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Operation Warp Speed

Dec 11, 2020

A vaccine to protect Americans from COVID-19 has taken another monumental step under the leadership of President Trump, Vice President Pence and Operation Warp Speed. After more than nine months of maximizing efficiency and removing unnecessary barriers and delays–without sacrificing safety–this Administration harnessed the full power and strength of public-private partnerships across the nation.

American researchers, scientists and manufacturers have dedicated the better part of this past year to delivering a viable defense against this invisible enemy. As of this writing, Pfizer and BioNTech’s coronavirus vaccine has just been recommended by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for emergency use, marking the last step before the FDA gives final authorization to distribute the first doses.

I am working with my colleagues in Congress to ensure that Texans who wish to take the vaccine can have access to it as quickly and easily as possible. While health care workers and first responders will rightly be among the first in line to receive an initial dose, we must ensure that it extends equally to our rural areas. It is critical for our collective recovery that people in rural communities receive the same access to the vaccine as that of their urban counterparts.

I’ve spearheaded efforts in Congress throughout the pandemic to ensure Texas’ rural health care facilities receive relief funding during a time when they are facing historic losses and I have worked across the aisle to fight on their behalf. I remain committed to partnering closely with our 25th District health care providers moving into this next phase to deliver the resources they need to best serve Texans.

While COVID-19 has affected us all in different ways, we must always keep in our prayers the more than 290,000 Americans who lost their lives, and the loved ones they leave behind. We must see this fight through to the end and remain vigilant.

Better days are ahead.