Congressman Donald Norcross

Representing the 1st District of New Jersey
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Norcross Reelected to Serve as Vice Chair of Congressional Progressive Caucus

Dec 8, 2020
News Release

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, U.S. Congressman Donald Norcross (NJ-01) was re-elected to serve as Vice Chair for Labor for the Congressional Progressive Caucus in the 117th Congress.

“It’s an honor to serve as a leader of the Progressive Caucus – the largest Democratic caucus in the House of Representatives – and especially to represent America’s workers as the Vice Chair for Labor. This is a continuation of my lifelong fight to support hardworking men and women and make certain, now more than ever, that every person has the dignity of a good-paying job,” said Congressman Norcross. “I thank Chairwoman Jayapal and my fellow caucus members for their commitment to our progressive agenda and putting workers first. As Vice Chair, I’ll work to reverse the damage done over the last four years and help implement the Biden-Harris Administration’s vision to build back better by defeating the coronavirus and investing in our workforce.”

A union leader and electrician by trade, Norcross has a long history of fighting for all workers. Norcross is a 40-year member of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and served as a business agent for IBEW Local 351. He also led the Southern New Jersey AFL-CIO Central Labor Council for 17 years.

Norcross added: “I know the struggles that America’s working families are facing because I’ve been there myself, and as we continue to battle COVID-19, it is crucial that we listen to and address the needs of working families trying to make ends meet. I look forward to working closely with my colleagues and President-elect Biden in this leadership role to stand up for our union brothers and sisters and all working Americans.”

Norcross recently joined fellow union member Congressman Mark Pocan (D-WI) to create the Labor Caucus, intended to advance the needs of the labor movement, combat the issues facing working families and connect legislators directly with unions and union leaders. In addition, Norcross is a Co-Founder of the Bipartisan Building Trades Caucus, Vice-Chair of the Bipartisan Task Force to Combat the Opioid Epidemic and was recently appointed by Speaker Nancy Pelosi to serve as the House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee’s Parliamentarian for the 117th Congress – his fourth consecutive appointment to the committee.

Since being elected to Congress in 2014, Norcross has prioritized issues that matter to the American worker. He’s advocated strongly for raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour, pay equity for women, retirement security and the proper enforcement of U.S. Department of Labor and NLRB regulations that protect our workforce.


Contact: Carrie Healey, Communications Director