

Asthma is a chronic (long-term) condition that affects the airways in the lungs. The airways are tubes that carry air in and out of your lungs. If you have asthma, the airways can become inflamed and narrowed at times.

Asthma affects people of all ages and often starts during childhood. You may wheeze, cough, or feel tightness in your chest. These symptoms can range from mild to severe and can happen every day or only once in a while. Certain things can set off or worsen asthma symptoms, such as cold air. These are called asthma triggers. When symptoms get worse, it is called an asthma attack.

An asthma action plan can help you manage your asthma. The plan may include monitoring, avoiding triggers, and using medicines.

Explore this Health Topic to learn more about asthma and living with the condition, our role in research and clinical trials.

Find asthma guides, tip sheets, and other resources from NHLBI’s Asthma Learn More Breathe Better program.

Causes - Asthma

The exact cause of asthma is unknown, and the causes may vary from person to person. However, asthma is often the result of a strong response of the immune system to a substance in the lungs. To understand asthma, it helps to understand How the Lungs Work.

Normally, the body’s immune system helps to fight infections. Sometimes a person’s immune system responds to a substance in the environment called an allergen. When someone breathes in an allergen, such as ragweed, the immune system in the airways may react strongly. Other people exposed to the same substance may not react at all.

The immune system reacts to an allergen by creating inflammation. Inflammation makes your airways swell and narrow and possibly produce more mucus. This can make it harder to breathe. The muscles around the airways may also tighten, which is called a bronchospasm. This can make it even harder to breathe.

Over time, the airway walls can become thicker. The image below shows how airways narrow during asthma.

Airway narrowing in an asthma attack.
Airway narrowing in an asthma attack. The image on the left shows the location of the lungs in the body. The middle image is a close-up of a normal airway, and the image on the right shows a narrowed, inflamed airway typical of an asthma attack. Medical Illustration Copyright © 2020 Nucleus Medical Media, All rights reserved.

Your asthma may have been caused partly by a viral infection or allergens in the air when you were a baby or young child. During this stage of life, your immune system is still developing.

It’s not clear why one person reacts to an exposure while others do not. Genes seem to play a role in making some people more susceptible to asthma.

Risk Factors - Asthma

Your environment or occupation, your family history or genes, other medical conditions, your race or ethnicity, or your sex may raise your risk for developing asthma.

Asthma affects people of all ages, but it often starts during childhood. Sometimes asthma develops in adults, particularly women. This type of asthma is called adult-onset or late-onset asthma.

Environment or occupation

Things in your environment, including at work or home, may raise your risk of developing asthma or make asthma symptoms worse.

  • Exposure to cigarette smoke in the womb or in a child’s first few years raises the risk of developing asthma symptoms early in life. This exposure may also affect lung growth and development.
  • Exposure to different microbes in the environment, especially early in life, can affect how the immune system develops. These effects on the immune system may either increase or protect against the risk of developing asthma.
  • Exposures that occur in the workplace, such as chemical irritants or industrial dusts, may also raise the risk of developing asthma in susceptible people. This type of asthma is called occupational asthma. It may develop over a period of years, and it often lasts even after you are no longer exposed.
  • Poor air quality from pollution or allergens may make asthma worse. Pollutants may include traffic-related air pollution. Allergens in the air may include pollen, dust, or other particles.

Family history and genes

Genes may play a role in the development of asthma because they affect how the immune system develops. More than one gene is likely involved. You inherit genes from your parents. Having a parent who has asthma, especially if the mother has asthma, increases the risk that a child will develop asthma.

Other medical conditions

Asthma is often linked to other medical conditions, such as:

  • Allergies. Asthma is usually a type of allergic reaction. People who have asthma often have other types of allergies. They may have food allergies or get a runny or stuffy nose from pollen. You may be at higher risk for developing asthma if you had allergic reactions in early childhood to substances in the air, such as pollen, dander, mold, or dust. The more things you are allergic to, the higher your risk of asthma.
  • Obesity can increase the chances of developing asthma or worsening asthma symptoms. This may be because people who have obesity can have inflammation or changes in the immune system.
  • Respiratory infections and wheezing. Young children who often have respiratory infections caused by viruses are at highest risk of developing asthma symptoms early in life.

Race or ethnicity

African Americans and Puerto Ricans are at higher risk of asthma than people of other races or ethnicities. African American and Hispanic children are more likely to die from asthma-related causes than non-Hispanic white Americans.


Among children, more boys than girls have asthma. Among teens and adults, asthma is more common among women than men.

Screening and Prevention - Asthma

There is no routine screening for asthma, and there is no way to prevent asthma. Your doctor may recommend avoiding certain risk factors to help prevent asthma from getting worse or causing asthma attacks.

Learn about tests your doctor may use to diagnose asthma.

Signs, Symptoms, and Complications - Asthma

How often signs and symptoms of asthma occur may depend on how severe, or intense, the asthma is and whether you are exposed to allergens. Some people have symptoms every day, while others have symptoms only a few days of the year. For some people, asthma may cause discomfort but does not interfere with daily activities. If you have more severe asthma, however, your asthma may limit what you are able to do.

When asthma is well controlled, a person shows few symptoms. When symptoms worsen, a person can have what is called an asthma attack, or an exacerbation. Over time, uncontrolled asthma can damage the airways in the lungs.

Signs and symptoms

Signs and symptoms of asthma may include:

  • Chest tightness
  • Coughing, especially at night or early morning
  • Shortness of breath
  • Wheezing, which causes a whistling sound when you exhale

While other conditions can cause the same symptoms as asthma, the pattern of symptoms in people who have asthma usually has some of the following characteristics.

  • They come and go over time or within the same day.
  • They start or get worse with viral infections, such as a cold.
  • They are triggered by exercise, allergies, cold air, or hyperventilation from laughing or crying.
  • They are worse at night or in the morning

Asthma attacks, or exacerbations, are episodes that occur when symptoms get much worse and require a change in typical treatment. These can come on gradually or suddenly and may be life-threatening. People who have severe asthma often get asthma attacks more often.

Diagnosis - Asthma

Asthma is diagnosed based on your medical history, a physical exam, and results from diagnostic tests. You may need to see a team of healthcare providers, including your doctor; an asthma specialist, called a pulmonologist; or an allergy specialist, called an allergist.

Medical history and physical exam

Your doctor will ask about your risk factors for asthma and your symptoms. They may ask also about any known allergies. This includes how often symptoms occur, what seems to trigger your symptoms, when or where symptoms occur, and if your symptoms wake you up at night.

During the physical exam, your doctor may:

  • Listen to your breathing and look for symptoms of asthma
  • Look for allergic skin conditions, such as eczema

Diagnostic tests

Your doctor may ask you to perform the following tests to determine whether your symptoms are caused by asthma.

  • Pulmonary function tests, such as spirometry, which involves breathing in and out through a tube connected to a computer. This measures how much and how fast the air moves when you breathe in and out with maximum effort. Watch this video to learn more about taking a spirometry test.
  • Spirometry with bronchodilator tests to measure how much and how fast air moves in and out both before and after you take an inhaled medicine to relax the muscles in your airway.
  • Bronchoprovocation tests to measure how your airways react to specific exposures. During this test, you inhale different concentrations of allergens or medicines that may tighten the muscles in your airways. Spirometry is done before and after the test.
  • Peak expiratory flow (PEF) tests to measure how fast you can blow air out using maximum effort. This test can be done during spirometry or by breathing into a separate device, such as a tube.
  • Fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) tests to measure levels of nitric oxide in your breath when you breathe out. High levels of nitric oxide may mean that your lungs are inflamed. This test is done in adults and children age 5 and older. Read the FeNO fact sheet to learn more.
  • Allergy skin or blood tests, if you have a history of allergies. These tests can tell your doctor which allergens, such as pet dander or pollen, causes a reaction from your immune system.

Diagnosing asthma in children younger than 6

It can be hard to tell whether a child under age 6 has asthma or another respiratory condition, because young children often cannot perform a pulmonary function test such as spirometry. After checking a child’s history and symptoms, the doctor may try asthma medicines for a few months to see how well a child responds. About 40% of children who wheeze when they get colds or respiratory infections are eventually diagnosed with asthma.

Treatment - Asthma

If you are diagnosed with asthma, your doctor will work with you to create a treatment plan to manage your asthma symptoms and prevent asthma attacks. Treatment usually depends on your age, asthma severity, and response to a given treatment option. Your doctor may adjust your treatment until asthma symptoms are controlled.

Most people are treated long-term with daily controller(s), along with another inhaler for short-term relief, when they have symptoms or to prevent symptoms. An inhaler allows the medicine to go into the mouth and airways.

Watch our video to learn about treatment for asthma. 

Short-term relief medicines

Short-term relief medicines, also called quick-relief medicines, help prevent symptoms or relieve symptoms during an asthma attack. They may be the only medicines needed for mild asthma or asthma that happens only with physical activity.

Your doctor will prescribe a quick-relief inhaler for you to carry at all times. Visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to learn how to use your asthma inhaler correctly.

Types of short-term relief medicines include:

  • Inhaled short-acting beta2-agonists (SABAs) to quickly relax tight muscles around your airways. This allows the airways to open so air can flow through them. Side effects can include tremors and rapid heartbeat. If symptoms and medical history suggest asthma, doctors may treat it with inhaled corticosteroids for a trial period to see whether they help. If symptoms do not improve, corticosteroids will be stopped to avoid side effects.
  • Oral and intravenous (IV) corticosteroids to reduce inflammation caused by severe asthma symptoms.
  • Short-acting anticholinergics to help open the airways quickly. This medicine may be less effective than SABAs, but it is an option for people who may have side effects from SABAs.

Control medicines

Your doctor may prescribe long-term control medicines to take daily to help prevent symptoms by reducing airway inflammation and preventing narrowing of the airways. Treatment with specific control medicines may differ depending on age, such as whether the person is an adult or child. Return to Causes to review what causes asthma symptoms.

Control medicines include the following.

  • Corticosteroids to reduce the body’s inflammatory response. Your doctor may prescribe inhaled or oral (as a pill) corticosteroids. Common side effects from inhaled corticosteroids include a hoarse voice or a mouth infection called thrush. A spacer or holding chamber on your inhaler can help avoid these side effects. Oral corticosteroids can have more side effects than inhaled corticosteroids, because the medicine goes outside the lungs. Read more about inhaled corticosteroids for asthma management. Read more about inhaled corticosteroids for asthma management.
  • Biologic medicines, such as omalizumab, mepolizumab, reslizumab, and benralizumab, to target specific parts of the body’s response to allergens. Biologic medicines are antibodies used in people who have severe asthma. Benralizumab is injected into a vein, while the other medicines are injected below the skin or in a vein. They are given every few weeks.
  • Leukotriene modifiers to reduce inflammation and keep your airways open. You take these pills by mouth, alone or with corticosteroids, depending on what your doctor prescribes.
  • Mast cell stabilizers, such as cromolyn, to help prevent airway inflammation when you are exposed to allergens or other triggers. These medicines stop certain immune cells from releasing the signals that cause inflammation.
  • Inhaled long-acting bronchodilators, such as long-acting beta2-agonists (LABAs), to keep the airways open by preventing narrowing of the airways. LABAs may be added to your inhaled corticosteroids to reduce narrowing and inflammation. A similar medicine called inhaled long-acting muscarinic antagonists (LAMAs) is sometimes also used. Read more about LAMAs in our fact sheet.
  • Immunotherapy to reduce the body’s response to allergens. It can be given as an injection, known as an allergy shot, or by mouth as a liquid or tablet. Read more about immunotherapy in our fact sheet.

Emergency care

If you have a severe asthma attack and need emergency care, you may be treated with medicines, such as those listed above, given with a nebulizer or IV. You may also receive oxygen therapy or breathing assistance. This may include ventilator support or through a mask with forced air.


In certain cases, your doctor may recommend a procedure called bronchial thermoplasty if you are 18 years or older and have severe asthma that remains uncontrolled despite using other treatments. In this procedure, your doctor will insert a bronchoscope into your airway through the mouth or the nose. This helps your doctor see inside the airways. Heat is used to reduce the muscle around the airway to help prevent constriction. Read more about bronchial thermoplasty in our fact sheet.


Living With - Asthma

After being diagnosed with asthma, work with your doctor to learn how to manage it yourself. Because asthma symptoms may be different at different times, it is important to know which medicines to use to prevent and relieve symptoms. You can work with your doctor to develop a treatment plan, called an asthma action plan. Follow-up care will help to make sure your or your child’s asthma is well-controlled. Staying healthy also includes avoiding asthma triggers and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Watch NHLBI’s video Living with and Managing Asthma for more information.

Follow your asthma action plan

Work with your doctor to create an asthma action plan that works for you. An asthma action plan is a written treatment plan document that describes the following.

  • How to identify allergens or irritants to avoid
  • How to recognize and handle asthma attacks
  • Which medicines to take and when to take them
  • When to call your doctor or go to the emergency room
  • Who to contact in an emergency

If your child has asthma, then your child’s caretakers and school staff should know about the asthma action plan. For a sample plan, see the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute’s (NHLBI) Asthma Action Plan.

Your doctor will make sure you are using your inhaler correctly. There are different types of inhalers. Review the way you use your inhaler at every medical visit. Sometimes asthma may get worse because of incorrect inhaler use.

Watch our video on Asthma Action Plans to learn more. Then, download a sample Asthma Action Plan.

Know your asthma triggers

Asthma triggers are things that set off or worsen asthma symptoms. If you know that your asthma symptoms occur when you are exposed to specific triggers, it may be worthwhile to reduce your exposure to those triggers, using multiple different methods to reduce the exposure.

Allergens are a common trigger for asthma.

  • If you are sensitive to dust, consider removing carpet from your home and using air purifiers and mattress and pillowcases that keep out dust mites.
  • If you are sensitive to mice or cockroaches, consider using multiple ways of removing them or preventing them from entering the home in the first place.

Other asthma triggers include:

  • Emotional stress. Emotional stress, such as intense anger, crying, or laughing, can cause hyperventilation and airway narrowing, triggering an asthma attack.
  • Infections, such as influenza (flu). Get the flu vaccine each year to help prevent the flu, which can raise the risk of an asthma attack.
  • Medicines. Some people who have severe asthma may be sensitive to medicines, such as aspirin, and may experience serious respiratory problems. Tell your doctor about all medicines you or your child currently takes.
  • Poor air quality or very cold air. Pollution or certain kinds of weather, such as thunderstorms, can affect air quality. Pollution can include indoor pollution caused by gases from inefficient cooking or heating devices that are not vented. Outdoor air pollution may be hard to avoid, but you can keep windows closed and avoid strenuous outdoor activity when air quality is low. For guidance, check the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Air Quality Forecast Guidance.
  • Tobacco smoke, including secondhand smoke.
  • Certain foods or food additives (chemicals). This is less common.

Read more about reducing allergens in your home.

Receive routine medical care

Regular checkups are important to help your doctor determine how well you are controlling your asthma and adjust treatment if needed. Your doctor will also do regular tests to see how well your lungs are working and how well air is flowing.

Your medicines or dosages may change over time, based on changes in your condition or in your life, such as:

  • Age. Older adults may need different treatments because of other conditions they may have and medicines they may take. Beta-blockers, pain relievers, and anti-inflammatory medicines can affect asthma.
  • Pregnancy. Your asthma symptoms may change during pregnancy. You are also at higher risk of asthma attacks. Your doctor will continue to treat you with long-term medicines such as inhaled corticosteroids. Controlling your asthma is important for preventing complications such as preeclampsia, pre-term delivery, and low birth weight of the baby.
  • Surgery. Asthma may increase your risk of complications during and after surgery. For instance, having a tube put into your throat may cause an asthma attack. Talk to your doctor and surgeon about how to prepare for surgery.

Return to Treatment to review possible treatment options for your asthma.

Manage your asthma at home

Ask your doctor about asthma training or support groups to help you keep asthma under control. Education can help you understand the purpose of your medicines, how to prevent symptoms, how to recognize asthma attacks early, and when to seek medical attention.

As part of your asthma action plan, your doctor may show you how to monitor your asthma using a peak flow meter. You can compare your numbers over time to make sure your asthma is controlled. A low number can help warn you of an asthma attack, even before you notice symptoms.

Keeping a diary may help if you find it hard to follow your asthma action plan or the plan is not working well. If you have any of the following experiences, record them in the diary and make an appointment to see your doctor. Bring the diary with you to your appointment.

  • You are limiting normal activities and missing school or work.
  • You use your quick-relief inhaler more than two days a week.
  • Your asthma medicines do not seem to work well anymore.
  • Your peak flow number is low or varies a lot from day to day.
  • Your symptoms occur more often, are more severe, or cause you to lose sleep.

If your young child’s asthma is not well-controlled, you may notice that he or she is coughing more at night and eating less. Your child also may seem more tired (called fatigue), irritable, or moody.

Make healthy lifestyle changes

Your doctor may recommend one or more of the following heart-healthy lifestyle changes to help keep asthma symptoms in check.

  • Aim for a healthy weight. Obesity can make asthma harder to manage. Talk to your doctor about programs that can help. Even a 5% to 10% weight loss can help symptoms.
  • Choose heart-healthy foods. Eating more fruits and vegetables and getting enough vitamin D can provide important health benefits.
  • Get regular physical activity. Even though exercise is an asthma trigger for some people, you should not avoid it. Physical activity is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Talk with your doctor about what level of physical activity is right for you. Ask about medicines that can help you stay active.
  • Manage stressLearn breathing and relaxation techniques, which can help symptoms. Meet with a mental health professional if you have anxiety, depression, or panic attacks.
  • Quit smoking or avoid secondhand smoke. Smoking tobacco and inhaling smoke from secondhand smoke make asthma harder to treat. Vaping e-cigarettes and getting exposed to secondhand vapor may also be linked to asthma symptoms. Research suggests that nicotine and flavorings found in vaping e-cigarettes can damage your lungs. Visit Smoking and Your Heart or call the National Cancer Institute’s Smoking Quitline at 1-877-44U-QUIT (1-877-448-7848).
  • Try to get good quality sleep. Getting quality sleep can sometimes be difficult with asthma. Develop healthy sleep habits by going to sleep and getting up at regular times, following a calming bedtime routine, and keeping you bedroom cool and dark. 

Prevent complications from asthma

Your doctor may recommend that you keep your medicine dose as low as possible to prevent long-term side effects. High doses of certain asthma medicines over time can increase your risk of cataracts and osteoporosis. A cataract is the clouding of lens in your eye. Osteoporosis is a disorder that makes your bones weak and more likely to break. Read more in What People With Asthma Need To Know About Osteoporosis.

Keep your asthma under control and contact your doctor if anything changes. When asthma is unmanaged, it can lead to potentially life-threatening asthma attacks. If you are pregnant, it can put the health of your unborn baby at risk.

Have a plan for asthma attacks

A written asthma action plan developed with your doctor can help you know when to call 9-1-1 for emergency care.

Asthma attacks can be more dangerous for some people. You should seek care immediately during an asthma attack if you or your child:

  • Has been hospitalized for asthma in the past year
  • Has had life-threatening asthma attacks in the past
  • Recently needed oral corticosteroids
  • Has not been using inhaled corticosteroids
  • Uses more than one canister of inhaled short-acting beta2-agonists (SABAs) medicine each month
  • Has a mental health condition or alcohol or drug use disorder
  • Does not closely follow your asthma action plan
  • Has a food allergy

For young children with asthma, call 9-1-1 if they:

  • Seem drowsy, confused, or agitated
  • Have a blue tint to the skin and lips
  • Have a fast heartbeat

Call your doctor if:

  • Your medicines do not relieve an asthma attack
  • Your peak flow number is low

Research for Your Health

The NHLBI is part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ National Institutes of Health (NIH)—the Nation’s biomedical research agency that makes important scientific discovery to improve health and save lives. We are committed to advancing science and translating discoveries into clinical practice to promote the prevention and treatment of heart, lung, blood, and sleep disorders, including asthma. Learn about the current and future NHLBI efforts to improve health through research and scientific discovery.

Improving health with current research
- Asthma

Learn about the following ways the NHLBI continues to translate current research into improved health for people who have asthma. Research on this topic is part of the NHLBI’s broader commitment to advancing scientific discovery for lung disease and health disparities and inequities.

  • Advancing the understanding of lung development. The Molecular Atlas of Lung Development Program (LungMAP) integrates many datasets to build a molecular map of the developing lung in both humans and mice. The program helps advance lung research, in part through its web-based data resource, called BREATH, that allows users to access LungMAP data and findings.
  • Developing guidelines for the diagnosis and management of asthma. The Expert Panel Working Group of the National Asthma Education Prevention Program Coordinating Committee (NAEPPCC) was established in 2018 to update select topics in the 2007 Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma (EPR-3). The expert panel reviewed summaries of the latest research to update the guidelines on diagnosing, treating, and managing asthma in six key areas, including inhaled corticosteroids, long-acting muscarinic antagonists (a type of long-acting bronchodilator medicine), bronchial thermoplasty, immunotherapy, the effectiveness of indoor allergen reduction, and the use of fractional exhaled nitric oxide testing. View the 2020 Focused Updates to the Asthma Management Guidelines.
  • Providing resources for research. The Lung Tissue Research Consortium (LTRC) provides human lung tissues to qualified investigators for use in their research. The program enrolls patients who are planning to have lung surgery, collects blood and other clinical data from these donors, and stores donated tissue that otherwise would be discarded after the lung surgery. The LTRC provides tissue samples and data at no cost to approved investigators.
  • Supporting research collaboration. The Pulmonary Trials Cooperative brings together patients, researchers, and healthcare professionals from more than 50 institutions, with a common goal of developing new treatments and testing current clinical care practices.
  • The National Asthma Education and Prevention Program (NAEPP). The NAEPP raises awareness about asthma as a major public health problem. Working with medical associations, voluntary health organizations, and community programs, the NAEPP helps to educate patients, healthcare professionals, and the public about asthma.

Advancing research for improved health
- Asthma

In support of our mission, we are committed to advancing asthma research in part through the following ways.

Learn about exciting research areas that the NHLBI is exploring about asthma.

Participate in NHLBI Clinical Trials

We lead or sponsor many studies on asthma. See if you or someone you know is eligible to participate in our clinical trials.

Trials at the NIH Clinical Center

Responses to asthma treatment

This study will gather general information over a 20-year period about people who have had asthma to understand why patients respond differently to treatment. To participate in this study, you must be age 18 or older, have been diagnosed with asthma for at least one year, and not have any other major conditions. This study is located in Bethesda, Maryland.

Genes involved in development of lung diseases

This study will investigate the genes involved in the breathing process and in the development of lung diseases such as asthma or sarcoidosis to improve understanding of the role they play. To participate in this study, you or your child must be between 2 and 90 years old and have been diagnosed and living with a lung disease. This study is located in Bethesda, Maryland, at the NIH Clinical Center.

Asthma sample collections

This study will look at the differences between cells from the airways of people who do and do not have asthma. Doctors will use a procedure called bronchoscopy to collect cells. To participate in this study, you must be between 18 and 75 years old, not have HIV, and not be pregnant or planning to become pregnant. This study is located in Bethesda, Maryland.

To learn more about clinical trials at the NIH Clinical Center or to talk to someone about a study that might fit your needs, call the Office of Patient Recruitment 800-411-1222.

Do you have asthma and obesity and live near Aurora, Colorado?

Obesity can lead to widespread inflammation that may make asthma worse. This study will test whether a medicine called CXA-10 reduces inflammation in the airways and body and improves asthma symptoms in people who have obesity. To participate in this study, you must be between 18 and 65 years old, have a BMI of 30 or greater, and have been on long-acting controller medicine—such as inhaled corticosteroids or long-acting beta2-agonists—for at least three months. This study is located in Aurora, Colorado.

Are you an adult who has asthma and allergies and is willing to undergo brain imaging tests?

This study will look at whether reactions in the brain are associated with inflammation in the lungs. Researchers will use imaging tests to monitor for inflammation in the brain due to exposure to environmental levels of common factors known to cause asthma. To participate in this study, you must be between 18 and 50 years old; have had a positive skin test result to house dust mites, ragweed, or cat hair; and not have any other chronic diseases. This study is located in Madison, Wisconsin.

Does your child have asthma and an African American or Puerto Rican family background?

This study will look at how to get children and teens to identify their asthma symptoms early, using a peak flow meter. To participate in this study, your child must be 10-17 years old, have been diagnosed with asthma, and have at least one parent who identifies as African American or Puerto Rican. This study is located in the Bronx, New York
View more information about Childhood Asthma Perception Study (CAPS).

Are you a young African American adult who has asthma and lives in or near Detroit?

This study will test a technology-based way to help young African American adults manage their asthma by using texts and computer messages to remind them to take their medicine. To participate in this study, you must be between 18 and 29 years old, have moderate or severe persistent asthma, and have access to a cellphone. This study is located in Detroit, Michigan.

Are you an adult who has asthma, or are you willing to be a healthy volunteer?

This study aims to test a new and less invasive way to look at the levels of a protein called GSNOR in people who have asthma. High levels of this protein can lead to inflammation (swelling) in the airways. Normally, doctors measure GSNOR levels with bronchoscopy (a tube inserted through your mouth into your airways). But this often requires you to be sedated. In the new approach being studied here, you will breathe in a chemical that your body makes, called GSNO. Researchers will look at how much of the chemical is broken down in your breath. This will tell them what your GSNOR levels are. They will compare the levels between people who have asthma and people who do not to see whether the test works. To participate in this study, you should be between 18 and 80 years old and either have been diagnosed with asthma for at least a year or not have asthma and not smoke. This study is located in Cleveland, Ohio.

Does your child have asthma and live in or near the Bronx?

This study will look at a doctor’s office–based intervention for helping children in urban settings better manage their asthma. To participate in this study, your child must be 2-12 years old, have difficult-to-control asthma, and not have any other major medical conditions. This study is located in the Bronx, New York.

Do you have asthma, COPD, or asthma COPD overlap syndrome?

This study will look at whether a health coach can help people who have asthma, COPD, or asthma-COPD overlap syndrome with their condition. You will be randomly selected to meet with either a lung specialist alone or a lung specialist and a health coach, who will give you recommendations to improve your care and better manage your condition. To participate in this study, you must be age 18 or older, have asthma or COPD, and not already be seeing a lung specialist. You also must get your care from one of 10 health centers in San Francisco, California. This study is located in San Francisco, California.

Does your child have asthma and go to public school in Richmond, Virginia?

This study will test whether a program called RVA Breathes improves the health of children who have asthma. In the program, school nurses and community health workers will help educate you and your family about managing your child’s asthma. They will also try to help reduce things in your home that trigger your child’s asthma or make it worse. To participate in this study, your child must be between 5 and 11 years old and enrolled in a local public school. This study is located in Richmond, Virginia.

Do you have asthma and insomnia?

This study is looking at whether two different education-based treatments can help improve the quality of life for people who have severe asthma and insomnia. To participate in this study, you must be 18 to 75 years old and have insomnia and moderate or severe asthma. This study is located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Are you an adult who has asthma, or are you willing to be a healthy volunteer?

This study is looking at the DNA in airway cells to see how they differ between people who have asthma and people who do not. To get a sample of cells from your airways, you may have a bronchoscopy (a tube inserted through your mouth into your airways). To participate in this study, you must be between 18 and 70 years old, either with asthma or with no history of asthma. This study is located in San Francisco, California.

Do you live in or near Detroit and have a child who has asthma that is not controlled?

This study will compare two programs, REACH for Control (RFC) and Michigan MATCH, to see how well they help children and families manage asthma. A community health worker will visit your home and talk to your family about managing your child’s asthma. To participate in this study, your child must be between 12 and 16 years old and have been treated for an asthma attack at Children’s Hospital of Michigan. This study is located in Detroit, Michigan.

Do you have depression and act as caregiver for a child who has asthma?

This study will look at the effects on a child’s asthma when their caregiver is being treated for major depressive disorder. To participate in this study, the caregiver must be between 18 and 70 years old, be diagnosed with major depressive disorder, and not plan to become pregnant over the yearlong study. The child must be between 7 and 17 years old, have asthma, and not have other major illnesses. This study will take place in Dallas, Texas.

Do you have asthma, and are you struggling to reach a healthy weight?

This study is looking at a medicine called roflumilast for treating asthma that may also help you lose weight. Researchers are looking at whether the weight loss effects from the medicine will help improve asthma symptoms. To participate in this study, you must be age18 or older, have been on an asthma treatment for at least three months, and have obesity. This study is located in Tucson, Arizona; Chicago, Illinois; New York, New York; Durham, North Carolina; and Colchester, Vermont.

Wondering whether your asthma attack is caused by the common cold or other viruses?

This study is collecting information to help design a test for determining whether an asthma attack is caused by an infection with a virus. You will breathe out hard into a tube to collect your breath. Researchers will look at what substances are in your breath. This will help them see which substances differ depending on whether your asthma attack is caused by an infection with a virus or something else. To participate in this study, you must be age 12 or older, have a body mass index (BMI) of 18 or higher, and have early signs and symptoms of an asthma attack. This study is located in Sacramento, California.

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