Will Democrats Keep Their Promise To Help Workers & Small Businesses?

Nov 23, 2020 | Press Team •

While Republicans have been pushing for months to get common sense relief to the American people in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, Speaker Pelosi and her colleagues have blocked these efforts and held important assistance hostage in exchange for their partisan wishlist. As detailed in last Friday’s Trailblazer, Democrats blocked an effort from Republicans to provide critical assistance to small businesses and workers for the 40th time.

On Friday, House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy sent the following letter to 23 Democrat members of the House of Representatives who had previously sent a letter to Speaker Pelosi expressing that, “It is our request that you continue to negotiate towards a bipartisan deal. Otherwise, a discharge petition is the only potential option for COVID-19 related action on the House Floor.”

There is currently a Paycheck Protection Program discharge petition, led by Representative Jaime Herrera Beutler, that Democrats are able to join and help small businesses. See the letter below calling on these Democrats to sign this petition and keep their word to the American people to help workers and small businesses by bringing this common sense legislation to the floor:

  • The Daily Caller: “EXCLUSIVE: Kevin McCarthy Sends Letter To 23 House Democrats Who Threatened Pelosi If She Didn’t Get Bipartisan COVID Relief Deal”

These Democrats have a simple decision to make: do they want to allow small businesses and workers who need relief to have the ability to access money that’s already been appropriated to the Paycheck Protection Program – like they previously promised – or will they continue to side with Speaker Pelosi as she blocks assistance to the American people?