News & Events

COVID-19 Information

(UPDATED December 17 , 2020) Country-Specific Information: Due to COVID-19 Spanish travel restrictions, U.S. citizens cannot enter Spain unless they meet very specific requirements or have already obtained special permission from the Government of Spain.  Additionally, U.S. citizens travelling from the United States or certain other countries will need to show a negative PCR test ...
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Security Alert – U.S. Mission Spain

Security Alert – U.S. Mission Spain (17 December 2020)  Location: Spain, countrywide Event: During the holiday season, security measures in Spain remain heightened due to ongoing threats posed by transnational terrorist organizations and individuals inspired by violent extremist ideology. Violent extremists continue to focus on locations such as holiday markets, shopping malls, airports, clubs, restaurants, ...
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Ambassador Buchan’s Op-Ed about the Situation in Venezuela- El País

Terrible Theater: Tomorrow’s “Election” in Venezuela Is a Sham Richard Duke Buchan III, U.S. Ambassador to Spain and Andorra- Op-ed, El País. December 5th, 2020 The illegitimate Maduro regime is staging a sham parliamentary election tomorrow in Venezuela in an effort to eliminate the democratically elected National Assembly.  This piece of political theater is a ...
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Message for U.S. Citizens – U.S. Embassy Madrid Consular Section Closed on November 18, 2020

Location: Madrid, Spain – U.S. Embassy, Consular Section Event: The U.S. Embassy Madrid Consular Section will be closed on November 18, 2020.  No regular or emergency consular services will be offered.  The Consular Section will resume services as scheduled on November 19, 2020. Actions to Take:  If you do not have a valid passport, but ...
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International Religious Freedom Day

PRESS STATEMENT MICHAEL R. POMPEO, SECRETARY OF STATE OCTOBER 27, 2020 Twenty-two years ago today, the United States enacted the 1998 International Religious Freedom Act, reaffirming our commitment to promote and defend the fundamental right to religious freedom for all people everywhere.  Born of the vision of America’s founders, our government understood that an individual, ...
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