
Information regarding my stance on Health issues.

WASHINGTON - In perhaps a symbolic vote, the Republican-led U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill Wednesday to repeal a sweeping health-care law that continues to be as controversial as it is historic.

Approved by a vote of 245-189, the bill is expected to go nowhere in the Democratic-controlled Senate.

All five Oklahomans in the House - Republican Reps. John Sullivan, Frank Lucas, Tom Cole and James Lankford and Democratic Rep. Dan Boren - voted for the repeal measure.

Washington, DC - WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Frank Lucas (OK-3) today joined a majority in the House of Representatives in passing H.R. 2, the Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act, which will repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act signed into law by President Obama on March 23, 2010. Congressman Frank Lucas voted in favor of this legislation. It passed the House with a 245 to 189 vote.

Washington, DC - Congressman Frank Lucas joined other members of the Oklahoma Delegation today to react to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) analysis that the recently passed health care legislation will result in higher premiums, lower reimbursement rates, and will force many Americans from their current health care plan breaking President Obama’s promise of ‘if you like it, you can keep it.’

U.S. Rep. Frank Lucas

WASHINGTON — Nearly one-third of Oklahomans — or roughly 1 million people — could be on

Washington, DC - As the health care legislation is officially signed into law by President Obama, state governments and the American people begin to gear up for the implementation of the new legislation and what it might mean for the future.  Many are concerned about the impact it will have on state budgets as states are forced to take on higher Medicaid costs. 

The debate in Washington this month reached a level of intensity that I have never seen.  People took to the streets and to the halls of Congress to loudly declare in one united voice their strong opposition to the government takeover of health care.  And, after fifteen months of ignoring the political minority and the will of the American people, the House of Representatives passed a final version of the legislation.  I joined the entire Oklahoma delegation opposing this costly and flawed legislation.

Washington, DC - The House of Representatives is expected to vote on health care legislation Sunday night.  Last year, both the House and the Senate passed their own versions of health care legislation.  With the victory by Republican Scott Brown in Massachusetts, Senate Democrats no longer had the 60 vote majority needed to pass a compromise version of the two bills.  For that reason, Speaker Pelosi and her leadership team decided to force the House to vote on the Senate-passed version of the bill and then attempt to rewrite the Senate-passed bill by offering “corrections”

Rep. Dan Boren, D-Muskogee: "As I have told my constituents since August, I could not vote for health care legislation that included a public option, burdensome mandates on businesses or the possibility of taxpayer funded abortion."

Rep. Tom Cole, R-Moore: "This bill does not include common sense health care reforms that Oklahomans do support, such as tort reform and the establishment of tax deductions for individual purchasers. Oklahomans rightly believe the (House Speaker Nancy) Pelosi health care bill is a giant step backwards and it's one that I don't support."

Washington, DC - Today, the House of Representatives voted on and passed H.R. 3962, the Affordable Health Care for America Act.  The bill, drafted without committee hearings or markups behind closed doors by Speaker Pelosi and a limited number of her leadership team, passed in the House by a vote of 220-215.


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