National Labor Relations Board
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Search for Headnotes by Classification Number
Enter up to 15 digits for classification number. Dashes are optional. The search will find all classifications that start with the number you enter, disregarding trailing zeroes (524013300000000 will find all numbers under 524-0133).
(i.e. 324 NLRB 025 where 324 is the volume and 025 is the citation No.)
Enter an exact phrase or partial word contained within the scope/digest text. This is not a natural language search so boolean words And, Or, Not, etc. are treated as part of an exact phrase.
Example: Enter the search word strike to find text containing words strike, striking, striker, strikers; also, entering the phrase constructive discharge will only give you head notes with the entire phrase.
Check this box below to limit the search to records found from the previous search.

Today's date: February 14, 2013