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COVID-19 In The Cayman Islands

Latest Figures On COVID-19



Worried You Might Have COVID-19?

Start a confidential COVID-19 self-assessment.


Register for Screening

Register for COVID-19 screening through HSA with this appointment calendar. 



Need To Return Home?

Caymanians, Permanent Residents, and Work Permit Holders should register with the Travel Cayman team in order to travel.


Latest Advice

There are 5 levels of suppression

The details are are unique to each island, and two islands may be on the same level at the same time but have different provisions. See below for the specific details.

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Grand Cayman

Grand Cayman has been operating under suppression level 2 since Sunday, 21 June. Within level 2, additional restrictions were partially lifted effective Sunday, 5 July, Sunday, 19 Jul and Tuesday, 25 August. You can download the suppression level 2 flyer here.


Cayman Brac

Within level 2, additional restrictions were partially lifted effective Sunday, 5 July, Sunday, 19 July and Tuesday, 25 August. You can download the suppression level 2 flyer here.


Little Cayman

Little Cayman is operating under suppression level 2. Within level 2, additional restrictions were partially lifted effective Sunday, 5 July, Sunday, 19 July and Tuesday, 25 August. Download more details



In the Cayman Islands no more than 500 people may gather in public and processions and festive ceremonies are banned at all times, no matter how many people are involved.

Read more on prevention measures here.

No more than 500 people may gather to exercise together. For sporting events, no more than 500 people may gather as spectators or participants, which includes coaches, trainers and support staff.

If you test positive for COVID-19, you might feel worried about your privacy and want to remain anonymous. Your privacy is important and your healthcare providers and public health officials will always respect this. Click here to learn how the Government and other healthcare workers keep your information confidential and the importance of privacy when it comes to COVID-19 testing.

The Office of the Ombudsman is aware of concerns that individuals are seeking to identify, and even publicly expose, people who are infected with COVID-19. Aside from the moral, ethical and societal implications surrounding the stigma associated with naming and shaming another human being, there are legal implications if sensitive personal data is made public. Read more

You may wear a mask or cloth face covering outside of your own home. See also When & Why To Wear A Mask In The Cayman Islands.

If wish to wear a mask or cloth face covering, you cannot be denied entry to a public place by the owner or operator.

In certain places, you may be required to wear a mask or cloth face covering. These include:

  • health care facilities
  • residential home care facilities
  • prisons or places of detention
  • airports

The Medical Officer of Health may also allow the owner or operator of other types of public places to require masks. If so, a notice will be issued and this website will be updated to reflect the current policy.

When using a taxi, omnibus or school bus, the driver and all passengers must wear a mask or cloth face covering at all times.

If you have an urgent need to travel between the Cayman Islands and any other destination, please click here to contact Travel Cayman

Ensuring minimum impact of the COVID-19 virus on the Cayman Islands is the highest priority for the Cayman Islands Government, and this includes consideration on when borders will re-open.

From October 1, Phase 1 of travel will extend the categories of persons eligible to visit will  beyond Caymanians, permanent residents, work permit holders and their families, to also include:

  •  persons who own residential property within the Cayman Islands; and
  •  other approved visitors approved via the Travel Cayman process

Due to the fluid nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, border opening and arrivals decisions will continue to be evaluated and the process is subject to change. Travellers are advised to check this website frequently for the latest news and information prior to confirming travel plans.

Direct Airline Bookings

The Cayman Islands Government is aware that some airline websites are offering flights to the Cayman Islands and accepting future bookings. The public is reminded that while the Cayman Islands borders remain closed, approval has not been granted for the operation of any commercial flights. Travellers who make reservations directly with any airline while the Islands borders are closed are doing so at their own risk. It should also be noted that airline vouchers issued by other airlines for such flights are not transferrable to the British Airways repatriation flights, nor are they valid for use on Cayman Airways.

Developed by the Ministry of Health in consultation with the Public Health Department, these guidelines provide measures to prevent the spread of any potential community cases and facilitate a phased and safe re-entry of Cayman’s workforce. The guidelines should be reviewed in light of current government guidance.

As educational institutions and facilities resume operations, guidelines have also been issued for schools and early childhood care and education centres. Read more on our Education Guidance page.

Click here to see all of our guidance

Flights to Cayman Brac and Little Cayman are provided by Cayman Airways and are from Grand Cayman only. No international flights are currently landing in Cayman Brac.

Persons may travel between Grand Cayman, Cayman Brac and Little Cayman without being tested for the COVID-19 virus provided that they are not showing any respiratory or other symptoms associated with COVID-19.

To book inter-island travel contact Cayman Airways directly at www.caymanairways.com

From October 1, during the first phase of the phased border reopening, all travellers returning from overseas will be required to undergo quarantine on Grand Cayman before traveling to the sister islands.

Read more here.


Policies In Action

As of 4:30am on Sunday, 21 June 2020, all "hard" curfew orders have been revoked in the Cayman Islands. 

The "soft curfew" or "Shelter in Place" provisions have also been lifted and no longer apply to any of the Islands.

However, Regulations under the Public Health Law continue to provide for certain restrictions and requirements. Read more.

These restrictions are in place under the Prevention, Control and Suppression of Covid-19 (Partial Lifting of Restrictions) (Travel and Boating) (No.5) Regulations, 2020. These Regulations came into effect on Friday, 2 October and expire 30th November 2020. Restrictions on businesses and operations at this time include but are not limited to:

  • Educational establishments and facilities, including summer camps and vacation bible schools, may operate subject to relevant guidelines.
  • Visitation is restricted at health care facilities, prisons and places of detention, isolation facilities, and residential care homes in Grand Cayman and Cayman Brac.
  • Exercise and contact sports are permitted subject to public gathering restrictions on participants and spectators. 
  • A boat may not operate with no more than 500 persons or the legal maximum capacity, whichever is lesser. Boats are not permitted to congregate if more than 500 people are gathered in total or to conduct activities in certain areas.
  • Taxis and omnibuses may operate on the condition that all drivers and passengers wear face masks or cloth face coverings.
  • In some public places you may be required to wear a mask or face covering. These include healthcare facilities, residential care home facilities, prisons and airports. In other public places, if you wish to wear a mask or cloth face covering, you cannot be denied entry by the owner or operator. 
  • Businesses shall not use or permit the use of a hookah, shisha pipe or water pipe.
  • Scuba or snorkelling equipment for any activity in Grand Cayman, including training in scuba diving or snorkelling, may be rented but under certain restrictions in place. Read more.

Businesses no longer require curfew exemptions or permission from the Competent Authority ("Curfew Time") in order to open. However, owners and operators must be aware of restrictions and requirements that continue to apply to their specific operations. Read more

As of Tuesday, 25 August 2020, social distancing is not legally required in public spaces in the Cayman Islands. Persons may or may not choose to practice social distancing as they judge best.

It is recommended to maintain distancing where possible, especially in public places, if you are in a vulnerable group or visiting with the elderly and vulnerable. It is always recommended to maintain distancing from strangers, the elderly, and the vulnerable.

No more than 500 persons are allowed to gather in public. Contact sports allow up to 500 spectators and participants. Processions and festive ceremonies are also not to be held, regardless of the number of participants.

Weddings are not to include 500 or more people other than the bride, groom, official witnesses and the marriage officer. Funerals are only allowed to be attended by up to 500 people other than the six pallbearers, at least one officiant, and essential mortuary staff.

Ensuring minimum impact of the COVID-19 virus on the Cayman Islands is the highest priority for the Cayman Islands Government, and this includes consideration on when borders will re-open. All airports in the Cayman Islands - Owen Roberts International Airport in Grand Cayman, Charles Kirkconnell International Airport in Cayman Brac and the Little Cayman Airport - will remain closed to international leisure and non-essential travel until at least 1 October 2020, according to decisions taken by Cabinet. Cruise ships and private vessels are also not being accepted to the ports of the Cayman Islands. 

Cargo and courier flights as well as ocean freight are unaffected by this temporary closure and air ambulances will also be allowed to operate as normal. Chartered flights may carry international passengers with an urgent or compassionate need to travel under strict requirements, including mandatory isolation at a Government-provided facility for Caymanians and residents returning to the Cayman Islands.

Direct Airline Bookings

The Cayman Islands Government is aware that some airline websites are offering flights to the Cayman Islands and accepting future bookings. The public is reminded that while the Cayman Islands borders remain closed, approval has not been granted for the operation of any commercial flights. Travellers who make reservations directly with any airline while the Islands borders are closed are doing so at their own risk. It should also be noted that airline vouchers issued by other airlines for such flights are not transferrable to the British Airways repatriation flights, nor are they valid for use on Cayman Airways.

Amendments to the National Pensions Law were passed in the Legislative Assembly on Thursday, 23 April 2020 to provide for a pension holiday from 1 April to 30 September 2020 or such later date as may be appointed by Order made by the Cabinet. Qualifying pension plan members may also withdraw funds from their account subject to certain provisions. Read more.

Apply Now

In addition to the establishment of the Cayman Islands Centre for Business Development, Government has implemented a number of measures to support local business and commerce. These include financial assistance for small and medium businesses and the transport industry, temporary waiver of Trade & Business Licensing fees, extension of the temporary layoff period for most industries, virtual conduct of notarial acts, and others. Read more.



We Work With

What is COVID-19?

The Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus, which was first identified in Wuhan City, China in 2019. The COVID-19 virus (which is called SARS-CoV-2) is a member of the coronavirus family (a group of viruses) that has never been encountered before. 


What Are the Symptoms?

The virus most commonly causes:

  • coughing 
  • fever
  • tiredness
  • breathing difficulties
  • loss of smell and taste

These symptoms are usually mild and begin gradually but commonly occur within 1-10 days after a person has been exposed.

Some people become infected but don’t develop any symptoms and don't feel unwell. Around one out of every six people who gets COVID-19 becomes seriously ill and develops difficulty breathing. 

While it is not legally required to socially distance in the Cayman Islands, it is recommended to maintain distancing where possible, especially in public places, if you are in a vulnerable group or visiting with the elderly and vulnerable. It is always recommended to maintain distancing from strangers, the elderly, and the vulnerable.


How Do I Get More Information?

This official Cayman Islands Government website includes a lot of helpful information that is constantly being updated, including answers to Frequently Asked Questions and details of Policies in Action across the Cayman Islands. We also have a list of helplines for critical services.

If you have medical questions, many resources are available on this website and at hsa.ky/coronavirus. If you can't find what you're looking for or have a question about your specific situation, contact your General Practitioner. If you have a medical emergency dial 911.


Regional Tracker & WHO Situation Reports

Get updates from the Pan American Health Organization here. Get global updates from the World Health Organization here.


Our COVID-19 Story


Since the start of the COVID-19 crisis in early 2020, the small yet resilient Cayman Islands has leveraged its community, private sector and global relationships to protect its citizens and residents from the global COVID-19 pandemic. Read our narrative here:

Click Here


COVID-19 Latest Live Update



household guidance

Guidance for households with possible COVID-19 infection. Read more

vulnerable people
Information for vulnerable people at high risk and their carers. Read more
business guidance

Information on COVID-19 and guidance for businesses. Read more

education guidance
COVID-19 information for schools and other educational settings. Read more
travel advice

Travel advice and restrictions from the Cayman Islands Government. Read more

mental wellbeing
Information on maintaining your mental well-being and safety. Read more
latest news

Information for the public, including on the current situation in the Cayman Islands. Read more

public health info

An explanation of how COVID-19 is spread and how to avoid catching or spreading the virus. Read more

resurces and downloads

Download our graphics, videos, informational booklets and other resources on COVID-19. Read more

frontline staff

Information for front-line and essential workers in the Cayman Islands. Read more

policies in action

Information the public on COVID-19 policies in Cayman Islands. Read more

get help

Hotlines and contact details for information and support in Cayman Islands. Read more



What is COVID-19? 

The information and studies we are receiving on COVID-19 grow by the day, and so does the understanding. The advice from our Chief Medical Officer is that shared by national public health agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control in the USA, Public Health England and the World Health Organization. Read more.


What Suppression Levels are We On?

We are currently on the following suppression levels for the Cayman Islands. Each suppression level and guidance is specific to each island:

Grand Cayman, Suppression Level 2
Cayman Brac, Suppression Level 2
Little Cayman, Suppression Level 2

The latest suppression information for the Cayman Islands can be found here.


What should I do if I think I have COVID-19?

If you are having a medical emergency, including difficulty breathing, dial 911. Unless you require emergency medical care, stay home. Do not visit a medical centre or hospital. Call your General Practitioner or email flu@hsa.ky for advice. You can also take our online COVID-19 self-assessment here to determine if you may need care. 


What should businesses do?

The Cayman Islands Government issued advice on how to prepare ahead of a potential community case. We are also keeping this website updated to reflect the latest policies, advice and Government relief measures for businesses. Read more


View all of our frequently asked questions on COVID-19 here.

Prevention Tips


The best way to protect yourself and others from the spread of COVID-19 is to practice these three tips:

  • Catch it. Catch a cough or sneeze in a tissue. If you have nothing to use, use your elbow and not your hands.
  • Bin it. Bin the tissues after use. Viruses can live for hours in tissues.
  • Kill it. By avoiding close contact with those suffering from acute respiratory illness, avoiding travel if you have flu-like symptoms (or a cough or a fever) we can help kill the virus.


Cayman Prepared

Hazard Management Cayman Islands has overall responsibility for the national Comprehensive Disaster Management programme, including preparedness, response, mitigation and recovery.

HMCI is responsible for the National Emergency Operations Centre (NEOC), which is activated to direct and coordinate the response to national threats. Read more.
















Press Room

► Thursday 17 December Testing Update: The Chief Medical Officer, Dr. John Lee, reports that 352 COVID-19 tests have been carried out since this was last reported on Wednesday, 16 December 2020. Two were positive. Read more
► Wednesday 16 December Testing Update: The Chief Medical Officer, Dr. John Lee, reports that 394 COVID-19 tests have been carried out since this was last reported on Tuesday, 15 December 2020. Six were positive. Read more
► Tuesday 15 December Testing Update: The Chief Medical Officer, Dr. John Lee, reports that 489 COVID-19 tests have been carried out since this was last reported on Monday, 14 December 2020. All were negative. Read more
► Monday 14 December Testing Update: The Chief Medical Officer, Dr. John Lee, reports that 474 COVID-19 tests have been carried out since this was last reported on Friday, 11 December 2020. Four were positive. Read more
► Friday 11 December Testing Update: The Chief Medical Officer, Dr. John Lee, reports that 137 COVID-19 tests have been carried out since this was last reported on Thursday, 10 December 2020. All were negative. Read more
► Thursday 10 December Testing Update: The Chief Medical Officer, Dr. John Lee, reports that 344 COVID-19 tests have been carried out since this was last reported on Wednesday, 9 December 2020. Six were positive including two from Cayman Brac. Read more
► Wednesday 9 December Testing Update: The Chief Medical Officer, Dr. John Lee, reports that 377 COVID-19 tests have been carried out since this was last reported on Tuesday, 8 December 2020. One was positive. Read more

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More Information

COVID-19 Halloween Message: Stay Safe Cayman

Our kids missed a lot out of this year, so we hope we can discover lots of fun left in 2020. The Ministry of Health encourages the public who plan to engage in Halloween activities this year to practise preventative measures in order to reduce the possible transmission of COVID-19.

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Mental Health Support for Children

Children thrive when they are safe and protected, when family and community connections are stable and nurturing, and when their basic needs are met. ~ World Economic Forum

Without question, the disruption children in our community are facing is challenging,  for them and for us as parents,...

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Who needs to know your COVID-19 test results?

If you test positive for COVID-19, you might feel worried about your privacy and want to remain anonymous. Your privacy is important and your healthcare providers and public health officials will always respect this.

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How to Reduce Anxiety During COVID-19

Feeling overwhelmed, helpless, or just generally anxious during curfew? You're not alone. 

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Why & How Are We Screening The General Population For COVID-19?

In the Cayman Islands we have begun wider screening for COVID-19. Here's what that means:

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