Grants and Jobs

Opportunities – Federal contracts, grants, and jobs for and in the Mariana Islands:

(Last updated – 2/11/2013)


  • State and Local Implementation Grant – The State and Local Implementation Grant Program will assist with planning for a nationwide interoperable public safety broadband network. Applications will be accepted until March 19, 2013. For more information, go to
  • Farm to School Grant Program – The purpose of the USDA Farm to School Grant Program is to assist eligible entities in implementing farm to school programs that improve access to local foods in eligible schools. On an annual basis, USDA awards up to $5 million in competitive grants for training, supporting operations, planning, purchasing equipment, developing school gardens, developing partnerships, and implementing farm to school programs. Closing date is April 24, 2013. For more information, go to
  • Rural Business Enterprise Grant – The RBEG program provides grants for rural projects that finance and facilitate development of small and emerging rural businesses help fund distance learning networks, and help fund employment related adult education programs. Closing date is May 1, 2013. For more information, go to
  • Legal Assistance for Victims Grant Program – The LAV Grant Program is intended to increase the availability of civil and criminal legal assistance needed to effectively aid adult and youth victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking who are seeking relief in legal matters arising as a consequence of that abuse or violence. Closing date is March 19, 2013. For more information, go to
  • State Historic Preservation Office HPF Grants – The purpose of this grant is to provide matching grants to for the identification, evaluation, and protection of historic properties by such means as survey, planning technical assistance, acquisition, and development; to expand the National Register of Historic Places; and to assist in carrying out historic preservation activities. Closing date is December 31, 2013. For more information, go to
  • Preservation Assistance Grants for Smaller Institutions – Preservation Assistance Grants help small and mid-sized institutions such as libraries, museums, historical societies, archival repositories, cultural organizations, town and county records offices, and colleges and universities, improve their ability to preserve and care for their significant humanities collections. Closing date is May 1, 2013. For more information, go to
  • Sexual Assault Services Culturally Specific Grant Program – The goal of the SASP Culturally Specific Grant Program is to create, maintain, and expand sustainable sexual assault services provided by culturally specific organizations, which are uniquely situated to respond to the needs of sexual assault victims within culturally specific populations. Closing date is March 7, 2013. For more information, go to
  • State Justice Statistics Program for Statistical Analysis Center – The Bureau of Justice Statistics SJS program will provide support to state and territorial governments to establish, collect, analyze, and report statistics on crime and justice to federal, state, and local levels of government and to share state-level information nationally. The SJS Program is designed to maintain and enhance each state’s capacity to address criminal justice issues through the collection and analysis of data. Closing date is March 27, 2013. For more information, go to
  • Adam Walsh Implementation Grant Program – The Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking, Department of Justice is soliciting applications for the Adam Walsh Act Implementation Grant Program. The Support for Adam Walsh Act Implementation Grant Program assists jurisdictions with developing and enhancing programs designed to implement requirements of the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act. Closing date is March 26, 2013. For more information, go to
  • Family Drug Courts program – The Family Drug Courts program builds the ability of states, and state and local courts, to either implement new drug courts or enhance pre-existing drug courts for individuals with substance abuse disorders or substance use and co-occurring mental health disorders, including histories of trauma, who are involved with the family dependency court as a result of child abuse, neglect, and other parenting issues. Closing date is March 25, 2013. For more information, go to
  • AIDS Education and Training Centers Education for Nurse and Physician Assistants program – The purpose of this opportunity by the Health Resources & Services Administration is to establish nurse practitioner and physician assistant HIV/AIDS primary care education programs designed to train nurse practitioners and physician assistants in HIV/AIDS care and treatment. Closing date is March 22, 2013. For more information, go to
  • Marine National Monument Program – The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is soliciting competitive grant proposals to engage the public and communicate statutory authorities in relation to the US Marine National Monuments. Increased public understanding of the value of the ocean, our coasts, and the role of large marine protected areas will build a foundation for successful local and national marine conservation. NOAA is seeking proposals to educate the public using formal or informal means. Closing date is March 15, 2013. For more information, go to
  • Pacific Islands Region Marine Turtle Recovery Program – The National Marine Fisheries Service is soliciting competitive applications for the FY 2013 Pacific Islands Region Marine Turtle Recovery Program to fund conservation, protection, or management actions supporting recovery of Endangered Species Act listed sea turtle species occurring within the Pacific Islands Region or aggregations that may be shared between the PIR and other Pacific nations. Closing date is March 25, 2013. For more information, go to
  • Court Training and Improvements Program – The Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women is seeking applications for the Court Training and Improvements Program. This program aims to improve civil and criminal court functions, enhance court infrastructure and improve court responses to victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking. Closing date is March 10, 2013. For more information, go to
  • Marine Debris Prevention, Education and Outreach – The NOAA Marine Debris Program invites applicants requesting funding to establish national and regional projects focusing on marine debris prevention, education, and outreach activities. These outreach projects will use existing networks, expand on existing resources, and/or disseminate or develop tools to support these activities. Closing date is February 28, 2013. For more information, go to
  • Justice and Mental Health Collaboration – The Bureau of Justice Assistance, Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program seeks to increase public safety through innovative cross-system collaboration for individuals with mental illnesses or co-occurring mental health and substance abuse disorders who come into contact with the justice system. Closing date is March 25, 2013. For more information, go to
  • Targeted Capacity Expansion-Peer-to-Peer – The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment is accepting applications for FY 2013 Targeted Capacity Expansion Peer-to-Peer grants. The purpose of this program is to expand and enhance service capacity through the provision of addiction peer recovery support services for those individuals with substance use disorders. Closing date is March 15, 2013. For more information, go to
  • Smart Policing Initiative – The FY 2013 Smart Policing Initiative grant program seeks to build upon analysis-driven, evidence-based policing by encouraging state, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies to develop effective, economical, and innovative responses to crime within their jurisdictions. Closing date is February 14, 2013. For more information, go to
  • Enhanced Collaborative Model to Combat Human Trafficking – This FY 2013 program will fund Enhanced Collaborative Model Task Force sites that take a comprehensive approach to combating all forms of trafficking—sex trafficking and labor trafficking of foreign nationals and U.S. citizens. Closing date is March 14, 2013. For more information, go to
  • Market Development Cooperator Program – MDCP financial assistance awards help to underwrite the start-up costs of new foreign market development projects that industry organizations are often reluctant to undertake without federal government support. MDCP projects strengthen the competitiveness of U.S. industry by generating exports of nonagricultural goods and services produced in the United States. Closing date is February 28, 2013. For more information, go to
  • Personnel Development To Improve Services and Results for Children With Disabilities – The purpose of the Preparation of Special Education, Early Intervention, and Related Services Leadership Personnel priority is to support programs that prepare special education, early intervention, and related services personnel at the graduate level who are well-qualified for, and can act effectively in, leadership positions in universities, State educational agencies, lead agencies, local educational agencies, early intervention services programs, or schools. Closing date is March 1, 2013. For more information, go to
  • Small Rural Hospital Improvement Grant Program – The purpose of the Small Rural Hospital Improvement Grant Program is to help small rural hospitals of 49 beds or less, and do any or all of the following: 1) enable the purchase of equipment and/or training to help hospitals attain value-based purchasing provision in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; 2) aid small rural hospitals in joining or becoming accountable care organizations, or create shared savings programs per the ACA; and 3) enable small rural hospitals to purchase health information technology, equipment and/or training to comply with meaningful use, ICD-10 standards, and payment bundling. Closing date is March 15, 2013. For more information go, to
  • Statewide Consumer Network Grant – The purpose of this program is to enhance statewide consumer-run organizations to promote service system capacity and infrastructure development that is recovery-focused and resiliency-oriented. For the purposes of this funding opportunity, this program seeks to promote activities related to wellness, integrated care, health care reform, and trauma-informed care. Closing date is March 8, 2013. For more information, go to
  • Connecting Kids to Coverage Outreach and Enrollment – Connecting Kids to Coverage Outreach and Enrollment (Cycle III) grants will support outreach strategies and activities designed to help families understand new application procedures and health coverage opportunities, including Medicaid, CHIP and insurance affordability programs under the Affordable Care Act. Closing date is February 21, 2013. For more information, go to
  • Projects of Special Merit Competition – The intent of Projects of Special Merit funding is to offer coastal management programs the opportunity to develop innovative projects that further their approved enhancement area strategies and focus on national priorities. Closing date is February 15, 2013. For more information, go to
  • Statewide Family Network Program – The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Mental Health Services is accepting applications for the Statewide Family Network Program grants. The purpose of this program is to enhance state capacity and infrastructure to be more oriented to the needs of children and adolescents with serious emotional disturbances and their families. These grants will provide information, referrals, and support to families who have a child with a serious emotional disturbance and create a method for families to participate in mental health services planning and policy development. Closing date is March 7, 2013. For more information, go to
  • RSAT Training and Technical Assistance Program – The Residential Substance Abuse Treatment for State Prisoners Training and Technical Assistance Program is designed to assist states, tribes, and units of local government in the provision of residential substance abuse treatment services for incarcerated inmates; prepare offenders for their reintegration into communities by incorporating reentry planning activities into treatment programs and assist offenders and their communities in the reentry process through the delivery of community-based treatment and other broad-based aftercare services. Closing date is March 11, 2013. For more information, go to
  • Second Chance Act Technology Career Training Program – The goal of this program is to increase the post-release employability of offenders in related technology-based jobs and career fields. The objective of the program is to establish and provide technology career training programs for incarcerated adults and juveniles during the 6-18 month period before release from a prison, jail, or juvenile facility. Closing date is March 11, 2013. For more information, go to
  • Nursing Workforce Diversity Program – The Division of Nursing NWD program grants are awarded to increase nursing education opportunities for individuals who are from disadvantaged backgrounds by providing student scholarships or stipends for diploma or associate degree nurses to enter a bridge or degree completion program; and student scholarships or stipends for accelerated nursing degree programs, pre-entry preparation, advanced education preparation, and retention activities. Closing date is March 8, 2013. For more information, go to
  • Education, Training and Enhanced Services to End Violence Against and Abuse of Women with Disabilities – The goal of the Office on Violence Against Women Disability Grant Program is to create sustainable change within and between organizations that result in accessible, safe and effective services for individuals with disabilities and Deaf individuals who are victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking and accountability for perpetrators of such crimes. Closing date is February 26, 2013. For more information, go to
  • Expansion of the Comprehensive Community Mental Health Services for Children and Their Families - The purpose of these grants is to develop a comprehensive strategic plan for improving and expanding services provided by systems of care for children and youth with serious emotional disturbances and their families. Closing date is March 1, 2013. For more information go to
  • Distance Education Grants for Institutions of Higher Education in Insular Areas - The purpose of this program is to strengthen the capacity of Institutions of Higher Education in Insular Areas to carry out resident instruction, curriculum, and teaching programs in the food and agricultural sciences through distance education technology. Closing date is March 1, 2013. For more information go to
  • Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation Program - The BCJI Program is designed to provide neighborhoods with coordinated federal support in the implementation of comprehensive place-based strategies to effectively reduce and prevent crime by connecting this support to broader comprehensive neighborhood revitalization efforts. Closing date is March 4, 2013. For more information go to
  • Art Works - The Art Works grant is the NEA's largest funding category. These grants range from $10,000 to $100,000 and cover a broad range of projects across all disciplines. Projects include commissions, residencies, rehearsals, workshops, performances, exhibitions, publications, festivals, training programs and literature fellowships. Deadline is March 7, 2013. For more information go to
  • Challenge America Fast-Track grants - The purpose of this grant is to support organizations for projects that extend the reach of the arts to underserved populations whose opportunities to experience the arts are limited by geography, ethnicity, economics, or disability. Projects include commissions, residencies, rehearsals, workshops, performances, exhibitions, publications, festivals and training programs. Deadline is May 23, 2013. For more information go to
  • Juvenile Justice State Advisory Group Training and Technical Assistance Project - The State Advisory Group Training and Technical Assistance Project will provide training and technical assistance to state advisory groups appointed under the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974, as amended. Title II Part B authorizes the OJJDP Administrator to provide training and technical assistance resources to states, U.S. territories, federally recognized tribal governments, and units of local government to support their justice systems response to juvenile delinquency. Closing date: February 25, 2013. For more information click here.
  • Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program - The Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program responds to the critical need for K-12 teachers of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) by encouraging talented STEM students and professionals to pursue teaching careers in elementary and secondary schools. The program provides funding to institutions of higher education to provide scholarships, stipends, and programmatic support to recruit and prepare STEM majors and professionals to become K-12 teachers. The program seeks to increase the number of K-12 teachers with strong STEM content knowledge who teach in high-need school districts. Closing date: March 20, 2013. For more information click here.
  • Resident Instruction Grants Program for Institutions of Higher Education in Insular Areas - The purpose of this program is to promote and strengthen the ability of Insular Area Institutions to carry out teaching and education programs within a broadly defined arena of food and agricultural sciences-related disciplines. By strengthening institutional educational capacities in instruction and curriculum, and enhancing the quality of teaching and learning, NIFA intends that this program will help Insular Area Institutions meet their unique needs. This program also will assist Insular Area Institutions to make more efficient use of existing educational funds by providing resources for partnerships between faculties at Insular Area and mainland institutions. Closing date: March 01, 2013. For more information click here.
  • Capacity Building Initiative for HIV/AIDS Program – The Health Resources and Services Administration is soliciting applications for the Special Projects of National Significance 2013 HIT Capacity Building Initiative for Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program AIDS Drug Assistance Program Grantees. This grant will support grantees funded under Part B Grants to improve and enhance their health information technology capacity to collect and report AIDS Drug Assistance Program data. Closing date is February 14, 2013. For more information, go to
  • Grants to States to Support Oral Health Workforce Activities – The Health Resources and Services Administration is soliciting applications for the Grants to States to Support Oral Health Workforce Activities. This program awards grants to develop and implement innovative programs to address the dental workforce needs of designated dental health professional shortage areas. Closing date is April 3, 2013. For more information, go to
  • Environmental Management Studies Fellowship Program –The Environmental Protection Agency is soliciting application for the 2013 National Network for Environmental Management Studies Fellowship Program. The NNEMS program is a comprehensive fellowship program that provides students an opportunity to participate in a fellowship project that is directly related to their field of study. Closing date is February 18, 2013. For more information, go to
  • Adult Drug Court Discretionary Grant – The Bureau of Justice Assistance is soliciting applications for the FY 2013 Adult Drug Court Discretionary Grant Program. The program provides financial and technical assistance to units of local government to develop and implement drug courts that effectively integrate evidenced-based substance abuse treatment, mandatory drug testing, sanctions and incentives, and transitional services in a judicially supervised court setting with jurisdiction over substance-abusing offenders. Closing date is February 21, 2013. For more information, go to
  • Recovery Implementation Fund – The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is accepting applications for the 2013 Recovery Implementation Fund. This Recovery Implementation funding opportunity is intended for projects that will contribute to the recovery of FWS-managed endangered and threatened species in the U.S., and is limited to projects carrying out actions described in a species approved recovery plan. Closing date is July 31, 2013. For more information, go to
  • Candidate Conservation Action Funds – The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is accepting applications for the 2013 Candidate Conservation Action Funds. The purpose of this grant is to provide a means by which the ecosystems upon which candidate and at-risk species depend may be conserved and to provide a program for the conservation of these species. Closing date is July 31, 2013. For more information, go to
  • State and National Archival Partnership Grants – The National Archives and Records Administration, National Historical Publications and Records Commission is seeking proposals to strengthen archives and historical records programs and build a national archival network. Closing date is September 5, 2013. For more information, go to
  • NEA Literature Fellowships – The National Endowment for the Arts is accepting applications for the Literature Fellowships: Prose program which offers $25,000 grants in prose (fiction and creative nonfiction) and poetry to published creative writers that enable recipients to set aside time for writing, research, travel, and general career advancement. Closing date is February 28, 2013. For more information, go to
  • Coastal and Marine Habitat Restoration – The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is soliciting applications for the 2013 Coastal and Marine Habitat Restoration Project Grants. The principal objective of the program is to identify and support proactive restoration projects, which use a habitat-based approach to foster species recovery and increase fish production. Closing date is February 19, 2013. For more information, go to
  • Historic Preservation Fund Grants-In-Aid – The National Park Service is soliciting applications for the 2013 SHPO Historic Preservation Fund Grants. The program provides grants for the identification, evaluation, and protection of historic properties by such means as survey, planning technical assistance, acquisition, development, and certain incentives available for historic properties. Closing date is September 30, 2013. For more information, go to
  • State Wildlife Grants Competitive Grant Program – The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is soliciting applications for the State Wildlife Grants Program that funds the development and implementation of programs that benefit wildlife and their habitats, including species not hunted or fished. Priority is placed on projects that benefit species of greatest conservation need. Closing date is March 27, 2013. For more information, go to
  • Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship – The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Sea Grant College Program will provide an educational experience in the policies and processes of programs that have an interest in ocean, coastal and Great Lakes resources and in the national policy decisions affecting those resources, initiated the Sea Grant Knauss Fellowship Program. Closing date is March 29, 2013. For more information, go to
  • Two Year College Challenge Grants – The National Endowment for the Humanities invites two-year colleges to apply in a special Challenge Grant competition to strengthen their long-term humanities programs and resources. NEH seeks to encourage two-year colleges to develop models of excellence that enhance the role of the humanities on their campuses. Closing date is February 20, 2013. For more information, go to
  • Agriculture and Food Research Initiative – The National Institute of Food and Agriculture is soliciting applications for the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative. The purpose of AFRI is to support research, education, and extension work by awarding grants that address key problems of national, regional, and multi-state importance in sustaining all components of food and agriculture. Closing date is May 22, 2013. For more information, go to
  • OIA Maintenance Assistance Program – The Department of Interior, Office of Insular Affairs is requesting funding proposals for its FY 2013 Maintenance Assistance Program. MAP funding is used to support, develop, improve, and institutionalize infrastructure maintenance practices in the insular areas. Application deadline for FY 2013 funding is June 3, 2013. For more information, go to
  • OIA Technical Assistance Program – The Department of Interior, Office of Insular Affairs is requesting proposals for its FY 2013 OIA Technical Assistance Program which provides grant funding for short-term projects proposed to meet the immediate needs of the insular areas. Funding priorities include projects that promote the development of the insular areas in the following categories: accountability, financial management, economic development, training/education, energy, management control initiatives, safety, emergency, historical and cultural preservation, capacity building and health initiatives. Application deadline for FY 2013 funding is June 3, 2013. For more information, go to
  • State and Territorial Coral Reef Conservation – The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is soliciting applications for Coral Reef Conservation Cooperative Agreements. The objective of these Cooperative Agreements is to support coral reef management and monitoring programs and conservation projects that seek to improve the condition of coral reef ecosystem resources. Closing date is February 15, 2013. For more information, go to


  • Facility Operations Specialist (Program Management) – The Department of the Army, Army National Guard is accepting applications for a Facility Operations Specialist in Guam. The primary purpose of this position is to program, manage, schedule, and direct the operations, maintenance and repair, rehabilitation and improvements to ARNG facilities. Job position is open until March 6, 2013. For more information, go to
  • Administrative Assistant – The Department of the Army is accepting applications for an Administrative Assistant in Guam. The purpose of the position is to provide technical and administrative assistance for programs within the U.S. Property and Fiscal Office's area of responsibility. Job position is open until March 4, 2013. For more information, go to
  • Staff Accountant – The Department of the Army, Army National Guard is accepting applications for a Staff Accountant in Guam. Incumbent performs detailed reviews and analysis of established procedures and ensures that the administration and operation of financial control systems are in compliance with requirements, regulations, directives, and policies. Job position is open until March 4, 2013. For more information, go to
  • School Information Assistant – The Department of Defense is accepting applications for a School Information Assistant in Guam. Incumbent must provide a variety of school administrative functions such as student registration, student attendance, academic records maintenance, tuition status and other related processes. Job position is open until February 15, 2013. For more information, go to
  • School Support Assistant – The Department of Defense is accepting applications for a School Support Assistant in Guam. In this position, incumbent serves as a property custodian maintaining a perpetual inventory of non-expendable property and supply records for durable items in the school. Job position is open until February 15, 2013. For more information, go to
  • Educational Aid – The Department of Defense Education Activity is accepting applications for Educational Aids in Guam. Incumbents prepare instructional materials related to class lessons; prepare letters, tests, schedules, purchase orders, and other documents; collect resources to support the educational lessons; monitors and assist students. Job position is open until December 31, 2013. For more information, go to
  • Monitor – The Department of Defense Education Activity is accepting applications for DOD School Monitors in Guam. Incumbents must be able to assist in monitoring duties such as identifying and reporting known or suspected problems, issues or concerns to the appropriate faculty member and enforce safety rules on all grounds. Job position is open until December 31, 2013. For more information, go to
  • Office Automation Assistant – The Department of Defense Education Activity is accepting applications for Office Automation Assistants in Guam. In this position, incumbent will perform various office automation duties in support of school administration, operate equipment and devices to process a variety of applications programs, and other office duties. Job position is open until December 31, 2013. For more information, go to
  • Office Automation Clerk - The Department of Defense Education Activity is accepting applications for Office Automation Clerks in Guam. In this position, incumbent will perform general office clerical and office automation duties, including word processing, and a variety of clerical functions in support of the school to which assigned. Job position is open until December 31, 2013. For more information, go to
  • Substitute Teacher/AVID Tutor - The U.S. Department of Defense is accepting applications for a Substitute Teacher/AVID Tutor. Incumbent must be able to present instructions in accordance with an established lesson plan and curriculum to students in a classroom environment. Closing date is June 30, 2013. For more information go to
  • Teacher – The Department of Defense Education Activity is accepting applications for a Teacher in Guam’s DOD Domestic Dependent Elementary and Secondary Schools. DDESS teachers will use professional teaching skills to assist students achieve optimum development of skills and mastery of knowledge identified by the DoDEA Community Strategic Plan and Curriculum by conducting assigned subject matter or grade levels instruction. Job position is open until April 23, 2013. For more information, go to