. Jakachira is the Group Editor in Chief at media conglomerate AB Communications, which runs several commercial radio stations including the national ... Read More»

The U.S. and Food security issues in Africa

October 15, 2018: Beth Dunford, the U.S. Agency for International Development Bureau for Food Security Assistant Administrator, and USAID Food for Peace Director Matt Nims discussed food security issues in Africa in advance of World Food Day, including USAID’s Feed the Future program during a telephonic press briefing with journalists across the world. Visit this link to access the ... Read More»

U.S. calls for stronger partnerships to stop human trafficking

Harare, October 10, 2018- United States Ambassador Brian Nichols has lauded efforts by the Zimbabwean authorities to curb trafficking in persons and called for stronger partnerships between civil society organizations, law enforcement and the judiciary. One crucial thing that jumps out at me as central to the fight against trafficking is coordination between civil society ... Read More»

First Lady Melania Trump reaches out to Africa’s children

First lady Melania Trump took her “Be Best” campaign in support of child development to Africa on October 2, visiting a hospital and hugging an infant after arriving in Accra, Ghana, on her first major, solo international trip. In a colorful airport ceremony, she was greeted by Ghanaian first lady Rebecca Akufo-Addo and presented with ... Read More»

Diversity Visa Lottery 2020

The Department of State announces the opening of the registration period for the DV-2020 Diversity Visa Lottery. Commonly known as the “Green Card Lottery,” this program offers people from around the world, the opportunity to work and live in the United States.  Registration is FREE OF CHARGE and can only be done at: See the attached flyer Read More»

U.S. Ambassador discusses Mandela Washington Fellowship and U.S.- Zim relations

Harare, September 26, 2018: United States Ambassador Brian Nichols says the United States is counting on Africa’s blossoming youth to solve the day-to-day challenges of the continent whilst developing stronger ties with the United States. “Africa is a continent that has tremendous potential and a very young population,” said Ambassador Nichols in a townhall to ... Read More»

2019 Mandela Washington Fellowship Application Now Open!

The 2019 Mandela Washington Fellowship application is now open. We are looking for 42 young Zimbabwean leaders who have a proven record of leadership and accomplishment in business, or civic engagement. Visit  to start the application process Timeline September 12, 2018 | Application opens October 10, 2018 | Application closes December 2018 – February 2019 | Semifinalists interviewed ... Read More»

Health Alert

Health Alert – U. S. Embassy Harare, Zimbabwe (September 13, 2018) Location: Harare (Budiriro and Glenview neighborhoods) Event:  The Ministry of Health in Zimbabwe declared a cholera outbreak in Harare.  Cholera is highly contagious and a number of deaths have been reported Actions to Take: Consult a medical professional if you have symptoms of Cholera. ... Read More»

U.S. support puts Zim girls through the hoops

Harare, August 27, 2018: A three-day basketball camp for under 17 girls ended on Sunday at the Harare International School in Mount Pleasant. The ‘Lead Camp 2018’ exposed the 40 youthful female participants, selected from Zimbabwe’s 10 provinces through a rigorous process, to basketball and life skills under the tutelage of top basketball coaches from ... Read More»

Zimbabwe’s Constitutional Court Ruling on the Presidential Election

Press Statement Heather Nauert Department Spokesperson Washington, DC August 24, 2018 Today, Zimbabwe’s Constitutional Court declared Emmerson D. Mnangagwa the winner of the election and Zimbabwe’s next President and dismissed MDC Alliance’s challenge of the July 30 presidential election results. The United States urges all parties to respect the Zimbabwean constitution and the rule of ... Read More»

Security Alert: Update on Street Closures and Potential Civil Unrest and Violence

Location: Zimbabwe country-wide & Harare Commercial Business District Event: Zimbabwe is experiencing civil unrest, violence, and heightened political tension following the general elections held on July 30, 2018. The security situation remains volatile. On August 22, the Constitutional Court will begin hearing the election challenge filed by Movement for Democratic Change (MDC). As a result, ... Read More»

Security Alert: Update on Civil Unrest and Violence following the Zimbabwe General Elections of July 30, 2018

Location: Zimbabwe Event:  Due to civil unrest, violence, and heightened political tension following the general elections held on July 30, 2018, the U.S. Embassy advises American citizens to exercise increased caution. Although American Citizens and foreigners have not been specifically targeted in acts of violence, the security situation remains volatile.  We have received credible reports of numerous ... Read More»

U.S. basketball stars expected in Zimbabwe

Harare, August 10, 2018- Two United States- based National Basketball Association (NBA) stars- Luc Mbah a Moute and Trevor Ariza- will visit Zimbabwe August 17. They will conduct training and development camps for 50 pre-selected young players. “We are excited to support FAA to host Luc Mbah’s second visit to Zimbabwe as well Trevor Ariza’s first visit,” ... Read More»

Recent Events in Zimbabwe

Press Statement Heather Nauert Department Spokesperson Washington, DC August 9, 2018 The United States government is gravely concerned by credible reports of numerous detentions, beatings, and other abuses of Zimbabweans over the past week, particularly targeting opposition activists. There should be no role for violence, intimidation, or harassment in the new Zimbabwe. We are also ... Read More»

Joint Local Statement on the targeting of opposition in Zimbabwe

The European Union Delegation, the Heads of Mission of EU Member States present in Harare* and the Heads of Mission of Australia, Canada, and the United States of America issue the following statement in Zimbabwe: The Heads of Mission of the EU, Australia, Canada and the United States of America are deeply disturbed by continuing ... Read More»

Joint Local Statement on Post-Elections Human Rights situation in Zimbabwe

The European Union Delegation, the Heads of Mission of EU Member States present in Harare* and the Heads of Mission of Canada, Switzerland and the United States of America issue the following statement in Zimbabwe: The Heads of Mission of the EU, Canada, Switzerland and the United States of America note with grave concern the ... Read More»

Zimbabwe’s Elections

Press Statement Heather Nauert Department Spokesperson Washington, DC August 3, 2018   Zimbabwe’s July 30 elections presented the country with an historic chance to move beyond the political and economic crises of the past and toward profound democratic change. The Zimbabwean people turned out massively to cast their votes, underscoring their aspirations for a better ... Read More»

Demonstration Alert – U. S. Embassy Harare, Zimbabwe (August 1, 2018)

Location:  Harare, Zimbabwe   Event: Due to reports of multiple demonstrations and gun shots in the Central Business District, the U.S. Embassy encourages American Citizens to avoid the Central Business District (in general the area bounded by Samora Machel Avenue on the north, Fourth Street on the east, Rotten Row on the west, and Lytton Road/ Chinhoyi Street ... Read More»

Consular Advisory

Due to multiple demonstrations and reports of gun shots in the Central Business District, the U.S. Embassy encourages American Citizens to avoid the Central Business District (in general the area bounded by Samora Machel Avenue on the north, Fourth Street on the east, Rotten Row on the west, and Lytton Road/ Chinhoyi Street on the south).  As the ... Read More»

U.S. Embassy observes July 30 Zim elections

Harare, July 27, 2018: The United States supports the Zimbabwean people’s desire to determine their future through a free, fair, and credible election on July 30. At the Zimbabwean government’s invitation, twenty teams from the Embassy will be in the field observing polling throughout Zimbabwe. They have been accredited by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC). ... Read More»

United States to improve water security for river basin communities

Harare, 25 July, 2018 – The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) announces Resilient Waters, a five-year, $32.4 million project to address severe water challenges facing the Limpopo River Basin and Okavango River Basin communities.   Resilient Waters will increase access to safe drinking water and sanitation services for nearly 21 million people spanning South ... Read More»

Ambassador Nichols meets President Mnangagwa

The U.S. Embassy in Harare is delighted to welcome the Honorable Brian A. Nichols as the new Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Republic of Zimbabwe.  Ambassador Nichols presented his credentials to President Emmerson Mnangagwa, who officially accepted them today, July 19, 2018. Ambassador Nichols joins the U.S. Mission ... Read More»

United States launches program to support orphans and vulnerable children in Zimbabwe

Harare, 16 July, 2018 – The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) announces the launch of Pathways, a five-year $35 million program that will offer services to 250,000 HIV-affected orphans and vulnerable children, 59,500 households, and 15,000 vulnerable youth. Operating in nine districts in Zimbabwe with high HIV burden, Pathways will put communities on ... Read More»

U.S. Investment Corporation monitoring Zimbabwe situation

Harare, July 9, 2018: The Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) says it is closely monitoring the political situation in Zimbabwe as it rolls out an initiative which will mobilize more than $1 billion to projects that support transportation, communications, and value chains in Africa over the next three years. “We are following that (developments in ... Read More»

U.S. insists on “meaningful change in Zimbabwe”

As Prepared: Remarks by Charge d’ Affaires Jennifer Savage on the occasion of the Commemoration of the 242nd independence of the United States of America (Fourth of July) Harare, July 5th 2018 Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Honorable Simon Khaya Moyo; Minister of Primary and Secondary Education, Honorable Paul Mavima, Honorable Judges ... Read More»

U.S. envoy Nichols headed for Zim after conclusion of nomination process

Harare, June 29 2018- The United States Senate on Thursday confirmed Ambassador-designate Brian Nichols as Ambassador to the Republic of Zimbabwe. The confirmation by the Senate completes the nomination process by the United States government and the top American diplomat will travel to Zimbabwe to start his assignment after presenting credentials to the Zimbabwean President. ... Read More»

Thirty-six Zim youth leaders participate in 2018 Washington Fellowship program

Harare, June 29 2018– Thirty six Zimbabwean youth leaders that left for the United States mid-June to participate in the Mandela Washington Fellowship program have settled in and are engaging their American and African counterparts in a search for solutions to current challenges in governance and business sector. “It has been smooth sailing since arriving ... Read More»

Remarks on the UN Human Rights Council

The Trump administration is committed to protecting and promoting the God-given dignity and freedom of every human being. Every individual has rights that are inherent and inviolable. They are given by God, and not by government. Because of that, no government must take them away. For decades, the United States has led global efforts to ... Read More»

U.S. condemns murder of two year old Professor Lumbe

Harare, June 14 2018- We join others in condemning the murder of two-year-old Professor Lumbe – a senseless and horrific act.  We echo the call for the perpetrators to be held accountable. We understand an investigation is ongoing, but should this murder prove to be politically motivated, failure to provide justice for Professor and his ... Read More»

United States supports life-saving interventions at Hopley Clinic

Harare, June 11, 2018: Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary (DAS) for Southern Africa and Public Diplomacy in the Bureau of African Affairs Matthew T. Harrington visited Hopley Clinic in Harare, commending efforts by doctors, nurses, and community health workers for their excellent work to ensure that close to 130,000 individuals in the underserved Harare community receive ... Read More»

United States launches $25 million program to improve health for Zimbabwean families

Harare, 13 June, 2018 – Today at the Cresta Lodge, the United States celebrated the launch of Mhuri Imuli, a five-year $25 million program to improve the health of Zimbabwean families.  The program will provide technical assistance to the Ministry of Health and Child Care (MOHCC) to expand access to and improve the quality of ... Read More»

U.S. rooting for Zimbabwe to succeed: Ambassador Harrington

Harare, June 8, 2018: Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary Bureau of African Affairs Matthew T. Harrington is in Zimbabwe on a three-day tour that will enable him to meeting government and nongovernmental players as Zimbabwe prepares for elections July 30. He told the media that the  United States is interested in a better relationship with Zimbabwe ... Read More»

PEPFAR adds strength, endurance to Homeless World Cup preps

Harare, June 6, 2018: President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) tested over 100 individuals for HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, and shared health information with over 1000 community members at the first preparatory tournament for the Homeless World Cup held in Harare’ Hatcliffe township June 2nd. “Statistics received from the International Training and ... Read More»

U.S. salutes health workers…PEPFAR partners begin HIV testing & TB screening

Harare, May 2nd 2018: On Workers Day, May 1, U.S. Mission in Zimbabwe Charge’ d’ Affaires Jennifer Savage paid tribute to all health workers in Zimbabwe. Addressing a reception to mark U.S. participation at the Harare International Festival of the Arts (HIFA 2018), the senior U.S. diplomat said U.S. contribution at the Festival was symbolic ... Read More»

Remarks by the Chargé d’affaires Jennifer Savage PEPFAR Media Awards Reception 2017

  April 26, 2018, 1800; B2C Batanai Gardens PROTOCOLS: Honorable Minister of Health and Child Care, Dr. David Parirenyatwa Honorable Miriam R. Chikukwa, Minister of State for Provincial Affairs Amon Mpofu, Deputy Chief Executive – National AIDS Council, and other representatives of NAC Distinguished PEPFAR partners My Embassy and PEPFAR team Distinguished journalists Ladies and ... Read More»

U.S./ HIFA partnership: Keeping the momentum going in the fight against HIV

Harare, April 30 2018– The United States Embassy will continue its partnership with the Harare International Festival of the Arts (HIFA) where it is supporting the First Street Stage – an arena for arts entertainment and information on HIV and AIDS related services. In addition, the Embassy will sponsor the participation of Slavic Soul Party! ... Read More»

U.S. honors outstanding HIV/ AIDS scribes

Harare, April 26, 2018: The United States Embassy, through support from the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), on Thursday recognized four Zimbabwean journalists for outstanding contribution to HIV and AIDS reporting. The four journalists- Shamiso Yikoniko, Michael Gwarisa, Nhau Mangirai and Mirirai Nsingo-Maponga- received cash awards and certificates at a ceremony jointly ... Read More»

PAS offers space for intimate gender and empowerment conversations

Harare, April 24 2018: Two women’s organizations- As I Am Foundation and Munondida Foundation- have launched a quarterly discussion series- “Coffee and Conversations-” to create space for open conversation on gender issues as well as women empowerment.  The first information session was held at the American Embassy’s Eastgate offices last Thursday and focused on sexual abuse in ... Read More»


Zimbabwe is constitutionally a republic. In November a military intervention, public demonstrations calling for President Robert Mugabe’s removal, the ruling party’s vote of no confidence, and impeachment proceedings led to Mugabe’s resignation after ruling the country since independence in 1980. The ruling Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) nominated former vice president Emmerson Mnangagwa to ... Read More»

TRANSCRIPT: U.S. Senators speak to Zim media

Public Affairs Section United States Embassy Harare Transcript: U.S. Senators speak to Zim media Harare, April 8, 2018: A five member delegation of U.S. Senators visited Zimbabwe 6- 8 April. The delegation consisted of Senators Chris Coons, Jeff Flake, Cory Booker, Michael Bennet and Garry Peters, all members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. The ... Read More»

U.S., WUA commemorate Women’s History Month

Harare, March 29, 2018: A senior official at the Zimbabwe Central Bank says there is improvement in women’s participation in institutional decision making.  Addressing the Hope Fay Lecture at Women’s University in Africa on Wednesday, Dr Jesimen Tarisai Chipika, Deputy to the Reserve Bank Governor spoke on the topic “Women and the economy in Zimbabwe: ... Read More»

Consular Section closed on Monday and Tuesday

‘’Please note: The Consular Section will be closed on Monday, March 26 and Tuesday, March 27, 2018 for the Section’s annual consular leadership training.  We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this closure. For any U.S. citizen emergencies please contact the duty officer during this time on 0772 559 727” Thank you and please contact us should you ... Read More»

U.S., IOM add to Zim’s response to human trafficking

Harare, February 27 2018: The United States government- through the Department of State’s Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (JTIP), is providing funding support to enhance Zimbabwe and the SADC region’s response to trafficking in persons. The funding, reaching just over $2 million, will enable Zimbabwe and the SADC region to start various ... Read More»

Remarks by U.S. Ambassador Harry K. Thomas, Jr. on IOM Training on Providing Support to TIP Victims

Remarks by U.S. Ambassador Harry K. Thomas, Jr.  IOM Training on Providing Support to TIP Victims Monday, February 25, 2018 (Holiday Inn, Harare)    Officials from the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare Officials from the International Organization for Migration Members of the Press (Others for Protocol Order)   Good morning to you all.  It ... Read More»

American Franchise Pizza Hut Opens in Zimbabwe

Harare, February 16, 2018– The Unites States welcomes the official launch of Pizza Hut in Harare at Sam Levy’s Village. Representing the U.S. Embassy at the grand opening, Embassy Spokesperson and Public Affairs Officer David McGuire said the successful launch of Pizza Hut is a demonstration that American companies see attractive business prospects in Zimbabwe. “We ... Read More»

U.S. Embassy mourns the passing of Morgan Tsvangirai

The U.S. Embassy wishes to express its sincere condolences on the passing of Morgan Tsvangirai. Our hearts, thoughts and prayers go out to his family and the people of Zimbabwe. We join Zimbabweans across the country in mourning the passing of a political leader who tirelessly fought for peace and democratic principles, and we salute ... Read More»

United States works with 350,000 Zimbabwean farmers to tackle dangerous pest targeting maize crop

Harare, 12 February, 2018 – In 2016, an invasive crop pest called the fall army worm was first confirmed in Africa. Native to the Americas, fall army worm can feed on 80 different crop species, including maize, a staple food consumed by over 300 million African smallholder farm families. The crop pest has since been ... Read More»

U.S., Zimbabwe celebrates Black History Month

Harare, February 7, 2018: The United States Embassy and Zimbabwean partners celebrate Black History Month- also known as African American History Month in America- with a series of activities across Zimbabwe. These will include discussion sessions, infotainment and educational events to promote understanding of the contributions made by African Americans to societal progress in the ... Read More»

NIH begins large HIV treatment study in pregnant women clinical trial will compare three antiretroviral drug regimens

The National Institutes of Health has launched a large international study to compare the safety and efficacy of three antiretroviral treatment regimens for pregnant women living with HIV and the safety of these regimens for their infants. The study will evaluate the current preferred first line regimen for pregnant women recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) ... Read More»

U.S. Policy on North Korean activities in Africa

Africa Regional Media Hub  Press Briefing with Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary Robert Scott, Special Representative for North Korean Policy Mark Lambert, and Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary Sandra Oudkirk U.S. Policy on North Korean activities in Africa  Via Teleconference, Washington, D.C. January 17, 2018   OPERATOR: Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for standing by. Welcome to ... Read More»

Remarks by Ambassador Harry Thomas at the Global Fund Grant Signing Ceremony

  Rainbow Towers, Harare  January 17, 2017 at 12:30pm   Dr. David Parirenyatwa, Minister of Health and Child Care Patrick Chinamasa, Minister of Finance and Economic Planning Representatives from the Global Fund Distinguished partners All protocols observed Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for inviting me to participate in this important event. Sithandekile Chilenje ... Read More»

Important Notice: U.S. Visa Issuance

Harare, November 30 2017- The U.S. Department of State is currently experiencing technical problems with its visa system, which are affecting global operations.  This issue is worldwide and is not specific to any particular country or visa category.  We recognize and deeply regret the inconvenience to travelers.  We are doing everything possible to return passports ... Read More»

U.S. Colleges host over 1300 Zimbabwean Students

  Harare, November 29, 2017– According to the 2017 Open Doors Report on International Educational Exchange data released mid- November by the Institute of International Education (IIE) and the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA), the number of Zimbabwean students in the United States increased by 2.7 percent over the ... Read More»

U.S. Government program saves lives of mothers, babies, and children in Manicaland

Harare, 29 November, 2017 – Today at Manna Resorts, the United States, through the U.S Agency for International Development (USAID), celebrated the Maternal and Child Health Integrated Program (MCHIP) together with the Ministry of Health and Child Care (MOHCC). Launched in 2013, the USAID-supported MCHIP activity has demonstrated impressive achievements to reduce maternal, newborn, and ... Read More»

U.S. congratulates Zimbabweans

Harare, November 21, 2017: Tonight marks an historic moment for Zimbabwe. We congratulate all Zimbabweans who raised their voices and stated peacefully and clearly that the time for change was overdue. As Secretary Tillerson recently stated, Zimbabwe has an historic opportunity to set itself on a new path. Through that process, the United States urges ... Read More»

Security Message for U.S. Citizens: Planned Demonstrations on November 18

United States Embassy Harare, Zimbabwe Security Message for U.S. Citizens: Planned Demonstrations on November 18 November 17, 2017 The U.S. Department of State advises U.S. citizens in Harare that two marches are planned for Saturday, November 18, 2017, convening at Freedom Square/Robert Mugabe Square (opposite Rainbow Towers) at 9:00 and 10:00 a.m.  U.S. citizens are encouraged ... Read More»

Security Message for U.S. Citizens: Planned Demonstrations on November 18

The U.S. Department of State advises U.S. citizens in Harare that two marches are planned for Saturday, November 18, 2017, convening at Freedom Square/Robert Mugabe Square (opposite Rainbow Towers) at 9:00 and 10:00 a.m. U.S. citizens are encouraged to avoid Harare’s Central Business District. As the political situation in Zimbabwe remains uncertain, you should remain ... Read More»

Embassy Harare Statement on Visa Operations

Due to limited staffing at the U.S. Embassy in Harare on November 17th and 18th the Consular Section has suspended visa operations for this week.  At this time we hope to return to normal visa operations early next week, but we will continue to monitor the situation closely.  Visa applicants whose appointments were canceled this week will ... Read More»

Embassy Harare Statement on Political Uncertainty in Zimbabwe

Harare, November 16 2017- The U.S. government is deeply concerned by recent actions undertaken by Zimbabwean military forces. The U.S. government does not take sides in matters of internal Zimbabwean politics and calls for an expedient transition to democratic, civilian order. We call on Zimbabwean military leaders to exercise restraint, respect the rule of law, uphold ... Read More»

Security Message for U.S. Citizens: Political Uncertainty in Zimbabwe

November 14, 2017 As a result of the ongoing political uncertainty through the night, the Ambassador has instructed all employees to remain home tomorrow. U.S. government personnel have been instructed to shelter in their residences tonight and work remotely from home on November 15. The embassy will be minimally staffed and closed to the public.  U.S. citizens ... Read More»

United States and Population Services Zimbabwe advance health for mothers and babies

Harare, 14 November, 2017 – Today at the Meikles Hotel in Harare, the United States and non-governmental organization Population Services Zimbabwe (PSZ) celebrated five years of improving access to voluntary family planning information and services to poor and underserved populations in Zimbabwe. Through the Improving Family Planning Services (IFPS) activity, funded by the U.S. Agency ... Read More»

Highlighting the work of Zimbabwe YALI Network- 6- 11 November 2017

Harare, November 7 2017- Introducing Zimbabwe at the Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders (YALI) Network Country of the Week. From Zimbabwe, the YALI Network currently has 13,802 members, including 2,375 YALI Network Online Course certificate holders, as well as 180 Mandela Washington Fellows.  During this week’s campaign, we highlight our work with the ... Read More»

U.S. provides $85,000 for community development projects in 10 provinces

Harare, November 3, 2017: The United States government is providing $85,000.00 in small grants funding to community organizations in six provinces. Announcing the awards, Jennifer Savage, Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy said the funding represents U.S. commitment to enhancing community initiatives that promote local, self- sustaining development. “Each of these grants represents ... Read More»

U.S., Zimbabwe celebrate Cyber-Security awareness month

Americans and Zimbabweans marked the conclusion of National Cyber Security Awareness Month (October) with a discussion on Tuesday.   Speakers and participants agreed that a safe and secure cyberspace is an urgent necessity owing to the growth of online transactions in the financial sector as well as use of the cyberspace for communication purposes, but regulations ... Read More»

U.S. official engages youth in Bulawayo on citizen journalism

Bulawayo, October 25, 2017– A senior United States Embassy official says citizens can contribute towards the successful conduct of elections if they constructively use citizen journalism techniques to share information about their experiences as well as challenges members of the public face during the electoral process. “We don’t want to have a flawed election; we ... Read More»

U.S. provides over $100K for Lupane Women’s Development Trust

Lupane, October 18 2017: The United States, through the United States African Development Foundation (USADF), is providing $100,000 over two years to assist the Lupane Women’s Development Trust (Lupane Women). The funding will enable the Matabeleland North-based organization to build the capacity of its members in governance and marketing, as well as develop existing agricultural ... Read More»

Zim journalist to attend World Conference of Science Journalists

Harare, October 24, 2017- Zimbabwean freelance journalist and media freedom activist Columbus Mavhunga left Zimbabwe on Monday to attend the 10th World Conference of Science Journalists (WCSJ) scheduled for October 26th to 30th in the United States. Mavhunga will join over 1,400 science and journalism professionals from across the globe dedicated to engaging, incisive, accurate, and ... Read More»

New dates for 2019 Diversity Visa/ Green Card Lottery

The United States government is pleased to announce the new dates for the 2019 Diversity Visa Lottery Program (DV- 2019)- commonly known as the Green Card Lottery- following technical issues with the site- . Effectively, the new registration period for DV-2019 opens for electronic entries at 6 pm on Wednesday October 18th 2017. It closes ... Read More»

Diversity Visa-2019 Campaign

The Department of State announces the opening of the registration period for the DV-2019 Diversity Visa Lottery.  Commonly known as the “Green Card Lottery,” this program offers people from around the world, the opportunity to work and live in the United States.  Registration is free of charge and can only be done at This is ... Read More»

Remarks by U.S. Ambassador Harry K. Thomas, Jr. at the USADF Grants Signing Ceremony

USADF Grants Signing Ceremony Murewa, Mashonaland East   Masikati Tatenda  ndafara kuvapano. Good afternoon – honorable ministers, members of parliament, government officials, traditional leaders, councilors, district administrators, our distinguished grantee – Heather Chimhoga Orphan Care, LEAD director, members of the press, ladies and gentlemen.   Thank you for having me here today. And a very special ... Read More»

U.S. provides over $150K for Murehwa Orphan Care Initiatives

Harare, October 12, 2017: The United States government, through the United States Africa Development Foundation (USADF), is providing over $150,000 to a child focused community based initiative- Heather Chimoga Orphan Care (HCOC) – in Murehwa, Mashonaland East, to increase poultry productivity that directly supports orphan care. Announcing the new funding at a grant signing ceremony ... Read More»

U.S. engages Zim on human trafficking

Harare, October 2, 2017: The United States is pushing for more partnerships with Zimbabwe to combat trafficking in persons (TIP) and will support efforts to reform legislation so it conforms to international best practice, a delegation from the State Department Office to Combat Trafficking in Persons said. “Our foreign assistance (in Zimbabwe) is going to ... Read More»

Governments can do more to increase food self-sufficiency- Secretary Espy

Tsholotsho, September 28 2017- Former United States congressman, Michael Espy, says governments can do more to enhance progress towards food self-sufficiency, including allowing the international community to continue to play a role. According to the former U.S. Secretary for Agriculture, now a member of the governing board of the international Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture ... Read More»

U.S. Helps Return Land to Communities for Productive Use

The Liberation War of the 1970s left Zimbabwe with arguably the densest minefields to be found anywhere in the world.  Original estimates reported seven minefields, covering 766 kilometers (km) along the Zambian and Mozambican borders.  The minefields consisted of mainly anti-personnel mines at a reported density of 5,500 per linear km.  The current estimate for ... Read More»

Statement from the U.S. Embassy on the Trial of Pastor Evan Mawarire

The United States is monitoring the trial of Pastor Evan Mawarire, and calls for an end to arbitrary arrests and intimidation for political purposes. We support freedom of expression and the right of peaceful assembly. We call on the Government of Zimbabwe to respect and to protect the human rights of all persons in Zimbabwe, ... Read More»

Remarks by President Trump at Working Lunch with African Leaders

PRESIDENT TRUMP: Thank you very much, General. I appreciate it. And I’m greatly honored to host this lunch, to be joined by the leaders of Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, Uganda, and South Africa. In particular, I want to thank President Condé, who is representing the African Union. Thank you. Thank you. ... Read More»

USAID Activity Improves Food Security in Rural Zimbabwe

Tsholotsho, 20 September 2017: An activity funded by the United States Government, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), is making strides in improving food security and nutrition in North and South Matabeleland, Zimbabwe. The activity—dubbed Amalima—takes its name from the Ndebele custom by which communities come together to help each other engage in ... Read More»

PEPFAR Releases New Strategy and Data for Epidemic Control of HIV/AIDS

On September 19, at the 72nd United National General Assembly, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson released the new U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) Strategy for Accelerating HIV/AIDS Epidemic Control (2017-2020), which reaffirms U.S. support for HIV/AIDS efforts in more than 50 countries, ensuring access to services by all populations, including the most ... Read More»

U.S. backs Zim progress towards TB infection control

A senior official from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a United States government health agency, has called for increased collaboration among private and public health organisations to sustain efforts that accelerate progress in preventing the spread of tuberculosis (TB) among health care workers. ”It is paramount that we implement measures to keep ... Read More»

Influential U.S. cleric, T.D. Jakes, concludes Zim tour

Harare, September 11, 2017: Famous American bishop and author Thomas Dexter Jakes Sr., widely known as T.D. Jakes, concluded his visit to Harare with a meeting with United States Ambassador Harry Thomas Jr. on Saturday. He described visit to the southern African country as “a great experience.”   “It’s been a great experience,” said Jakes, ... Read More»

Wanted: African leaders for a 6-week fellowship

Imagine six weeks at a U.S. university where you can sharpen your skills in public management, civic leadership or business; get advice from experts in the U.S. public, private and nonprofit sectors; and build a network of Africans and Americans to support your professional development. (State Dept.) That is what the Mandela Washington Fellowship is ... Read More»

Zimbabwe:Works beneficiaries earn $31 million and generate 6,000 jobs

HARARE, ZIMBABWE To recognize five years of promoting sustainable youth development in Zimbabwe, the International Youth Foundation is honoured to host the Zimbabwe:Works (Z:W) Celebration on September 6, 2017. Since its inception in June 2012, Z:W has collaborated with 27 local NGO and private sector partners in 12 districts to equip nearly 29,000 young people ... Read More»

Ambassador Thomas at ZIFF/IIFF Screening of Hidden Figures

Remarks Ambassador Thomas at ZIFF/IIFF Screening of Hidden Figures August 30, 2017  Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Thank you all for coming out tonight, and special thanks to Nigel Munyati of the Zimbabwe International Film Festival Trust, and Tsitsi Dangarembga, of the International Images Film Festival for Women, our partners in bringing you tonight’s featured ... Read More»

Hidden Figures an affirmation of women’s strength

Harare, September 1, 2017: The award winning American film, Hidden Figures, is an affirmation of women’s strength and a symbol of the contribution of minorities in struggles for human emancipation, speakers said at the 19th edition of the Zimbabwe International Film Festival (ZIFF 2017).  Hidden Figures tells the story of a team of female African-American ... Read More»

Mandela Washington fellows in governance push

Harare, August 28, 2017: Alumni of the Mandela Washington Fellowship – the YaliCreatives- last week concluded a series of training sessions to promote public participation in governance issues. Congratulating the graduates of the final training session in Harare, U.S. Embassy officials- Stacy Lomba and John Taylor of the Public Affairs Section- said the United States’ ... Read More»

U.S. education prepares Zim student for venture into Africa’s energy spectrum

Harare, August 25, 2017: Zimbabwean student Ngoni Mugwisi (24) says he is ready to embark on his doctoral studies that will set him on a path to influence the energy spectrum in Africa. “Five years from now I will probably have earned my PhD in electrical engineering from Oxford University,” said Ngoni, a graduate of ... Read More»

U.S. brings Hollywood gaffer to Zim film festival

Harare, August 25, 2017: The United States Embassy is proud to support the participation of Hollywood lighting designer, gaffer and cinematographer Christian Epps at this year’s Zimbabwe International Film Festival (ZIFF) and the International Images Film Festival for Women. Epps will conduct workshops in line with the Festival’s theme, “The Business of Film.”  The Embassy ... Read More»

Informational Message

U.S. Embassy Harare and U.S. Embassy Pretoria are aware that some flights between Zimbabwe and South Africa have been canceled, and U.S. citizens might be impacted. U.S. citizens whose travel is canceled should work with their travel agents to reschedule or re-route flights and should monitor news reports for updates on the situation. As a ... Read More»

USAID awards $20 million to Africaid to improve HIV prevention, treatment, care, and support services for youth

Harare, 10 August, 2017 – Today at Meikles Hotel in Harare, the U.S. Embassy, acting through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and Zimbabwean private voluntary organization, Africaid, signed an award of $20 million to improve HIV care and treatment for children, adolescents, and young people. At the event, USAID/ Zimbabwe Mission Director Stephanie ... Read More»

Zim women celebrate in solidarity with SA counterparts

Harare, August 9 2017: Women must redefine the meaning of freedom for today’s generation in order to enhance their contribution in an unequal society, a veteran educationist said on Tuesday. “Today …we are celebrating the past where tens of thousands and millions of women fought and also died to achieve certain things which they thought ... Read More»

Security Message for U.S. Citizens: Robberies of Passengers from Johannesburg’s OR Tambo Airport

Messages for U.S. Citizens U.S. Consulate General, Johannesburg July 25, 2017 The U.S. Mission to South Africa advises U.S. citizens to exercise caution when arranging ground transportation from OR Tambo International Airport in Johannesburg to hotels, guest houses, and residences.  Numerous U.S. citizens and other travelers have been robbed at gun point while traveling from ... Read More»

Financial assistance inquiries dominate Colleges Fair

Harare, July 26th, 2017: Inquiries about financial assistance for college education in the United States dominated the recent American Colleges and Universities Fair held at Prince Edward School last Saturday, college representatives said. EducationUSA Harare hosted the colleges and universities fair at Prince Edward School on July 22nd to enable high school students and parents ... Read More»

United States improves health and nutrition for 53,000 through water and sanitation upgrades

Harare, 11 July, 2017 – Today at Sherukuru Secondary School in Mutasa District, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) celebrates the achievements of the Community Water Supply, Sanitation, Hygiene, and Natural Resources Management project (C-WASH), which has improved the health of 53,000 Zimbabweans. Implemented by Development Aid from People to People (DAPP) Zimbabwe, ... Read More»

Fourth of July Remarks by U.S. Ambassador Harry K. Thomas, Jr.

Our Guest of Honor, the Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Honorable Edgar Mbwembwe; Honorable Judges of the Supreme Court and the High Court; Members of the Diplomatic Corps; Members of Parliament; Permanent Secretaries of the Government of Zimbabwe; and the Acting Mayor of Harare, Councilor Enock Mupamawonde; Ladies and gentlemen, (PAUSE) Welcome! ... Read More»

Important Notice: Consular Office closed Thursday Afternoon

The U.S. Embassy in  Harare  wishes to advise the public that the Consular Section will be closed from 11:00hrs – 17:30hrs on July 6th, 2017. No services will be provided. For American Citizen Emergencies, please call the Duty Officer on 0772559727.  We apologize for any inconvenience caused. Read More»

U.S. destination of choice for education, sports- NBA star

Harare, June 29, 2017: That parents in most of Africa do not place importance in their children pursuing a career in sports is a reality that confronts most students when making choices for their future. With their emphasis on education, parents often cite the stability and security associated with careers in education, medicine, banking and ... Read More»

U.S. notes Zim progress in combating trafficking in persons

Harare, June 29, 2017: A United States government report says Zimbabwe made notable progress to strengthen its capacity and to respond to cases of trafficking in persons in the past year. “The (Zimbabwe) government made key achievements during the reporting period (2016- 17)… these achievements included increased efforts to investigate and prosecute alleged trafficking crimes,” ... Read More»

U.S. scholarship fulfills Zim student’s search for innovative solutions

Harare, June 21, 2017: Eagerness to learn and find innovative solutions to common challenges has landed a young Tanaka Chingonzo a scholarship to study at the United States’ College of Wooster in Ohio. He travels for the four year study this August, hardly his first trip to the United States in search of knowledge. “I ... Read More»

U.S. to welcome 60 young Zimbabweans for Mandela Washington Fellowship

Harare, June 6, 2017: Sixty young Zimbabweans have been selected to participate in the 2017 Mandela Washington Fellowship Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI). The young leaders, selected from a pool of over 2,600 applicants from Zimbabwe alone, will join 940 others from across the continent. Ambassador Harry K. Thomas Jr. hosted the departing contingent on ... Read More»

Senior U.S. State Department official visit to Zimbabwe

Public Affairs Section United States Embassy Transcript: DAS O’Connell visit to Zimbabwe Harare, June 6, 2017: Following her visit to Zimbabwe Carol Thompson O’Connell, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs visited Zimbabwe for the first time since assuming her position in President Trump’s administration in March 2017. She held meetings with representatives of ... Read More»

Upcoming YALI EXPO a symbol of determination by Zim youth leaders

By David McGuire Harare, May 23, 2017: The U.S. Embassy sends its heartfelt congratulations to the Zimbabwean YALI Mandela Washington Fellows for its upcoming “YALIExpo” running under the theme “Harness the Hustle.” The event will take place at the Meikles Hotel Rooftop on Saturday, June 3, 2017 from 9:00am until 4:00pm. The free expo will ... Read More»

American university choir concludes Zim tour

Harare, May 31, 2017: A United States based college musical ensemble, Gonzaga University Chamber Chorus, concluded a two week visit to Zambia and Zimbabwe on Tuesday. The 28 member ensemble comprised of students studying in various academic and professional fields held seminars and workshops with high schools, colleges and prominent choral groups in the two ... Read More»

U.S. Foreign Press Centers invites Zim scribe for press freedom tour

Harare, May 31, 2017: Zimbabwe Independent reporter, Hazel Ndebele, has a rare chance to witness media engagement and press freedom issues in the United States under the new administration after she was selected to be one of several journalists by the United States Foreign Press Centers. The tour entitled “Media Literacy and Press Freedom in the ... Read More»

‘Gap year’ prepares Zim student for U.S.

Harare, May 11th 2017: Despite being out of school for 16 months after completing her high school education, Nicole Kumbula’s determination has earned her a full scholarship to study at Bates College in the United States. She pays tribute to the “forced gap-year” she thought she would endure after her initial attempt to secure admission ... Read More»

U.S. to maintain HIV funding levels in Zimbabwe- Ambassador

Harare, May 10th 2017: The United States Ambassador says his country will maintain, and even increase, HIV funding levels in Zimbabwe despite a change in administration. “We are very heartened that our Congress just passed the budget within the last few days and our President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) funding is remaining constant. ... Read More»

U.S. Welcomes Zimbabwean Students

By Ambassador Harry K. Thomas Jr. Harare, May 5 2017- I want to congratulate all students in Zimbabwe who have received offers of admission from one or more of the over 4,500 accredited institutions of higher learning in the United States.  Graduates of U.S. universities have gone on to become leaders and innovators in many fields ... Read More»

PEPFAR, partners breathe life into Harare’s First Street

Harare, May 4, 2017– The OK- PEPFAR First Street Stage in central Harare was a hive of activity with scores of individuals queuing to get tested for HIV as well as receive health information on Wednesday. The platform, operating under the theme “Start Free, Stay Free, AIDS Free,” is part of the ongoing Harare International ... Read More»

U.S. Pragmatic about Zimbabwe’s future

Washington, April 21, 2017: United States Ambassador Harry K. Thomas Jr. says the future of Zimbabwe is bright and his country will continue with the commitments it made to Zimbabwe since the country gained its independence in 1980. The U.S. diplomat was one of the panel members along with U.S. based Zimbabwean political science and ... Read More»

Secretary Tillerson on Zimbabwe’s Independence

Press Statement Rex W. Tillerson Secretary of State Washington, DC April 18, 2017 On behalf of the citizens of the United States, congratulations to the people of Zimbabwe who celebrate 37 years of independence on April 18. The United States shares common values with the Zimbabwean people, including a belief in a more democratic and ... Read More»

Perseverance earns Rusape boy U.S. scholarship

Harare, April 13, 2017– Shingirai Guchu (21) is headed to Lebanon Valley College in the United States after securing the Almond Tree Scholarship. News of the result of the highly competitive award was announced to him through the EducationUSA Advising Center last Thursday. “That was the most shocking and surprising moment of my entire life ... Read More»

As Zim turns 37, U.S. Ambassador to discuss future

Harare, April 12, 2017: Ahead of Zimbabwe’s independence on April 18th, Ambassador Harry Thomas Jnr will on Thursday April 13th (4 pm Zimbabwe time) participate in a panel discussion on the future of Zimbabwe. The discussion is organized by VOA Africa Division and will be moderated by veteran journalist Blessing Zulu. Ambassador Thomas Jr. started ... Read More»

TRANSCRIPT: U.S. Ambassador visits Musasa Project

Public Affairs Section United States Embassy Harare TRANSCRIPT: U.S. Ambassador visits Musasa Project March 2nd 2017: Ahead of International Women’s Day (March 8th), the United States ambassador, Harry K. Thomas Jr.,  visited Musasa to view first hand some of the initiatives that have been undertaken with this government’s support as well as to underscore the ... Read More»

U.S. continues HIFA collaboration

Harare, April 6, 2017: The United States will have a significant presence at this year’s edition of the Harare International Festival of the Arts (HIFA) by bringing musical artists and health info-tainment through film as well as various forms of entertainment along Harare’s First Street. “We are excited to be part of this year’s edition ... Read More»

U.S. drought response reduced suffering for over 2 million Zimbabweans as malnutrition declines

Harare, April 6, 2017 – The U.S. Government, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), provided humanitarian assistance for over 2 million Zimbabweans during the El Niño-induced drought that led to widespread crop failure and left 4.1 million rural Zimbabweans food insecure.  As the annual harvest approaches, USAID and its partners are reviewing the ... Read More»

‘U.S. higher education matches my ambition’

Harare, April 6 2017:  Harare, April 5 2017:  Dumisile Mphamba (19) says the United States has an education system to match her ambition after three top American universities said they are prepared to admit her on full scholarship. “I want to study medicine but I have interests in biology, French; theatre; music; women’s studies; African studies ... Read More»

U.S. College graduates share tips

On March 25, 2017 EducationUSA hosted a graduate information session for Zimbabwean professionals interested in higher education opportunities in the U.S.  Thirty-three participants, from different academic and professional backgrounds attended the session, which was facilitated by a panel of American and Zimbabweans who graduated from U.S. universities. The highly interactive session covered topics around identifying ... Read More»

U.S., AU collaborate to boost Zim’s anti- malaria efforts

Mutare, March 27 2017: A senior United States Embassy official says her government is providing funding support to Africa University to boost its capacity to support Zimbabwe’s anti-malaria efforts. “In 2015, following discussions with the Zimbabwe National Malaria Program, the United States President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) committed to support a laboratory to enhance Zimbabwe’s capacity ... Read More»

United States celebrates progress on World TB Day

Harare, 22 March, 2017 – The United States Government stands with the people of Zimbabwe in commemorating World Tuberculosis (TB) Day (March 24_.  Through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the United States has contributed long-term and substantial investments to the fight against TB ... Read More»

U.S. calls for tougher action against human trafficking

Harare, March 16th, 2017: A senior United States Embassy official has called on the public to boycott products from companies involved in human trafficking, in addition to other measures to help stamp out the scourge that has plagued humanity. “We as individuals can make a difference by being aware of our own habits, by understanding ... Read More»

Statement on the 2nd anniversary of the disappearance of Itai Dzamara

Today, March 9th, marks the second anniversary of the disappearance of Mr. Itai Dzamara, Zimbabwean civil society activist and leader of Occupy Africa Unity Square.  On this day two years ago, Dzamara was forced into an unmarked vehicle and has not been heard from since. The United States remains deeply concerned about Mr. Dzamara’s whereabouts ... Read More»

New movie delivers powerful messages on tuberculosis

Harare, 7 March, 2017 – As part of the fight against tuberculosis (TB) throughout Southern Africa, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) have partnered with Discovery Learning Alliance, Quizzical Pictures, Wellcome Trust, Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), HHMI Tangled Bank Studios, and Management Sciences ... Read More»

2016 Zimbabwe Human Rights Report

U.S. State Department Human Rights Report Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor Zimbabwe EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Zimbabwe is constitutionally a republic. President Robert Mugabe, his Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) party, and its authoritarian security sector have dominated the country since independence in 1980. Presidential and parliamentary elections held in 2013 were free of the widespread violence of the 2008 elections, ... Read More»

Remarks by Amb. Harry K. Thomas Jr. on visit to Musasa

This is an important visit for me personally and for our Embassy.  March is Women’s History Month and March 8th is International Women’s Day.  This year’s theme, “Be Bold for Change,” calls on individuals and communities to help forge a better and more inclusive gender-equal world. That world simply is not possible where Gender Based ... Read More»

Education, family keys to ‘American Dream’: U.S. Ambassador

Harare, February 24, 2017: In 1931, American writer and historian James Truslow Adams said the American dream envisaged a life “better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement regardless of social class or circumstances of birth.” Many continue to cast doubt about the possibility of this reality ... Read More»

Security Message for U.S. Citizens: Weather-related Event

U.S. Embassy Harare, Zimbabwe Security Message for U.S. Citizens: Weather-related Event February 16, 2017 The Zimbabwe Meteorological Service has issued a high alert for tropical cyclone-type rainfall from Thursday, February 16, 2017 until Monday, February 20, 2017. The most likely impacted areas include Masvingo and Matabelaland South provinces, as well as the southern areas of ... Read More»

Statement on deteriorating Human Rights situation in Zimbabwe

Harare, February 6, 2017: The United States is extremely concerned by the continuing deterioration of the human rights situation in Zimbabwe, as evidenced by the unwarranted arrest and continued detention of Pastor Evan Mawarire and the incarceration of Pastor Phillip Patrick Mugadza. The U.S. Government unequivocally believes in the basic right to freedom of speech ... Read More»

Visa Waiver Fake News Story

Harare, February 2, 2017: The U.S. Embassy in Harare is aware of false news reports stating that Zimbabwe nationals can now travel to the U.S. without a visa.  There is absolutely no truth to these stories.  For up-to-date visa information please visit  this link # # # Comments or queries should be addressed to David McGuire, Public ... Read More»

Celebrating Successful Democratic Transition of Power

Harare, February 1, 2017 Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, members of the Diplomatic Corps and dear friends.  Thank you so much for joining us here today. Please welcome our guest of honor Thomas Hastings, who is the State Department’s Deputy Director for Southern Africa. We are also announcing that the US will provide ... Read More»

Executive Order on ‘Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States’ — January 31, 2017

On January 27, President Trump signed an Executive Order temporarily suspending entry into the United States of foreign nationals from seven countries [Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Iran, Somalia, Libya, and Yemen] under section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act. This suspension provided for in the Executive Order will allow the U.S. Government to review current ... Read More»

United States provides $4 million to alleviate impact of drought on people living with HIV

Harare, 30 January, 2016 – The United States Government has provided an additional US$4 million in response to drought affected areas in Zimbabwe, targeting people living with HIV in the most severely affected areas of the country.  This funding brings the total U.S. support to alleviate the effects of drought to $131 million, assisting 2 ... Read More»

U.S. health agency backs Zim typhoid response efforts

Harare, January 24, 2017: A United States health agency is providing assistance to the government of Zimbabwe and has deployed health experts to provide laboratory and epidemiological surveillance support to contain the outbreak of typhoid fever in the country, an official said on Thursday. “For our part we were asked to provide two things, the ... Read More»

With U.S. Support, ‘Life is Now Safe’ for Communities in Zimbabwe’s Burma Valley

In Shona, the primary language of Zimbabwe, chimbambaira once innocently meant “small sweet potato,” until becoming a slang term for landmines that continue to kill and injure people going about their daily lives.  We recently traveled to Burma Valley in Zimbabwe to see firsthand how U.S. efforts to help Zimbabwe safely clear landmines and unexploded ... Read More»

ZIMPHIA results out

GREAT NEWS as we start 2017 The ZIMPHIA survey recently showed significant progress on the 90-90-90 targets set to end AIDS by 2030: in Zimbabwe, 74% of people living with HIV know their status, 87% of those people are on treatment, and 87% of those people are virally suppressed. USAID salutes everyone who has been ... Read More»

Presidential Proclamation — National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, 2017

NATIONAL SLAVERY AND HUMAN TRAFFICKING PREVENTION MONTH, 2017 – – – – – – – BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION Our Nation wrestled with the issue of slavery in a way that nearly tore us apart — its fundamental notion in direct contradiction with our founding premise that we ... Read More»

Youth trained by USAID, DFID, and SIDA increase their incomes through the Zimbabwe:Works project

Harare, January 3, 2016 – Since January 2015, over 12,000 Zimbabwean youths have benefited from expanded economic opportunities through Phase II of the Zimbabwe:Works project.  The Zimbabwe:Works project is supported through funding from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID), and the Swedish International Development Cooperation ... Read More»

Invitation for applications: Media Co-op Program

Harare, December 19 2016- The United States Embassy in Harare is seeking applications from broadcast or online media organizations interested in participating in the Bureau of Public Affairs’ Foreign Press Center (PA/FPC) Media Co-op program. Media Co-Ops are a (maximum) two-week, highly-intensive U.S. work and travel program usually involving a broadcast media producer/reporter and one ... Read More»

New York welcomes Zimbabwean fashion designers

American photographer Jhenny Morales Evans and Philipino fashion designer John Ablaza visited Zimbabwe in 2016 where they conducted workshops for local designers and models. Along with Mithi Aquino Thomas, wife to Ambassador Harry K. Thomas Jr. they have taken some of this work to America’s fashion capital as part of earlier commitment to improve the ... Read More»

Access & PAYLIP alumnus earns U.S. scholarship

Harare, December 13 2016: Brian Sibanda, an alumnus of the English Access Micro-scholarship Program (Access) and Pan African Youth Leadership Program (PAYLP), has been accepted at Pomona College in Claremont, California in the United States on a full scholarship. Brian was enrolled in the two year English Access program managed by Hope for a Child ... Read More»

Remarks at the DREAMS Initiative First Anniversary

Thank you for joining us today to celebrate the one year anniversary of the Determined, Resilient, Empowered, AIDS-Free, Mentored and Safe (DREAMS) Initiative! It is the perfect time to celebrate this important initiative – in the middle of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence and having just commemorated World AIDS Day. Read More»

U.S., Zimbabwe Celebrate DREAMS Initiative First Anniversary

  Harare, 7 December 2016 – The United States and Zimbabwe celebrated the first anniversary of the DREAMS initiative at The Venue in Avondale, Harare today.  DREAMS – which stands for Determined, Resilient, Empowered, AIDS-Free, Mentored, and Safe – is an ambitious two-year partnership to reduce new HIV infections among adolescent girls and young women by 40 ... Read More»

U.S. wants more partnerships in HIV/ AIDS response

  Remarks by U.S. Ambassador to Zimbabwe, Harry Thomas World AIDS Day 2016 December 1, 2016 Mbizo Stadium, Kwekwe, Zimbabwe The Vice President of the Republic of Zimbabwe Honorable Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa Honorable Minister of Health and Child Care, Dr. David Parirenyatwa Honorable Minister of State for Midlands Province, Honorable Jason Machaya and other Honorable ... Read More»

U.S. provides $265,000 in small grants to communities in ten Zim provinces

Harare, December 5 2016: The United States Embassy is providing $265,000 is small grants to community organizations in nine provinces, Ambassador Harry Thomas Jr. announced on Monday. “I am delighted to announce that my Embassy is giving $265,000 in small grants to communities in nine provinces to celebrate their commitment to changing lives,” said Ambassador ... Read More»

Remarks by Mark Troger, PEPFAR Coordinator

Remarks by Mark Troger, PEPFAR Coordinator Media Awards Competition 2016 November 30, 2016 Golden Mile Motel, Kwekwe J Machaya – Minister Of State for Midlands Province Distinguished guests from the Ministry of Health and Child Care and other representatives of the Government of Zimbabwe Magure Chief Executive – National AIDS Council, and other representatives of ... Read More»

US Statement on Deteriorating Human Rights Situation in Zimbabwe

Harare, November 19, 2016: The United States notes with concern reports of the abduction, assault, and harassment of civil society leaders ahead of Friday’s scheduled demonstrations.  We urge the Zimbabwe government to investigate these crimes and ensure adequate protection of individuals peacefully exercising their constitutionally guaranteed rights to freedom of expression. U.S. Ambassador Harry K. ... Read More»

New Consular Hours

As of December 1st, the Consular Section will be implementing a new schedule for American Citizen Services, Non-Immigrant Visas and Immigrant Visas.   I.  New Schedule:  Starting Dec 1st.  New days for Non-Immigrant Visas.  Appointments will begin at 7:30 on Mondays and Wednesdays Only.  Appointments can be made through this link For American American Citizens.  Starting Dec 1st, ... Read More»

NUST American Space officially opens to the public

Bulawayo, November 16, 2016: United States Ambassador Harry K. Thomas Jr., government officials, and National University of Science and Technology (NUST) officials will on Tuesday October 25th witness the official launch of the NUST American Space in Bulawayo. “We are excited to launch the NUST American Space after two years of work on the project,” ... Read More»

United States colleges receive more Zimbabwean students

Harare, November 15, 2016 – The number of Zimbabwean students studying in the United States increased by 4 per cent to 1,295 students in the 2015-16 academic year, according to the 2016 Open Doors Report on International Educational Exchange. The figure means that Zimbabwe remains the 6th leading country of origin of students from sub ... Read More»

U.S. health agency highlights importance of TB infection control in the fight against HIV/AIDS

Harare, November 10, 2016: A senior official of the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC- Zimbabwe) says the new national HealthCare Associated Tuberculosis Infection Prevention Project – Zimbabwe (HATIPP-Zim) is critical to helping Zimbabwe meet the AIDS treatment targets as it will ensure that critical staff are protected from infectious diseases such ... Read More»

U.S. supports professional development for Bulawayo women

The Women’s Development Dialogue (WDD) series is a program concluded in October 26th with a breakfast meeting. The program, sponsored by the United States Embassy   sought to empower established professionals and up-and-coming younger women.  Through monthly meetings and mentor-mentee pairings, it created a platform where women from various sectors can network and build unity, thereby ... Read More»

U.S. provides $42,000 to preserve Ndebele art form

Bulawayo, October 31, 2016: The United States, through the State Department Ambassador’s Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP), is providing $42,000 to the Bulawayo National Gallery to enable the organization to preserve and document Ndebele traditional art form of hut paintings and decorations. “I am pleased to announce that through the Ambassador’s Fund for Cultural Preservation ... Read More»

Zimbabwe journalist to witness final stages of U.S. election

Harare, October 28, 2016: Award winning investigative journalist, Elias Mambo, will this week travel to the United States to cover the final stages going into that country’s election. The tour, facilitated by the United States based Foreign Press Centers will enable Mambo, a senior reporter with the Zimbabwe Independent newspaper to cover the final stretch ... Read More»

United States, Global Fund distribute 1.7 million nets to prevent malaria in Zimbabwe

Harare, 19 October, 2016 –The United States government and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria (Global Fund) supported distribution of 1,785,000 long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) to communities at risk for malaria in August and September of this year.  This effort, which is coordinated and led by the Ministry of Health and Child ... Read More»

ZIFF’s ‘USA Night’ honors Prince Rogers Nelson

Harare, October 6, 2016: The United States is dedicating ‘USA Night’ (Friday October 7th 2016) at this year’s edition of the Zimbabwe International Film Festival (ZIFF) to singer and song writer Prince Rogers Nelson. One of the United States’ two entries to the revitalized Festival is a feature film Purple Rain starring Prince which will ... Read More»

United States 2018 Diversity Visa Lottery Begins

Harare, October 5, 2016: The U.S. Embassy in Harare is pleased to announce the start of the 2018 Diversity Visa Lottery Program, also known as the “Green Card” Lottery. The program opened for online registration on October 4th 2016 and the deadline for applications is November 7th 2016.  The Diversity Visa Lottery allows randomly selected ... Read More»

U.S. invites applications for 2017 Mandela Washington Fellowship

Harare, September 21, 2016: The United States Embassy is thrilled to announce that the application process for the 2017 Mandela Washington Fellowship opened today and will be open until October 26th. Eligible young leaders between the ages of 25 and 35 can apply by visiting . “We are excited about this opportunity for young Zimbabwean ... Read More»

United States Government Response to Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission Report on Partisan Distribution of Food Aid

Harare, 9 September, 2016 – The U.S. Government and our partners welcome the Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission’s investigations into the distribution of food assistance along political party lines.  As the largest contributor to humanitarian assistance in Zimbabwe, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has robust mechanisms in place to ensure that U.S. food ... Read More»

U.S. supports foundation for transparent, accountable economic policy making

Harare, September 8, 2016: United States Ambassador Harry K. Thomas Jr. says the partnership between his government and Zimbabwean institutions has laid the foundation for transparent, accountable and evidence based policy-making that will unlock Zimbabwe’s economic potential. “Since 2011, the USAID-Strategic Economic Research and Analysis (USAID- SERA) program has partnered with a number of Zimbabwean institutions to ... Read More»

Statement by National Security Advisor Susan E. Rice on the International Day for the Victims of Enforced Disappearances

Statement by National Security Advisor Susan E. Rice on the International Day for the Victims of Enforced Disappearances Today, on the International Day for the Victims of Enforced Disappearances, we stand in solidarity with the men and women around the world whose own governments have abducted them and detained them in secret. In too many ... Read More»

U.S. Embassy calls for non-violence and respect for human rights during ongoing protests

Harare, August 26, 2016: The United States is troubled by the economic policies and financial strains that have prompted numerous recent protests in Zimbabwe and we join many Zimbabweans in their deep concern over reports of violence during some of the protests. The United States supports freedoms of speech and assembly and we call on ... Read More»

U.S. provides $7 million in scholarships to Zimbabwean students

Harare, August 1, 2016:  United States colleges and universities are providing $7 million in scholarships to deserving Zimbabwean students this year, United States Ambassador Harry Thomas Jr. revealed on Saturday. “This year we are very pleased that $7 million in scholarships were awarded to Zimbabwean students to study in the United States and we hope ... Read More»

USAID Humanitarian Assistance to Southern Africa and Southern Africa Drought Relief

Africa Regional Media Hub Media Briefing with USAID Assistant Administrator for the Bureau of Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance (DCHA) R. David Harden USAID Office of Food for Peace Director Dina Esposito Moderator:  Thank-you. Good afternoon to everyone from the U.S. Department of State’s Africa Regional Media Hub.  I would like to welcome our participants who ... Read More»

PEPFAR & DREAMS Announce Winners of the $85 Million DREAMS Innovation Challenge

On July 19th at the International AIDS Conference in South Africa, PEPFAR announced the winners of the DREAMS Innovation Challenge. DREAMS selected 56 innovators from 15 countries who offer new ways to empower young women. Adolescent girls and young women represent 75 percent of new HIV infections among adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa. DREAMS knows that traditional ... Read More»

Women’s Group Pushes for Gender Sensitive Legislation

A women’ rights advocacy group says gender insensitive laws have diminished the role of women in decision making. Addressing participants to a Food for Thought discussion session held at the United States Public Affairs Section offices on Tuesday, representatives from the Institute for Young Women Development (IYWD) said government should be at the forefront of ... Read More»

U.S. Embassy, Partners Welcome Philippines Fashion Icons to Zimbabwe

The United States and local partners are supporting the visit to Zimbabwe of accomplished and renowned fashion designer, John Ablaza, photographer Jeaniffer Morales Evans and model Bea Rose Santiago, from Philippines, to stimulate growth and opportunities for local fashion entrepreneurs in Harare and Bulawayo.  The trio will conduct a series of educational and inspirational workshops ... Read More»

Fourth of July Remarks

The Government of Zimbabwe representative, Your Excellency, the Deputy Foreign Minister, Honorable Judges of the Supreme Court and the High Court,  The Diplomatic Corps, Members of Parliament, and Permanent Secretaries of the Government of Zimbabwe, Your Worships, the Mayors of Harare, Bulawayo, Gweru, Mutare, Kwekwe, Masvingo, and Ruwa, Ladies and gentlemen, Good Afternoon! Masikati! Litshonile ... Read More»

Transport Protests

This message is to inform U.S. citizens that violent confrontations have occurred between transport workers and Zimbabwe Republic Police along the Mutare highway in the Eastern suburbs of Harare.  We have had reports that traffic into and out of Harare is blocked.  We strongly recommend that U.S. citizens avoid this area if possible. The Embassy ... Read More»

Why We Issue the Human Rights Reports

Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, Tom Malinowski Yesterday, Secretary Kerry released the State Department’s 39th annual  Human Rights Reports , a comprehensive review of human rights conditions in 199 countries and territories around the world. Mandated by Congress, these reports are the United States’ factual and authoritative statement on the ... Read More»

Investigative Journalism Contributes to Society: U.S. Expert

In early June, the United States Embassy Public Affairs Section partnered local media civic organizations to host veteran journalism trainer, Ms. Lucinda Fleeson. The visiting American media expert conducted training for journalists for 33 Zimbabwean journalists working with the Voluntary Media Council of Zimbabwe (VMCZ) and the Humanitarian Information Facilitation Center (HIFC). Ms. Fleeson, who ... Read More»

Investigative Journalism Does Good & Contributes to Society: U.S. Expert

In early June, the United States Embassy Public Affairs Section partnered local media civic organizations to host veteran journalism trainer, Ms. Lucinda Fleeson. The visiting American media expert conducted training for journalists for 33 Zimbabwean journalists working with the Voluntary Media Council of Zimbabwe (VMCZ) and the Humanitarian Information Facilitation Center (HIFC). Ms. Fleeson, who ... Read More»

Viset Promotes Economic Resilience

One of Zimbabwe’s civic organizations working with people in the informal sector, Vendors Initiative for Social and Economic Transformation, (VISET) is determined to defend vendors’ rights and curb economic hardship through a number of lobby and advocacy campaigns as well as interventions to assist vendor to trade profitably. Formed in 2015, VISET has drafted measures ... Read More»

USAID and DAPP Partner with Communities to Improve Health and Sanitation

With assistance from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)’s Community Water Supply, Sanitation, Hygiene, and Natural Resources Management (C-WASH) activity, communities in Nyanga District will be able to construct facilities to dramatically improve their health and sanitation. Today at the Ruwangwe District Development Fund Rest Camp, Robert Chawatama, the Provincial Water and Sanitation ... Read More»

USAID Official Visits Zimbabwe to Assess Drought Crisis

Dina Esposito, Acting Deputy Assistant Administrator in the Bureau for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance at the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), visited Zimbabwe this week.  Ms. Esposito is leading USAID’s worldwide response to El Niño.  Her visit to Zimbabwe was part of a three-country trip to evaluate the impact of the El Niño-induced ... Read More»

Mandela Washington Fellowship Reception

Good Evening, Maswera sei (Ma-sway-rah-say), Litshone njani (Leet-sho-neh na-janee). Welcome.  It is an honor to fill our home with so many extraordinarily talented guests.  I’d like to offer my congratulations to the sixty 2016 fellows who were chosen from this year’s pool of over 1,600 applicants from Zimbabwe.  This marks the largest number of applications ... Read More»

$3.4 Million U.S. Support Boosts Zim Health Leadership Capacity

A senior United States Embassy official says a U.S.-Zimbabwe partnership at the University of Zimbabwe for the last five years has laid a solid foundation for strong leadership and management systems in Zimbabwe’s health institutions. On Thursday, members of the Health Services Board, Ministry of Health and Child Care (Provincial Medical Directors, Provincial Hospital Executives, ... Read More»

Press Freedom in the U.S.: Lessons for Zimbabwe

Guest Lecture Presentation Karen Kelley, Counselor for Public Affairs at the United States Embassy Journalism and Media Studies Department, Midlands State University, Gweru Thank you very much for this opportunity to address you all in the beautiful City of Progress. We are still commemorating World Press Freedom Day, which is May 3. I am especially ... Read More»

Zim Artists Hail Journalists, Bemoan Censorship

Artists paid tribute to the contribution of journalists and other media workers in Zimbabwe and hailed continued advocacy for an improved environment for media workers. Participating in a panel discussion on “Art as Expression” to mark World Press Freedom Day at the United States Embassy’s Eastgate offices on Tuesday, the artists noted that they face ... Read More»

Ugandan CSP Fellow Shares Experiences with Zim Women Journalists

Ugandan Community Solutions Program alumna, Ms. Prossy Kawala, facilitated a media literacy seminar for 19 Zimbabwean women journalists, most of whom are members of the PAS Harare-funded Women Journalists Mentoring Program (WJMP) Fellows on Thursday. Ms. Kawala shared her experiences as a professional journalist working to design and implement community oriented news, information and current ... Read More»

U.S. Embassy Partners Local Groups to Commemorate Earth Day

The United States Embassy partnered the City of Harare and a local nongovernmental organization, Miracle Missions, in a cleanup exercise picking up litter at Harare Gardens on April 22nd to mark Earth Day. The event was attended by about 50 individuals, including Acting Mayor Councilor Chris Mbanga and City of Harare officials, diplomats and volunteers. The ... Read More»

Clean Up Exercise to Mark Earth Day

Greetings and Thank You. Allow me to begin by greeting all of those assembled here today and to express my appreciation to the city of Harare for partnering with the U.S. Embassy during this Harare Gardens Earth Day clean-up.  Specifically His Worship Mayor Manyenyeni; Esteemed city officials Thanks to Miracle Missions for organizing local civic ... Read More»

United States Provides Additional $20 Million Boost to Drought Response

In response to growing food insecurity in Zimbabwe, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) announced today $20 million in additional funding to the United Nations World Food Program (WFP).  This contribution brings the total U.S. funding for drought relief since June 2015 to $55 million. “The United States is committed to supporting the ... Read More»

U.S. Honors English Access Microscholarship Program Graduates

The United States honored 40 students for completing the English Access Micro-scholarship program coordinated by a local nongovernmental organization, Hope for a Child in Christ (HOCIC), in Bulawayo on April 8. Kelly McCaleb, Deputy Public Affairs Officer, officiated at the event and congratulated the students who in turn presented original poetry, song, and dance to ... Read More»

U.S. Sends 12 School Sports Administrators on Exchange Program

The United States Embassy is sending 12 Zimbabwean school sports administrators to the United States to expose them to high school and youth sporting activities in the United States. “We are happy to support this initiative which will see Zimbabwean school sports administrators  spending time in the United States,” said Kelly McCaleb, Deputy Public Affairs ... Read More»

60 Zim Youth Selected for the Mandela Washington Fellowship Program

The United States Embassy is pleased to announce the selection of 60 young Zimbabwean leaders who have been invited to participate in President Obama’s Mandela Washington Fellowship Program for Young African Leaders. The participants were chosen through a highly competitive application process with more than 1,600 candidates who submitted applications for selection for the program. ... Read More»

U.S. Embassy Donates Books to New Neighbor

On March 12, Sylvia DiPaolo, Mission Harare’s newly arrived head of our New Embassy Campus (NEC) construction project visited Masaisai Junior School to participate in the commissioning of their new school bus.  DiPaolo met with school authorities and parents and donated a set of books for the school’s library. Masaisai Junior School is neighbor to ... Read More»

U.S. Commemorates Women’s History Month

The United States Embassy started Women’s History Month commemorations that will see regular discussions about women and gender equality every Tuesday in Harare. On Tuesday, March 8, Ambassador Harry K. Thomas Jr. opened a lively discussion session that featured women speakers in politics, health, education and governance. In welcoming the speakers and launching the Women’s ... Read More»

Zim Challenged to Increase Efforts Against Inhuman Trade

The United States and civil society organizations pledged their commitment to work with Zimbabwe to combat trafficking in persons after noting gaps in legislation despite the country being a source and destination of trafficked individuals. “The United States Government stands ready to engage and assist the Government of Zimbabwe and the Zimbabwean people in their ... Read More»

Statement on the Disappearance of Civil Society Activist Itai Dzamara

Today marks the one-year anniversary of the disappearance of civil society activist Itai Dzamara. Promoting freedom and democracy and protecting human rights around the world are central to U.S. foreign policy, and the United States remains deeply concerned about Mr. Dzamara’s whereabouts and wellbeing.  The Zimbabwean constitution guarantees fundamental human rights and freedoms for all ... Read More»

Food For Thought – The Status of Women in Zimbabwe

Remarks by U.S. Ambassador Harry K. Thomas, Jr. Public Affairs Section Auditorium, Harare, Zimbabwe Honorable Irene Zindi Honorable Jessie Majome Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen, I’d like to welcome you to the U.S. Embassy’s weekly public discussion series, which we call, “Food For Thought.”  During the month of March in the United States, we commemorate the ... Read More»

Hope/Fay Lecture Series- Trafficking in Persons

Remarks by Ambassador Harry Thomas at the Hope/Fay Lecture Series; Women’s University in Africa Theme: Human Trafficking Vice Chancellor of Women’s University in Africa, Professor Hope Sadza, Board members of the Women’s University in Africa, Distinguished guests, Students Ladies and gentlemen, Good morning to you all.  I am honored to be here with you today.  As ... Read More»

United States Government Contributes Additional $10 million in Response to Drought

The United States Government announced $10 million in additional funding in response to the critical food security situation in Zimbabwe. The contribution, provided through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), brings the total U.S. funding for drought relief since June 2015 to $35 million, ensuring 600,000 rural Zimbabweans have adequate food supplies to cope ... Read More»

Signing Ceremony for Humanitarian Assistance to Mitigate Effects of El Nino

Remarks by U.S. Ambassador Harry K. Thomas, Jr. USAID and World Food Program Humanitarian Assistance Signing Ceremony WFP Offices, Belgravia, Harare Good afternoon. I am pleased to represent the United States Government at this joint signing ceremony with the World Food Program.  I am so excited that r, we are providing $10 million dollars in additional ... Read More»

Poetry, Music Cap 2016 Zim Black History Month Commemorations

The Zimbabwe Poets for Human Rights partnered with the United States Embassy in commemorating Black History Month, ending the month-long celebrations with a poetry and music slam on Monday evening.  The occasion marked the closing of the arts program that saw poets showcasing their theatrical skills in Harare, Mutare, Bulawayo, Kadoma and Gweru.  On Monday ... Read More»

Ambassador Thomas Jr Meets President Mugabe

Ambassador Harry K. Thomas Jr. statement following the Presentation of Credentials to President R.G. Mugabe I am happy to return to Zimbabwe, a country blessed with great natural resources and a friendly people.  I intend to continue the important work of building strong and respectful relations between our two great countries. I had a good ... Read More»

DREAMS Partners Announce $85 Million Innovation Challenge Focused on Solutions for Adolescent Girls and Young Women

The U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), Janssen Pharmaceutica NV (Janssen), one of the Janssen pharmaceutical companies of Johnson & Johnson, and ViiV Healthcare have committed $85 million for the DREAMS Innovation Challenge to award solutions that infuse new thinking and approaches to give young women the opportunity to live the Determined, Resilient, ... Read More»

U.S. Congressional Delegation to Visit Zimbabwe

A delegation of U.S. elected representatives led by Senator Jeff Flake from Arizona visits Zimbabwe February 15 – 17, 2015 as part of a four-country fact-finding mission in the region to better understand wildlife conservation and regional security issues in Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Botswana, and Namibia.  The delegation will meet Embassy staff and has requested meetings ... Read More»

USAID Officials Discuss Humanitarian Response

Listen to audio Significance of declaring a state of emergency: The disaster declaration by the Government of Zimbabwe is significant because it is a recognition by the government of the gravity of the situation and that “extraordinary measures are necessary to assist and protect the persons affected” as per Zimbabwe’s Civil Protection Act.  In addition, this declaration will ... Read More»

Arts Managers Chase Elusive Zim Audiences

With no formal training school in the field; arts managers say it has been a struggle to lure Zimbabwean audiences. Impressed by the reported successes of religious leaders locally and their counterparts in other parts of Africa such as Nigeria and South Africa and the West, arts managers shared their thoughts on what might be ... Read More»

Zimbabwe Populations based HIV impact assessment

Bulawayo, Zimbabwe – 29 January 2016 – The Ministry of Health and Child Care (MOHCC) will launch the Bulawayo phase of the ground breaking survey, the Zimbabwe Population-based HIV Impact Assessment (ZIMPHIA), on Friday the 29th of January 2016 at the Holiday Inn Hotel. This provincial launch follows the official national launch by the Minister ... Read More»

ZIMPHIA Survey to be Launched in Bulawayo Metropolitan Province

Public Affairs Section, United States Embassy Harare Media Advisory: Ground breaking ZIMPHIA survey to be launched in Bulawayo Metropolitan Province The Ministry of Health and Child Care (MOHCC) will launch the Bulawayo phase of the ground breaking survey, the Zimbabwe Population-based HIV Impact Assessment (ZIMPHIA), on Friday the 29th of January 2016 at the Holiday Inn ... Read More»

Hypercube Hub Shares Lessons Learned

In 2013, the Hypercube Technology Hub was born to create a space for Zimbabwe’s aspiring ‘techpreneurs’ to come together, collaborate, and create. The first of its kind in Zimbabwe, Hypercube drew significant international attention, and became a physical landmark representing the dawn of the information economy in Harare. However, the story takes a sad turn ... Read More»

U.S. Provides Additional $5 Million in Humanitarian Assistance to Zimbabwe

In response to worsening drought conditions and increased food insecurity, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has announced an additional $5 million contribution to the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) for humanitarian assistance to Zimbabwe.  This brings total U.S. Government funding for humanitarian assistance to Zimbabwe to $32.5 million since June 2015 ... Read More»

U.S. Marines Give Toys to Gunhill Squatter Camp Children

On December 23rd, 2015, the United States Marines based at the Embassy’s Detachment in Harare conducted their annual Toys for Tots donation efforts with much success. The Marines delivered over 200 presents ranging from stuffed animals for small children to coloring books, legos, toy planes and more for older kids at the Gunhill Squatter camp in Harare. ... Read More»

Senior USAID Official Visits Zimbabwe to Assess Impact of El Niño

United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Director of Southern African Affairs, Bradley Bessire, is in Zimbabwe on a week-long visit to evaluate the scope and severity of the current lean season and El Niño’s impact on food security in Zimbabwe.  Mr. Bessire leads a working group in Washington that is coordinating USAID’s response to ... Read More»

SAPES Trust Health Policy Workshop

Statement by Deputy Chief of Mission Robert Scott U.S. Embassy, Harare The U.S. government remains strongly committed to supporting public health in Zimbabwe, and has stood by this commitment since 1980. Currently, the President’s Emergency Plan for Aid’s Relief (PEPFAR) is the largest part of this effort. In addition to the annual contribution of $95 ... Read More»

Telling It Like It Is: U.S. Based Zim Students Share Experiences

Twenty-one Zimbabwean students based at various United States colleges and universities shared their experiences about life and academic study at their respective colleges and universities answering intriguing questions from over 100 prospective students.  The discussion session, held at the United States Embassy’s Eastgate offices on Tuesday as part of their weekly Food for Thought Tuesday ... Read More»

Swearing in Statement Ambassador Harry K. Thomas Jr

Mr. Charge, Under Secretary Kennedy, Secretary Negroponte, Mayor Marilyn Alonte-Naguiat, family and friends, Thank you all for joining us today. I want to express my appreciation to President Obama, Secretary Kerry, and Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield for the confidence they have shown in appointing me as our ambassador to the Republic of Zimbabwe.  I have tremendous admiration for Ambassador ... Read More»

New U.S. Funding to Boost Zim Adherence to New WHO Guidelines

The United States Global AIDS coordinator, Ambassador Deborah Birx, says Zimbabwe is among countries that is receiving additional funding from the new US$150 million commitment by the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) as the U.S. aligns resources to assist countries to adhere to the new World Health Organization (WHO) AIDS treatment guidelines. “We ... Read More»

Remarks by President Obama in First Session of COP21

Le Bourget , Paris, France President Obama:  President Hollande, Mr. Secretary General, fellow leaders.  We have come to Paris to show our resolve. We offer our condolences to the people of France for the barbaric attacks on this beautiful city.  We stand united in solidarity not only to deliver justice to the terrorist network responsible ... Read More»

Donors’ Pledge of $248M USD to Least Developed Countries Fund

U.S. Department of State Office of the Spokesperson The text of the following statement was released by the Governments of the United States of America, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Begin Text Today in Paris, we announce contributions totaling $248 million USD [1] to the Least Developed Countries ... Read More»

Senior U.S. Health Official to Attend ICASA Conference in Harare

Ambassador-at-Large, Deborah L. Birx, M.D., will visit Zimbabwe to attend and address the 18th International Conference on HIVand AIDS and STIs (ICASA) scheduled to take place from November 29  through December 4th. Ambassador Birx, a renowned medical expert in the field of HIV and AIDS, immunology, vaccine research, and global health, is the Coordinator of the ... Read More»

USAID Food for Peace Activity Supports Food Security and Drought Resilience in Rural Communities

Today, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Amalima activity announces its results from its second year of implementation to the Gwanda District Food and Nutrition Security Committee. To improve household food security and nutrition in Matabeleland North and South, the Amalima activity is helping communities improve access to and availability of food, community ... Read More»

U.S. Colleges Receive More Zimbabwean Students

The 2015  Open Doors Report on International Educational Exchange , released November 16th, shows that the number of Zimbabwean students at U.S. colleges and universities increased by 11 per cent since 2011 to a high of 1245 students in the 2014/15 academic year. This represents a 3.5 per cent increase from 2013/14 academic year. This continued growth confirms that the United States ... Read More»

International Education- An Identity Awareness Facilitator

International education is an agent of self-consciousness that can lead to cultural understanding among and between peoples, an alumnus of one of the United States exchange programs said on Tuesday. “I never really identified myself as an African—it never occurred to me that I was one until I came across certain stereotypes about my African-ness ... Read More»

U.S. Embassy Statement on Political Violence

The U.S. Embassy notes our grave concern over the reports of recent incidents of politically motivated violence in Zimbabwe.   Acts of intimidation and inter- or intra-party political violence are unacceptable in a democracy, and those responsible for instigating such violence should be brought to justice.  We call on all parties to respect the democratic ... Read More»

Ambassador Wharton Bids Zim Youth Farewell in Tweetable

Ambassador Wharton engaged over 250,000 Zimbabwean youth online during a social media tweet@ble discussion hosted by Nigel Mugamu (@SirNig) of @263Chat. The veteran American diplomat is concluding a three year term in Zimbabwe, the second in his Foreign Service career in the southern African country having served previously as the Embassy’s spokesperson between 1999 and ... Read More»

Youth Leaders Discuss Social Enterpreneurship

Five Zimbabwean youth leaders shared their vision and understanding on social entrepreneurship at a discussion session on Tuesday. The five participated in a BootCamp facilitated by Mandela Washington Fellow Irene Chikumbo with support from Hybercube Hub and U.S. African Development Foundation in August this year. The five are Jeffree Munashe Rugare, Chief Executive Officer of ... Read More»

U.S. Refocusing HIV & AIDS Support to Zimbabwe

The United States, which provides over $95 million to HIV and AIDS funding to Zimbabwe through the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), is refocusing its support to areas and populations with the highest burden of disease, a senior Embassy official said on Monday. “PEPFAR resources remain high at “$128.7 million including additional funding ... Read More»

Obama Boys, Zim Lawyers Honor Ambassador Wharton

Forget Toni Kroos at Real Madrid or Steven Gerard at Liverpool. The number 8 jersey belongs to Brooz Wharton, American President Barack Obama’s personal representative to Zimbabwe! Such was the imagination at the hard fought testimonial challenge match in honor of United States Ambassador Bruce Wharton on Saturday at the Harare International School grounds. The ... Read More»

U.S. Expert Discusses Zim in Light of U.S. – Africa Trade Pact

A United States public policy expert says U.S.-Zimbabwe business relations can be redefined in the context of the extended Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) but local business should speak with a voice that can help government think through the tough challenges of economic development to attract U.S. business investment into the country. “Zimbabwe hasn’t ... Read More»

International Colleges to Visit Zimbabwe

Admissions officers from 18 international colleges and universities based in the United States of America, Canada, Spain and Japan visit Zimbabwe this week where they will meet high school students interested in international studies at college fairs hosted in Bulawayo and Harare. The visiting admissions officers will meet students at the Harare International School in ... Read More»

U.S. Provides Over $27 Million in Humanitarian Assistance to Zimbabwe

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has contributed food and cash worth US$22.5 million to the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) which yesterday launched its lean season relief operation with a food distribution at Nekabandama, Hwange district. This support from USAID will enable WFP to assist people struggling to buy or product ... Read More»

U.S., UK Provide Humanitarian Relief to Over 650,000 Zimbabweans

Today the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the United Kingdom Government’s Department for International Development (DFID) will jointly launch humanitarian assistance programs to provide immediate support to vulnerable Zimbabweans facing food insecurity during the upcoming lean season. These donors are contributing a combined total of $43 million to provide food and cash ... Read More»

Women’s Group Uses Writing as Therapy

The Zimbabwe Women Writers (ZWW) says it has established an initiative that merges writing and practical therapy to empower women and vulnerable populations to counter social ills such as gender-based violence, child marriage and sexual abuse. Speaking at a Food for Thought session hosted by the United States Embassy Public Affairs Section on Tuesday, officials ... Read More»

New CDC Zimbabwe Head Advocate for Increased Efforts Towards Elimination of HIV

New Country Director at the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Beth Tippett Barr, says she will continue to advocate for more U.S. support to make the virtual elimination of HIV a reality in Zimbabwe. “My passion lies with ensuring that high quality data from HIV-related services is routinely gathered and reviewed.  ... Read More»

Ministry of Health and Child Care to Launch New Health Survey: Zimbabwe Population-Based HIV Impact Assessment

The Ministry of Health and Child Care (MOHCC) will launch a groundbreaking survey: the Zimbabwe Population-based HIV Impact Assessment (ZIMPHIA) on Friday the 18th of September 2015 at the Celebration Centre. ZIMPHIA is a nationally representative, population-based HIV impact assessment survey that will commence in the next month and is expected to run for a ... Read More»

U.S. Funding Boost for Persons with Mobility Disability

A United States government funded wheelchair project, the Comprehensive Mobility Support Project (CMSP), enabled Jairos Jiri Association to provide comprehensive and sustainable support for persons with mobility disability in six provinces in Zimbabwe over three years, a representative of the consortium said on Tuesday. “Since 2012, we have procured nearly 1,600 wheelchairs and provided comprehensive ... Read More»

GES Inspires Innovative Ideas Among Zim Participants

Seven of the fourteen Zimbabwean youth entrepreneurs who attended the Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES) in Nairobi, Kenya recently shared their experiences at a public forum emphasizing the need for continued peer collaboration among Zimbabwean entrepreneurs to create a viable entrepreneurial ecosystem in the country. Over all the participants came away from the Nairobi summit with ... Read More»

U.S. Musicians Plot Tuku Music Symphony Orchestra Performance

An American non-profit group, Cultures in Harmony, is in the country to foster partnerships in the local arts industry that will benefit Zimbabweans as well as produce the first-ever symphony orchestra performance of Oliver Mtukudzi’s music. The group is led by music teacher William Harvey, who has performed solo with orchestras in the Philippines, Argentina, ... Read More»

Statement on the Forced Disappearance of Itai Dzamara

Last Sunday, August 9, marked five months since the disappearance of Zimbabwean civil society activist and leader of Occupy Africa Unity Square, Itai Dzamara.  The United States remains deeply concerned about Mr. Dzamara’s whereabouts and wellbeing, and we are equally concerned by the apparent lack of progress by authorities in their investigation. We join the ... Read More»

Important: Information for Traveling to South Africa with Minors

New South African Rules on Travel with Minor Children  (PDF 472 KB) We urge everyone to read the new rules regarding travel to South Africa with minor children, here  (PDF 472 KB).  Parents should note that in all circumstances, your child will need his/her long-form (unabridged with biographic information of both parents) birth certificate, as well as a passport to enter South Africa.  These rules ... Read More»

New U.S. Initiative Connects Students with Career Opportunities in Zim

A new initiative by the EducationUSA Advising Center based at the United States Embassy, Zimbabwe Career Connect, is working to address Zimbabwe’s brain drain by connecting students who are currently studying in the United States with local companies, hospitals and non-governmental organizations. “This program helps students get exposure to what it is like to be ... Read More»

Consular Section Closures, Schedule Changes, and Information Request

Dear U.S. Citizen Community, The Consular section would like to inform you of upcoming section closures and changes to processing hours for routine passport, notarial and Consular Report of Birth Abroad services at U.S. Embassy Harare.  In addition, we are also soliciting information below for a Congressional report. Closures:  In order to improve performance, the ... Read More»

U.S. Ambassador’s Small Grants Signing Ceremony

Remarks By U.S. Ambassador D. Bruce Wharton U.S. Ambassador’s Small Grants Signing Ceremony Mangwanani; Salibonani lonke; Tatenda ndafara kuvapano. Good morning – honorable ministers, members of parliament, government officials, traditional leaders, councilors, district administrators, distinguished grantees, members of the press, ladies and gentlemen.  As the U.S. Ambassador to Zimbabwe, it is my pleasure to welcome you ... Read More»

14 Zimbabweans Travel to 2015 Global Entrepreneurship Summit

United States ambassador Bruce Wharton says the fourteen Zimbabweans attending the sixth annual Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES) in Nairobi, Kenya, on July 25-26, 2015 represent the human capital that forms the foundation that will stimulate economic prosperity in Zimbabwe. “Over the last three years in Zimbabwe, you guys have renewed my understanding of the depth ... Read More»

United States Grants $149,000 to Zimbabwean Community Organizations

The U.S. Embassy is providing $149,000 in grant funding to community-based organizations located around the country for community-driven development projects. The grant signing ceremony, to be held on Thursday, July 23 starting at 9:30am, offers an opportunity for Ambassador Wharton to meet and congratulate the grantees for being selected through the highly competitive evaluation process. ... Read More»

U.S. Boost for African Health Systems

The United States has stepped up efforts to develop and expand models of medical education in Southern Africa following the successful completion of a five-year initiative that contributed to an increase in the quality of medical training and the advancement of cutting-edge biomedical research in the region, U.S. government officials said on Tuesday. Addressing a press ... Read More»

U.S. Supports HIV & AIDS Innovation Sharing

The fifth annual Medical Education Partnership Initiative (MEPI) symposium will be held from 14-16 July 2015 at the Rainbow Towers Hotel in Harare, Zimbabwe. The theme of the symposium is: Sustaining MEPI Achievements:  Leadership built, lessons learnt and partnerships created towards an AIDS-free generation. The three-day conference will provide a platform for medical scholars to share ... Read More»

ZimPAS Highlights – July 9, 2015

Key Highlights Congratulations to the “Zimmovators” who submitted the 40 innovative ideas that were selected for the Innovation Baraza Fair  where the five finalists will be selected. The Fair will be held on Friday July 10th at the Baraza Pavilion in Tynwald, Harare. Admission is free. And your vote matters. Come to Innovation Baraza and be inspired! Ambassador Wharton told ... Read More»

Potential for Civil Disturbances – Harare Central Business District

American Citizens should be aware of the potential for civil disturbances today in Harare in general, and specifically in the Central Business District (near the intersection of Julius Nyerere Way and Jason Moyo Avenue), following confrontations this morning between vendors and Municipal Police. There may be additional disturbances between law enforcement and street vendors in the ... Read More»

Statement on the Disappearance of Zimbabwean Civil Society Activist Itai Dzamara

Today marks four months since the disappearance of Zimbabwean civil society activist and leader of Occupy Africa Unity Square, Itai Dzamara.  The United States remains deeply concerned about Mr. Dzamara’s whereabouts and wellbeing, and we are equally concerned by the apparent lack of progress by authorities in their investigation. We join the European Union and ... Read More»

Innovation Showdown Scheduled for Friday

Nearly forty (40) innovative ideas beat out hundreds of competitors, across sectors, to be represented at the Innovation Baraza Fair to be held on Friday July 10th at the Baraza Pavilion in Tynwald, Harare. Organizers announced last week that the successful ideas include innovations in the agriculture, finance, health, resource management, infrastructure, community, retail, and trade ... Read More»

Remarks on the Occasion of the 239 Anniversary of the United States’ Declaration of Independence

Thank you all for joining us today for this 239th anniversary of the United States’ Declaration of Independence. Our Independence Day commemorations always provide an opportunity for Americans to consider our continuing experiment in self-rule.  In 1776 the idea that common citizens have the right to rule themselves was radical.  Today, the idea is broadly accepted, ... Read More»

Congressional Staff Delegation Visit Zimbabwe

A two member staff delegation from the United States Congress is in Zimbabwe on a three day visit until June 30th 2015. The Staff Delegation is led by Gregory Simpkins is Staff Director for the U.S. House Subcommittee on Africa, Health, Human Rights, and International Relations.  Mr Simpkins will be accompanied by Piero Tozzi, Counsel ... Read More»

ZimPAS Highlights – June 25, 2015

Key Highlights The United States government remains deeply concerned by the disappearance of Zimbabwean civil society activist Itai Dzamara, who has been missing more than 100 days. His whereabouts and well-being remain unknown. The United States urges the Government of Zimbabwe to locate Mr. Dzamara and pursue a credible investigation of the troubling circumstances surrounding ... Read More»

Potential for Civil Disturbances due to Vendor Deadline

The U.S. Embassy in Harare advises U.S. citizens of the potential for civil disturbances to occur as the June 26 deadline approaches for street vendors to move their business operations elsewhere.  U.S. citizens resident in, or traveling to, Zimbabwe, should be aware of the potential for civil disturbances in Harare in general, and specifically in ... Read More»

27 Zim Students Receive $6.1 M in Scholarships from American Colleges

Twenty seven Zimbabwean students graduated from the United States Student Achievers Program (USAP) of EducationUSA and have received full scholarships to study at a variety of top American universities and colleges.  The students were applauded by Ambassador Bruce Wharton, who hailed the occasion as celebrating “the transformative power of education.” The students are Alpha Ngwenya  ... Read More»

Residence Intrusions in Harare

The U.S. Embassy in Harare advises U.S. citizens of the potential for intruders scaling the walls of residences and attempting to enter residences and/or to remove property from residence grounds.  Since March 1, 2015, there have been three instances in which an intruder has either attempted to or successfully breached the wall of an Embassy ... Read More»

U.S. Supports the Decentralization of Laboratory Services

Who: Ministry of Health and Child Care Hon. Minister of Health and Child Care, Dr. David Parirenyatwa Coordinator of the PMTCT Program,Dr. Angela Mushavi. PEPFAR/CDC- Mr. Mark Troger and Dr. Shirish Balachandra PEPFAR Implementing partners for EID laboratory renovations – BRTI What: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Zimbabwe, in partnership with the ... Read More»

Potential for Civil Disturbances Because of Vendor Deadline

The U.S. Embassy in Harare advises U.S. citizens of the potential for civil disturbances to occur as the June 8 deadline approaches for street vendors to move their business operations elsewhere.  U.S. citizens resident in, or traveling to, Zimbabwe should closely monitor local media over the weekend for the latest developments. We strongly recommend that ... Read More»

U.S. Pledges $14.5 Million for Malaria Control in Zimbabwe

The U.S. Malaria Coordinator,  Rear Admiral (retired) Timothy Ziemer , head of the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI ), the Ministry of Health and Child Care (MOHCC)’s National Malaria Control Program (NMCP), and implementing partners will observe community level malaria prevention and treatment activities in Manicaland Province between 7th and 11th June 2015. These activities, which include monitoring of mosquito populations and community level malaria case ... Read More»

ZimPAS Highlights – June 4, 2015

Key Highlights Dr Shannon Smith, Deputy Assistant Secretary in State Department Bureau of African Affairs addressed the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Sub-Committee on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights, and International Organizations about her recent visit to Zimbabwe  (PDF 86 KB).U.S. interests in Zimbabwe remain the same: a peaceful, democratic, and prosperous Zimbabwe that provides for its people and contributes ... Read More»

U.S. Embassy Welcomes Corporate Council on Africa Trade Mission to Zimbabwe

Member companies from the Corporate Council on Africa (CCA), a nonprofit organization which promotes business and investment between the United States and African nations, will visit Harare June 4-5 as part of a regional trade mission to Zimbabwe and Zambia.  Zimbabwe will be the second stop on this trade mission. Established in 1993, the Corporate ... Read More»

HIV Treatment and Infection Prevention and Control Practices in Health Care Facilities

U.S. and Zimbabwe Partner to Improve HIV Treatment and Infection Prevention and Control  Practices in Health Care Facilities Who: Ministry of Health and Child Care– Brigadier General Dr. G.  Gwinji and Ms. C M Z Chasokela The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Zimbabwe – Dr. Shirish Balachandra, HIV Care and Treatment Officer PEPFAR implementing partners for ... Read More»

Handover Ceremony of the Naletale Monument Restoration Project

Ambassador’s D. Bruce Wharton’s Remarks at the Handover Ceremony of the Naletale Monument Restoration Project Part of the Ambassador’s Fund for Cultural Preservation May 28, 1800-2000 I am truly delighted to be with you all today to celebrate the completion of the renovation project of the Naletale Monument.  This afternoon, I had the pleasure of visiting ... Read More»

USAID Celebrates Increased Incomes and Improved Food Security for Over 140,000 Zimbabwean Farmers

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is celebrating the success of its five-year Zimbabwe Agricultural Income and Employment Development (Zim-AIED) program.  Since 2010, USAID’s Zim-AIED program has assisted over 140,000 smallholder farmers in 46 dry-land irrigation schemes to increase their incomes and improve food security through agricultural production and commercialization. USAID has provided ... Read More»

Hard Hat Launch of the NUST-American Space

Remarks by Ambassador Bruce Wharton Honorable Resident Minister; Mayor; Vice Chancellor; Deans; Distinguished Guests; Ladies and gentlemen, Good morning and welcome to the NUST-American Space.  You might have noticed it’s not completed yet, but I’d like to ask you to take a moment to imagine what this space will look like in a few months.  ... Read More»

U.S. Plans for New NUST American Space

The United States Embassy Public Affairs Section, in partnership with the National University of Science and Technology (NUST), have unveiled plans to construct a new American Space in Bulawayo that will house a library, an EducationUSA advising service, as well as equipment designed to foster imagination, innovation, and collaboration among young Zimbabweans. Announcing the new ... Read More»

ZimPAS Highlights – May 15, 2015

Key Highlights The United States government wants Zimbabwe to prosper but remains concerned about the human rights situation in the country , visiting senior State Department officials said on Tuesday. Deputy Assistant Secretary for African Affairs, Dr. Shannon Smith, and Steven Feldstein, Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, told journalists in the capital today that ... Read More»

ZimPAS Highlights – May 8, 2015

Key Highlights Two senior State Department officials, Dr. Shannon Smith, Deputy Assistant Secretary for African Affairs and Steven Feldstein, Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, will visit Zimbabwe May 12 – 16, 2015:. The two officials will meet Embassy staff as well as representatives of government, business, and civil society organizations. This week ... Read More»

Senior State Department Officials to Visit Zimbabwe

Two senior State Department officials, Dr. Shannon Smith, Deputy Assistant Secretary for African Affairs and Steven Feldstein, Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, will visit Zimbabwe May 12 – 16, 2015:. The two officials will meet Embassy staff as well as representatives of government, business, and civil society organizations. ... Read More»

Dr. Portia Manangazira, Director of Epidemiology & Disease Control

Our alumnus of the week is Dr. Portia Manangazira, Director of Epidemiology & Disease Control at the Ministry of Health and Child Care.  Dr. Manangazira traveled to the United States in August of 2009 as part of the International Visitor Leadership Program on Pandemic Influenza Preparedness. The exchange visit took her to Washington DC, Baltimore-Maryland, ... Read More»

Green Initiatives

In the context of limited access to clean freshwater, a changing climate, evolving energy prices, and a growing depletion of finite natural resources, environmental stewardship is critical. Embassy Harare is striving to be more environmentally conscious in our operations and processes.  For example, check out this Earth Day 2015 video highlighting a few of our green initiatives, including: Converting ... Read More»

Tsitsi Mutendi – Media and Fashion Enterpreneur

Our alumnus of the week is Tsitsi Mutendi, Founding editor and managing director of Jewel Magazine and DanTs Media respectively. Tsitsi travelled to the United States as part of the 2013 Fortune/State Department Global Women’s Mentoring Program. The program connects talented, emerging women leaders from all over the world with members of Fortune’s Most Powerful ... Read More»

ZimPAS Highlights – April 17, 2015

Key Highlights The U.S. Embassy joins the South African government and other civil society leaders in condemning the violence against foreigners taking place in KwaZulu-Natal and other parts of South Africa.  We remain concerned at the loss of innocent lives, destruction of property, and impact on families and communities, and we urge individuals involved to ... Read More»

U.S. Brings Hawaiian Musical Ensemble to Zimbabwe

The United States Embassy will support the participation of the Grammy-nominated Hawaiian musical ensemble Keola Beamer, and Jeff Peterson with Moanalani Beamer, at this year’s Harare International Festival of the Arts (HIFA) scheduled for April 28th to May 3rd. The group is travelling to Zimbabwe under the broad theme “Aloha meets Ubuntu” and their visit to ... Read More»

Rabison Shumba – Author, Motivational Speaker and Entrepreneur

The first alumnus of the week we are highlighting in this new series is Rabison Shumba, an author, motivational speaker, and entrepreneur. Rabison travelled to the United States in September 2011 on an International Visiting Leaders Program (IVLP). At the time, he was coordinating the Greatness Factory Trust, a youth mentorship organization. The exchange visit ... Read More»

ZimPAS Highlights – April 9, 2015

Key Highlights Thanks to all the individuals who participated in the social media chat with Ambassador Wharton on Thursday. You can read part of the discussion on Facebook and follow the hashtag #USZimExchanges on Twitter catch up. The United States Embassy will support the participation of the Grammy-nominated Hawaiian musical outfit The Beauty of Hawaiian Guitar, featuring  Keola Beamer, Jeff Peterson, and Moanalani Beamer, at this ... Read More»

Disappearance of Zimbabwe Civil Society Activist Itai Dzamara

Today marks one month since the initial reports of the forced disappearance of Zimbabwean civil society activist Itai Dzamara.  The United States remains concerned about Mr. Dzamara’s whereabouts and wellbeing. On this date, we reiterate our call to the Zimbabwean authorities to mobilize their full resources to investigate the circumstances surrounding Mr. Dzamara’s abduction and ... Read More»

Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions Demonstrations

On Saturday April 11, 2015, the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) has planned country-wide demonstrations.  As part of that plan, ZCTU will have an unsanctioned demonstration in Harare on that date. The corresponding Government of Zimbabwe reaction is unknown; however, the demonstration may be strongly contested by the ZRP.  Heavy police presence in town, ... Read More»

Earth Day Clean Up: Green Initiatives

In the context of limited access to clean freshwater, a changing climate, evolving energy prices, and a growing depletion of finite natural resources, environmental stewardship is critical. Further, the U.S. Embassy Harare Green Team, comprised of diverse individuals with interests varying from wildlife and water conservation to recycling and energy efficiency, is helping to make ... Read More»


This March, YALI Network members have made the commitment to invest in women and girls in Africa, not only to help achieve gender equality, but also to promote economic growth, good governance, and future innovation. Women and girls are often the foundation of a community, and it is essential that they are given the same ... Read More»

The Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES)

Statement by the Press Secretary on the Global Entrepreneurship Summit and the President’s Travel to Africa The Government of Kenya has agreed to co-host the 2015 Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES) this July.  Organized annually since 2009, the GES has emerged as a global platform connecting emerging entrepreneurs with leaders from business, international organizations, and governments ... Read More»

U.S. Commends Binga Hospital for Quality Service Delivery

United States embassy officials commended Binga Hospital for quality service delivery in the areas of infection control, prevention and improved quality of HIV care. “I saw a very impressive triaging system whereby patients who are either suspected or confirmed to have tuberculosis are immediately isolated from other patients and brought in on a priority basis ... Read More»

Go Online, U.S. Ambassador Tells Devoted Binga Women

United States Ambassador Bruce Wharton has encouraged women in Binga to explore online marketing for their products that have positively influenced livelihoods through innovative interventions coordinated by Zubo, a community based organization based in the district. “With your leadership, you have proven the power of community action, the power of people working together; its a ... Read More»

U.S. embassy celebrates opening of renovated public affairs office

Harare, March 17, 2015: The United States Ambassador to Zimbabwe, Bruce Wharton, officially opened the renovated Public Affairs Section (PAS) in a ceremony at Eastgate 7th Floor, Goldbridge, Harare.  The celebratory event included remarks from the Ambassador, a ribbon-cutting ceremony, and a reception.  Attendees included Zimbabweans who have participated in U.S. Embassy-sponsored programs, such as ... Read More»

Public Affairs Office Riboon Cutting Ceremony

Remarks by U.S. Ambassador Bruce Wharton at the PAS Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony Good afternoon and thank you all for joining us. I’d like to echo Karen Kelley’s welcome to this official opening of the newly renovated space for our Embassy Public Affairs Section. You’re here because you’re an important part of our community and we wanted ... Read More»

U.S. Embassy Celebrates Opening of Renovated Public Affairs Office

The United States Ambassador to Zimbabwe, Bruce Wharton, officially opened the renovated Public Affairs Section (PAS) in a ceremony at Eastgate 7th Floor, Goldbridge, Harare.  The celebratory event included remarks from the Ambassador, a ribbon-cutting ceremony, and a reception.  Attendees included Zimbabweans who have participated in U.S. Embassy-sponsored programs, such as the Mandela Washington Fellowship through ... Read More»

ZimPAS Highlights – March 12, 2015

Key Highlights In a statement the U.S. Embassy in Harare called for the authorities to fully investigate the disappearance of civil society activist Itai Dzamara. “The U.S. Embassy notes with grave concern the reports of the forced disappearance of civil society activist Itai Dzamara on March 9, 2015. We support Mr. Dzamara’s right to freedom of expression and to demonstrate ... Read More»

U.S. Embassy Press Statement: Disappearance of Civil Society Activist Itai Dzamara

The U.S. Embassy notes with grave concern the reports of the forced disappearance of civil society activist Itai Dzamara on March 9, 2015.  We support Mr. Dzamara’s right to freedom of expression and to demonstrate peacefully. We urge the relevant authorities to demonstrate their professionalism by fully investigating the circumstances surrounding Mr. Dzamara’s abduction.  If ... Read More»

American Hip Hop Group Concludes Zim Tour

Visiting American hip hop academy, Next Level, concluded their tour of Zimbabwe after staging two cross-cultural shows at the Book Café’ and in Glen View last weekend. The visiting Americans were impressed by the level of performances of Zimbabweans who they said had already mastered the hip hop music genre like their American counterparts. “I ... Read More»

ZimPAS Highlights – March 5, 2015

Key Highlights Visiting American hip hop group, Next Level, concluded their tour of Zimbabwe after staging two cross-cultural shows at the Book Café and in Glen View [Norah?] last weekend. The visiting Americans were full of praise about the performances of Zimbabweans who demonstrated that they had already mastered the hip hop music genre like their American counterparts. Congratulations to ... Read More»

ZimPAS Highlights – February 27, 2015

Key Highlights On February 24, Secretary of State John Kerry announced that career diplomat Randy Berry will be the first  special envoy for the human rights of LGBT persons , with the task of ending violence and discrimination against them. “Defending and promoting the human rights of LGBT persons is at the core of our commitment to advancing human rights globally — the heart and ... Read More»

ZimPAS Highlights – February 20, 2015

Key Highlights The United States believes Zimbabwe has sovereign responsibility for its future , and any discussion that wants to ascribe blame on external forces obscures and delays the steps Zimbabweans could take to re-build and strengthen their country, said Ambassador Wharton said during the week. Recent reports in some sections of the local media about US funding in Zimbabwe ... Read More»

U.S. Hip Hop Outfit in Zim Tour

Next Level is an initiative sponsored by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs in association with the Department of Music at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Through hip hop music and dance, Next Level fosters cross-cultural creative expression and exchange in diverse and underserved communities. Next Level ... Read More»

Response to Oped in the Herald Newspaper

Mr. Tichaona Zindoga Political Editor The Herald Newspaper Harare, Zimbabwe Dear Mr. Zindoga, I am sorry to have disappointed you with my decision not to respond to your questions submitted through my Public Affairs Counselor.  With due respect, I feel no obligation in engaging in a conversation that perpetuates the story that your set of ... Read More»

ZimPAS Highlights – February 13, 2015

Key Highlights Food for Thought has entered the Twittersphere!  Join the Tuesday afternoon dialogues weekly via Twitter using the hash tag #FFTZim . This week educationalists, including Dr. Pedzisai Ruhanya, Dr. Patson Dzamara and Rebecca Zeigler Mano, discussed the relevance of theeducation system in Zimbabwe.  If you missed the dynamic session, catch the main points on #FFTZim ... Read More»

Fact Sheet: The 2015 U.S. National Security Strategy to Build on the Success of the 2014 U.S.- Africa Leaders’ Summit

We will advance an international order that promotes peace, security, and opportunity through stronger cooperation to meet global challenges by investing in Africa’s economic, agricultural, health, governance, and security capacity. Fact Sheet: The 2015 National Security Strategy  (PDF 392 KB) Today, the United States is stronger and better positioned to seize the opportunities of a still new century and safeguard ... Read More»

ZimPAS Highlights – February 6, 2015

Key Highlights Robert Telchin, Senior International Trade Specialist with the United State Department, was in the country where he held discussions with business and entrepreneurs. Here are some thoughts by Upenyu Makoni written from one of the meetings about doing business with the United States. The Zimbabwe Agricultural Competitiveness Program- Zim- ACP- which has received funding support from the ... Read More»

PEPFAR Informational Key Stakeholders’ Meeting

Remarks by Ambassador D. Bruce Wharton COP Informational Key Stakeholders’ Meeting  Good morning and welcome.  I really appreciate your making time to join me and my PEPFAR team today. I am here first to thank you for your continued partnership with us to ensure that people living with HIV and AIDS have access to quality ... Read More»

EducationUSA – SSN Partnership Sees First Crop of Sports Scholarships

Five Zimbabwean student athletes started studies in the United States this month financed by American universities through sports scholarships.  The students worked through an innovative partnership between the U.S. Embassy’s EducationUSA Advising Center and local company Schools Sports Network (SSN). The student athletes are Michael Songore from Peterhouse, a 100m and 200m athlete who will pursue studies at ... Read More»

President Obama’s 2015 State of the Union Address

Remarks of President Barack Obama State of the Union Address Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, Members of Congress, my fellow Americans: We are fifteen years into this new century. Fifteen years that dawned with terror touching our shores; that unfolded with a new generation fighting two long and costly wars; that saw a vicious recession ... Read More»

Worldwide Caution

The Department of State is updating the Worldwide Caution to provide information on the continuing threat of terrorist actions and violence against U.S. citizens and interests throughout the world. Recent terrorist attacks, whether by those affiliated with terrorist entities, copycats, or individual perpetrators, serve as a reminder that U.S. citizens need to maintain a high ... Read More»

CDC Country Director and Deputy for Programs Visit to Wilkins Hospital Ebola Ward

CDC leverages its core strengths to advance four overarching global health goals: 1) improving the health and well-being of people around the world, 2) improving capabilities for preparing for and responding to infectious diseases and emerging health threats, 3) building country public health capacity, and 4) maximizing organizational capacity. (To learn more about these goals ... Read More»

Outstanding Zimbabwean Awarded Rhodes Scholarship

A Zimbabwean student based in the United States is one of the two who has been named Rhodes Scholars by the Zimbabwe Rhodes Scholarship selection committee. Rutendo Chigora, a final year student at the University of Pennsylvania, won the prestigious award alongside Christopher Sherwood, who is studying Mathematics with Finance at the University of Exeter ... Read More»

Sustained Response to Ebola Still Needed

The world is facing the largest outbreak of Ebola it has ever known. Already, more than 14,000 cases of Ebola have been diagnosed in West Africa – and with sustained transmission in multiple countries and urban areas that number is only going to multiply. As part of the U.S. government’s comprehensive strategy to combat the ... Read More»

Zimbabwe has High Student Mobility- CIS

Zimbabwe has one of the most highly mobile student populations in Africa, according to the Council for International Schools (CIS). CIS, a global non-profit membership organisation that provides services to higher education institutions and individuals focused on international education, coordinated a visit to eight African countries by 21 admissions officers from universities and colleges in ... Read More»

Launch of President’s Malaria Initiative-Funded Malaria Indoor Residual Spraying

Remarks by the USG Deputy Chief of Mission, Robert Scott Manicaland District Medical Officer, Dr. Talent Maphosa Mutare District Government Staff Distinguished guests and professionals who have worked to prevent and treat malaria in Zimbabwe Mutare District community members, especially residents served by Chitakatira Health Center Members of the press Ladies and Gentlemen, It is ... Read More»

U.S. Response to Ebola in West Africa

Q & A with Dr. Peter Kilmarx Since 2011, Dr. Peter Kilmarx has been the Country Director for Zimbabwe office of the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC- Zimbabwe). He recently returned from a six week tour of duty as Team Leader for the CDC Sierra Leone Ebola Response in Freetown. To ... Read More»

CDC-Zim Director, Peter Kilmarx, on Ebola Mission in Sierra Leone

The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Zimbabwe country director Dr Peter Kilmarx left Zimbabwe Wednesday on a mission to serve as CDC’s Ebola Response Team leader in Sierra Leone. Kilmarx, who has experience working in countries affected by Ebola, expressed confidence in his mission to Sierra Leone. “I have responded to ... Read More»

President Barack Obama and African Entrepreneur at the Africa Business Forum

Mandarin Oriental Hotel Washington, D.C. Q: So thank you very much, Mr. President for this opportunity.  I’ll start by wishing you a belated Happy Birthday. The President: Thank you. Q: Thank you very much.  (Laughter.) The President: Have you introduced yourself to everybody? Q: I wanted to really jump into the issues.  (Laughter.) The President: ... Read More»

Launch of Zimbabwe HIV training and Service Delivery Programs

In February 2014 the Ministry of Health and Child Care (MoHCC) in collaboration with International Training and Education Center for Health (I-TECH), Zimbabwe Association of Church-Related Hospitals (ZACH), local and U.S.-based partners, launched three programs to build local capacity and provide comprehensive services to combat HIV/AIDS in Zimbabwe. The programs are funded by The U.S. ... Read More»

Community Service Yields U.S. Scholarships for 28 Zim Students

A combination of community service and academic excellence has paid off for 28 Zimbabwean students who collectively earned $5.6 million of scholarships to pursue tertiary education at various United States colleges and universities. This was revealed at an event hosted by the Public Affairs Section at the United States Embassy on Monday. “We are celebrating ... Read More»

U.S. Support Strengthens Zim’s Health Information Systems

The United States and its partners are providing support to the strengthening of Zimbabwe’s health ministry internal and public information systems to facilitate timely reporting of disease outbreaks, health program data and disease surveillance. “The United States Government is committed to collaborating with the Government of Zimbabwe to strengthen data collection and research capacities in ... Read More»

U.S. Health Agency Honors Zim Public Health Expert

The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) honored Zimbabwe public health expert Donewell Bangure with the International Night honor- the 2014 William H. Foege Award for Most Outstanding Public Health Scientific Oral Presentation- during the Epidemic Intelligence Service Conference held in late April at the organization’s headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia. Bangure, who ... Read More»

U.S., HIFA Partnership Gives Harare Street Youth a Healthy Treat

About 75 street youth associated with the House of Smiles received an early health treat at the Harare International Festival of the Arts (HIFA) after receiving a training session on HIV and AIDS from three health organizations, International Training and Education Center for Health (I-TECH), Population Services International (PSI), and RTI/Gender Challenge Initiative last Thursday. ... Read More»

Message from Ambassador D. Bruce Wharton

Remarks by Ambassador D. Bruce Wharton at the ZITF Business Conference in Bulawayo; Zimbabwe Thank you very much for inviting me to speak at the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair. All of us who care about Zimbabwe and its future – and that certainly includes the U.S. Government – recognize how important it is to get this ... Read More»

U.S. Annual Health Funding to Zim Tops $129 Million: Officials

The United States government spent $129 million in health funding to Zimbabwe in 2013; with nearly 80 per cent going towards HIV and AIDS programs, senior U.S. embassy health officials said on Tuesday. “Our impact is through strategic coordination and integration,” said Peter Halpert, Health, Population and Nutrition team leader at the United States Agency ... Read More»

U.S. Invites Three Zim Teenagers to Leadership Program

Three Zimbabwean teenage students – Brian Sibanda (Bulawayo, 17), Joseph Lansburg (Mbare, Harare, 15) and Rufaro Kabasa (Mbare, 15) – left Zimbabwe last Saturday and will participate in a leadership exchange program in the United States. The program is designed to foster understanding between African and American youth.  The students will spend three weeks in ... Read More»

U.S. Scholarship Boost for Binga Girl

Receiving a full scholarship to study in the United States has driven Chiza Ngachize Mwinde in search of ways to restore the dignity of her community in Binga where the shortage of qualified teaching personnel and inadequate learning facilities is affecting the academic progress of students. “It is very hard for students in Binga to ... Read More»

U.S. Embassy Honors Black History Month Essay Contest Winners

The United States Embassy announced five winners of the 4th annual Black History Month Essay Contest. The national winners are 1st – Zibusiso Mtunzi from John Tallach High (Bulawayo); 2nd – Rutendo Madziwo, from Monte Cassino Girl’s High (Macheke); 3rd – Ruvimbo Dzurumi from Hellenic High (Harare); 4th – Amanda Machingura from Guinea Fowl High (Gweru); and 5th – Ennie Soromei from ... Read More»

U.S. Re-Aligns Food Assistance to Zimbabwe

The United States this week announced that it was completing a process of realigning its food assistance support to Zimbabwe to foster a stronger foundation for long term food and nutrition in Zimbabwe. On Wednesday, Ambassador Wharton joined senior government officials to celebrate the successful launch of two flagship programs- ENSURE and Amalima- designed to ... Read More»

U.S. Embassy Health Team Meets Health Ministry Officials

Members of the United States Embassy health team met with Ministry of Health and Child Care officials at the ministry offices in Harare to coordinate continued partnership on HIV and AIDS and other health issues. Through the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), the United States government committed $95 million to HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment; ... Read More»

U.S. Embassy Launches Black History Month Essay Contest for High School Students

The United States Embassy Public Affairs Section (PAS) has announced a Black History Month essay contest for high school students throughout Zimbabwe. Entries are due by February 14, 2014 and should be e-mailed to or hand delivered to PAS’ Eastgate offices or the nearest EducationUSA Advising Centre (Gweru, Bulawayo or Mutare). “This is the fourth ... Read More»

U.S. provides over $64,000 to restore Naletale national monuments

Harare, November 8, 2013: The United States Embassy has awarded over $64,000 to the National Museums and Monuments of Zimbabwe (NMMZ) to restore the collapsed walls of Naletale National Monuments in Matabeleland South province. The support was made possible through a U.S. Department of State initiative, the Ambassador’s Fund for Cultural Preservation. On November 13th, U.S. ... Read More»

Caveat Emptor

The ancient Romans coined a Latin phrase caveat emptor which roughly translates as, “Let the buyer beware,” warning the public to research their options before buying on the open market.  Zimbabweans would do well to heed this advice when exploring higher education options for themselves and their children. The advent of dollarization in Zimbabwe two ... Read More»

From Refugee to Political Activist

Name: Bernard R. Londoni School: Lynn University, Boca Raton, Florida Rank: Sophomore In 2001, Bernard came to Harare, Zimbabwe with his family in order to escape the war in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. He hasn’t looked back since. Candidly, Bernard recounts how it felt to leave his home country at such a young ... Read More»
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