Consular Services

December 18, 2020

1. Frameworks which enable cross-border travel between Japan and certain countries and regions (Business Track and Residence Track)

On June 18, 2020, the Government of Japan (GOJ) announced “Phased Measures for Resuming Cross-Border Travel” whereby it intends to establish a special quota pertaining to cross-border business travelers and others for entry into and departure from Japan, that operates separately from general procedures for cross-border travelers. While maintaining the current border control measures (Note 1), the GOJ will tentatively implement a special framework to facilitate cross-border business travelers and others on the condition of adopting additional quarantine measures (Note 2).

  • Note 1: Testing for COVID-19 upon arrival at the airport, and 14-days refraining from using public transportation and staying at home or a place designated by the Chief of the Quarantine Station
  • Note 2: Obtaining a certificate of pre-entry test result, retaining location data for 14 days (PDF) Open a New Window after entering to Japan etc. (if the traveler wishes to conduct limited business activities, additional measures are required such as submitting the “Schedule of Activities in Japan” (to declare the schedule of activities of the traveler such as accommodation and destinations)

(1) Available Frameworks for Entry into Japan (Business Track is in operation only with Singapore)

The following two frameworks (known as the “Business Track” and the “Residence Track”) are available.

  • Business Track: This framework allows cross-border travelers to enter, exceptionally, Japan or its counterpart country/region. Furthermore, this framework enables limited business activities during the 14-day stay at home period (partially relaxes restrictions on such activities), immediately after arrival at those countries/regions or Japan, on condition that travelers accept additional quarantine measures such as submission of “Schedule of Activities in Japan”(Note). This framework is intended mainly for short-term business travelers.
    (Note: Business activities must be limited to the necessary minimum, such as round-trip travel between home and the office, not using public transportation and avoiding contact with random people or crowds.)
  • Residence Track: This framework allows cross border travelers to enter, exceptionally, Japan or the other country/region, but requires them to stay at home for 14 days or designated locations. This framework is intended mainly for long-term residents by dispatch or rotation within business personnel.

(2) Countries/Regions to be Covered under the Framework

This framework (Business Track and Residence Track) will become effective with regard to relevant countries/regions sequentially, one after another, once these arrangements are ready to be implemented after respective consultation. Countries/regions to be covered, for the moment, are Vietnam, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, Cambodia, Singapore, Republic of Korea, China, Hong Kong, Macau, Brunei, Malaysia, Myanmar, Mongolia, Laos, and Taiwan.
For countries and regions with which the GOJ has already started (/decided the starting date of) the framework, please refer to (4) Procedures for entry into/return to Japan below.

(3) Cross-Border Travelers to be Covered under the Framework

For now, cross-border travelers prescribed below to be covered under this framework(Business Track and Residence Track).

  • Those who enter Japan either with all types of the status of residence except for short-term stay or with an eligible visa for short term-stay. (Details will be coordinated with each country/region.)(Note 1)
  • Those who are residing either in Japan or the country/region (including the holders of nationality of a third country), and traveling on a flight between Japan and the country/region (the traveler may take a flight coming to Japan via a third country/region on the condition that he/she does not enter the country/region)(Note 2).

(Note 1: The scope of cross-border travelers to be permitted to newly enter Japan under the framework of Residence Track has been expanded to cover the holders of statuses of residence of “Student”, “Dependent” and others, in addition to cross-border business travelers, from October 1, 2020. For further details such as statuses of residence of foreign nationals covered under this framework, please see this page.)

(Note 2: Japanese nationals do not need to follow the procedures for “Residence Track” in case of return to Japan. In case Japanese nationals would like to conduct limited business activities during the 14 days after returning to Japan from countries/regions with which “Business Track” is effective, they need to follow the procedures for “Business Track”.)

(4) Procedures for entry into/return to Japan

For those who wish to apply for this framework for entry into/return to Japan, please click the name of the country/region that you are traveling from to Japan to proceed to a page for the procedures to be followed and forms to be submitted. The forms may be amended as appropriate. Please be sure to use the latest version of each form which are available on the above-mentioned page.

Residence Track:

Note: For travel from/to each of above-mentioned countries/regions using the “Residence Track”, please refer to this document (PDF) Open a New Window for detailed information.

Business Track:

Note: For travel from/to Singapore, Republic of Korea and Vietnam using the “Business Track”, please refer to this document (PDF) Open a New Window for detailed information.

(5) Procedures for Entry into Countries/Regions to be Covered under this Framework

For entry into the countries/regions to be covered under this framework, the traveler must follow the procedures designated by the governments of those countries/regions. For detailed information, please refer to official websites of Embassies or Consulates of Japan in those countries/regions or diplomatic missions of those countries/regions in Japan.

  • Royal Thai Embassy, TokyoOpen a New Window
    (Once a flight to Thailand is planned and the application starts, the information will be put on “Announcements” on the top page of the above-mentioned website.)
Note: As the government of Myanmar currently suspends incoming international commercial flights, foreign nationals including Japanese nationals can enter Myanmar only in exceptional cases such as being permitted to come aboard a relief flight for Myanmar nationals residing abroad and returning Myanmar arranged by the government of Myanmar.
Note: For traveling from Japan to Singapore, travelers are required to take a COVID-19 RT-PCR conducted within 72 hours (from the sampling time to departure time of the flight) before the departure from Japan at a medical facility listed on “Resister of Medical Institutions providing COVID-19 Testing Certificates” (please see the list on this pageOpen a New Window) and to obtain a document certifying a negative result. For further details about requirements for the document, please see the official websites of the Government of the Republic of Singapore or the Embassy of Japan in Singapore and consult a medical facility about the sample and testing method in order to obtain an appropriate certificate. For travelers from Japan to Singapore for using the Residence Track, from November 23, they need to stay at dedicated facilities (hotels) assigned by Singapore Government for 14 days after entry (the place to stay for 14 days after entry is subject to be changed by the Singapore Government). 
Republic of Korea

Note: For the list of institutions where COVID-19 testing is available, please see this list Open a New Window published on the dedicated page to TeCOT (COVID-19 Testing Center for Overseas Travelers)Open a New Window on the official web site of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry : available only in Japanese. Please be sure to comply with the requirements mandated by the government of each country/regions (e.g. testing method, format for the certificate)

2. Re-entry of foreign nationals with status of residence

On 28th August 2020, the Government of Japan announced its decision that all foreign nationals with the status of residence who have left and will leave Japan with a valid re-entry permit, are now eligible to re-enter Japan from 1st September 2020. Please refer to this page for further information.

3. Entry into Japan from all countries and regions

On September 25, 2020, the GOJ announced that, in principle, the holders of statuses of residence of “Student”, “Dependent” and others, in addition to cross-border business travelers of all countries and regions will be incrementally permitted to enter Japan from October 1, 2020, under the condition that the person is hosted by a company/ entity that can assure observation of quarantine measures. However, the number of people to be permitted to enter Japan as provided in this paragraph will be restricted.

(1) Scope of cross-border travelers to be permitted to newly enter Japan

All foreign nationals residing in the country/region of departure are covered (including the holders of nationality of a third country).For further information on the scope of cross-border travelers to be permitted to newly enter Japan by this decision (statuses of residence to be covered) and the application for Visa, please see this page.

(2) Procedures for entry into/return to Japan

Foreign nationals who are willing to enter Japan need to follow the procedures for Residence Track. Necessary procedures and forms may differ depending on whether the country/region of departure is subject to denial of permission to enter Japan or not. Please check whether your country/region of departure is subject to denial of permission to entry on this page (countries and regions listed in 1(1) are subject to denial of permission to entry) and click the appropriate entry below.

4. Framework which enables business persons residing in Japan to conduct limited business activities upon their return/ re-entry into Japan after short-term business trips

The GOJ has started a framework for business persons residing in Japan (Japanese nationals and foreign nationals with the status of residence) which enables limited business activities during the 14-day stay at home period (partially relaxes restrictions on such activities) upon their return/ re-entry into Japan after short-term business trips, by following procedures for “Business Track”. Please check this document (PDF) Open a New Window published on the official web page of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry for the details of this framework.

(1) Countries/ regions to be covered under this framework
In principle, this framework is applicable for return/ re-entry from all countries and regions.
(2) Duration of stay at the destination country/region
Duration of stay at the destination country/region must not exceed 7 days (excludes the stay-at-home/isolation period designated by the government of destination country/region).
(3) Procedures to be followed and forms to be submitted
For entry into the destination country/region, the traveler must follow the procedures designated by the governments of those countries/regions. For detailed information, please contact Embassies or Consulates of the country/region in Japan.

Necessary procedures and forms may differ depending on whether the country/region of departure is subject to denial of permission to enter Japan or not. Please check whether your country/region of departure is subject to denial of permission to entry on this page (countries and regions listed in 1(1) are subject to denial of permission to entry) and click the appropriate entry below.

[Documents to be submitted for entry/return to Japan]
  • Written Pledge (Short-term business trips by business persons residing in Japan) (PDF) Open a New Window” (updated on October 30) 1 copy
  • Schedule of Activities in Japan (PDF) Open a New Window” (updated on October 30) 1 copy
  • [In case the destination country/region is NOT designated as areas subject to denial of permission to enter Japan] Certificate of pre-entry test results issued within 72 hours (from the sampling time to departure time of the flight) (original or copy). In case the traveler cannot obtain a certificate before departure from the destination country, he/she will be requested to take a COVID-19 test after he/she re-enter/ return to Japan and stay at home until he/she receives the result showing that he/she is negative.
  • “Questionnaire” (distributed to every passenger on the plane)
[Procedures to be followed for entry/return to Japan]

5. Contact Information for Inquiries

  • For procedures upon arrival at the airport and the status of residence:
    Contact: Adjudication Division, Immigration Service Agency of Japan
    TEL (Main): 03-3580-4111 (Ex. 4446, 4447)
  • For procedures for Visa application for entry into Japan and details for Residence Track/ Business Track already in operation with each country/region
    Contact: MOFA visa information service in Foreign Residents Support Center (Inquiries on visa)
    TEL: 0570-011000 (Navigation Dial: Press [2] for English language). For certain type of internet protocol phone, please call 03-5363-3013.
    JAPAN VISA INFORMATION HOTLINE(PDF)Open a New Window (Inquiries about visa application in different countries and regions)
    Contact: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, First Southeast Asia Division (Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar)
    TEL (Main): 03-3580-3311 (Ex. 5548)
    Contact: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Second Southeast Asia Division (Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei)
    TEL (Main): 03-3580-3311 (Ex. 5845)
    Contact: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, First China and Mongolia Division (China, Taiwan)
    TEL (Main): 03-3580-3311 (Ex. 3915, 3902)
    Contact:Ministry of Foreign Affairs, First Northeast Asia Division (Republic of Korea)
    TEL (Main): 03-3580-3311(Ex. 4611)
  • For quarantine measures such as staying at home or a place designated by the Chief of the Quarantine Station for 14 days, refraining from using public transportation, the COVID-19 contact tracing application, keeping location data through the map application and private medical insurance, please contact the consultation service contact (0120-565653).
    (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare: Q&A about Border Control Measures Open a New Window)
    For inquiries about other quarantine measures such as health follow-up, testing at the airport etc., please contact:
    Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, Pharmaceutical Safety and Environmental Health Bureau, Policy Planning Division for Environmental Health and Food Safety, Office of Quarantine Station Administration
    TEL (Main):03-5253-1111(Ex. 2468)
  • For inquiries about “Technical Intern Training” , please refer to “FAQs on Technical Intern Trainees entering Japan using the Residence Track (PDF)Open a New Window” (available only in Japanese) on the official web pageOpen a New Window of the Organization for Technical Intern Training
  • For inquiries by companies/entities willing to receive travelers under this framework(except for detailed information on quarantine measures, procedures for each framework, Technical Intern Training program and Specified Skilled Worker program):
    Contact: International Movement of People Team, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
    TEL: 03-3501-1511 (Ex. 2944) (Working hours: 9:30-18:15)
  • For inquiries regarding flight information;
    Contact: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Civil Aviation Bureau, Director for Crisis Management Office
    TEL: 03-5253-8700
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