Final NDAA Includes H-2b Authorization for Civilian Projects

December 4, 2020
Press Release

After securing language in H.R. 6395 the Mac Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) to extend H-2b labor authorization on Guam to civilian projects, the final language of the NDAA agreed between the House and the Senate keeps the provision intact.

"For years we have seen our construction costs go up because of our construction  labor shortages, making housing more expensive and stifling our real estate, construction, and private sector industries," opened Congressman San Nicolas. "Neither H-2b exemptions for military projects, nor lawsuits by our contractors were able to meaningfully alter these challenging circumstances," Congressman San Nicolas continued. "Today, we are on track to pass the necessary language to finally remedy the construction labor shortages for the people of Guam, and bring to a close one of the most challenging federal issues affecting our development," Congressman San Nicolas added.

"I would like to thank my policy team, bi-partisan leadership in the House and Senate, on the Armed Services, Natural Resources, and Judiciary Committees, the Armed Services Committee of the Guam Chamber of Commerce, Greg Massey, Juan Carlos Benitez, and our local counterparts in the Republican Party of Guam, for all coming together to address this at a time when every opportunity to economically recover must be seized," Congressman San Nicolas concludes.

H.R. 6395 now proceeds for final adoption by the House and Senate, and signature into law by President Trump.

