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Barbara Lee

Barbara Lee
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  1. Recent Posts by Others on Barbara LeeSee All
    • Suggestion- pork is coming back. Talk to BART and figure out what it would take to extend BART around the bay and to Marin and to hit every sports stadium in the area. Hit every airport directly, hit every rail line. get the BART plan for doing this and ask for the funds to do it. through pork if needs be.
      about an hour ago
    • Jennifer Santa Maria
       Obama - always looking out for American's first.
      18 hours ago
      Yesterday at 12:38pm
    • Wayne Akagi
      I agree with Mr. Reich: Robert Reich 80 percent of Americans pay more in Social Security taxes than they do in income taxes, and it's a relatively regressive tax -- since not a dime over $113,000 (this year's ceiling) is subjected to it. Yet Social Security taxes go up from 4.2 percent of earnings to 6.2 percent starting this week. And since most employers in effect reduce wages by the portion of Social Security taxes they pay, the real effect on most workers is an increase from 8.4 percent to 12.4 percent. Here's a better idea, that would put more money in the pockets of average working people who'd spend it and thereby create more jobs: Exempt the first $25,000 of wages from Social Security taxes, and eliminate the ceiling. What do you think? YES!
      Saturday at 12:51pm
  2. I am honored and proud to represent the residents of the 13th Congressional District of California. As a new Congress begins, I will continue my fight for jobs, for seniors who paid into Social Security and Medicare, for clean energy, for students and to protect the American Dream for all.
  3. Proud to stand with the Democratic Women of the 113th Congress!
    Photo: Proud to stand with the Democratic Women of the 113th Congress!
  4. Voted for this imperfect deal because I refuse to take a critical lifeline away from families who depend on unemployment insurance. As a member of both the Budget and Appropriations Committees next Congress, I will continue to fight to make sure there are no further cuts to safety net programs, including Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare. See my full statement below.
  5. As I said today on MSNBC, Republicans must put the interest of the American people before party so that we can create jobs, protect middle class families and seniors and grow the economy for all Americans.
  6. Catch me on MSNBC this morning at 10:00 am EST, 7:00 am PST. I'll be talking about you, and the "fiscal cliff", which really is a human cliff.
  7. President Obama is "modestly optimistic" we get a budget deal. Hope so. I will continue to fight to end the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans, renew expiring unemployment compensation and accept no cuts to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security benefits. I want to hear from you. Leave a comment to let me know what you think about the “fiscal cliff” negotiations.
  8. Rebuilding the American Dream for All
    December 2012

    Dear Friend,

    As we approach the end of the year, Congress has a lot of work to do on behalf of the American people. I believe Congressional Republicans must put the interest of the American people before party so that we can create jobs and continue to rebuild this economy and the American Dream for all.

    To do so, we must make investments in, green energy, job training, manufacturing, and infrastructure. We must achieve comprehensive immigration reform and seriously address climate change. And we must insist on action to end the violence that plagues our communities and our nation. We can do all these things and address the long-term deficit as well: by ending the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans, closing tax loop holes for big oil and corporations who ship jobs and profits overseas, and making sensible cuts to our bloated Pentagon budget.

    Now we need to keep speaking loudly, and fight against senseless and unconscionable cuts to education, environmental safeguards, and health care or cuts to Medicare, Medicaid or Social Security benefits. These programs are a lifeline to millions of Americans and are essential to tackling poverty – which must be a central priority for our next Congress and Administration.

    Finally, as we mark this holiday season, we must remember and honor our brave men and woman serving courageously around the world. It is long past time to bring our troops home and finally end the wars.

    Please know that I will continue my fight for jobs, for seniors who paid into Social Security and Medicare, for clean energy, for students and to protect the American Dream for all.

    Wishing you peace on Earth,
    See More
  9. At a time of high unemployment and rising inequality, we must not balance the budget on the backs of the most vulnerable Americans—including our seniors, veterans, children, the disabled, and the millions of Americans living in poverty. I will continue to fight against unfair cuts in any budget agreement!
  10. Warm and peaceful holiday wishes to all. This season—and always—let us remember the neediest.
  11. As we reunite with friends and family this holiday season, Congress must get past the partisan obstructionism that has kept us from moving our Nation forward so that everyone has the opportunity to climb, strive, and reap the rewards and security of the American Dream. Today, I am calling for a new Plan "D".
  12. Great news today for the Oakland Fire Department!

    They will receive a $7.8 million grant from DHS to ensure 24-hour staff coverage by hiring new and laid-off firefighters as part of the Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response program (SAFER). This type of federal investment in public sector hiring is critical to moving our economy forward.
  13. I will vote against the Republican so called "Plan B" bill. We cannot grow our economy or reduce our deficits by making even more cuts on the backs of children, veterans, our seniors, our disabled, and the millions of Americans in poverty.
  14. Any "deal" that cuts Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid benefits is unacceptable. Period.
  15. I'm happy to announce that three East Bay healthcare organizations will receive a total of $1.5M in funding from the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services' Affordable Care Act Grants for School-Based Health Centers Capital Program. I know that Children's Hospital & Research Center, LifeLong Medical Care, and the Fred Finch Children's Home will put these highly competitive funding awards to great use, improving access to dental and healthcare services for Oakland area youth who need it.
  16. I'll be at the White House for the launch of the first-ever U.S. Action Plan for Children in Adversity. You can watch LIVE at 1:30 P.M. EST. The Action Plan, which was called for in my bill, is unique in that seven agencies and departments have agreed to align funding that address needs of vulnerable children toward three goals. Read the plan here:
  17. Catch me on Martin Bashir TODAY on MSNBC during the 4 p.m. EST/ 1 p.m. PST hour talking about the fiscal negotiations, including Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.
  18. Today I joined my colleagues in Congress and unemployed workers from around the country to call for a much needed renewal of federal unemployment insurance programs, scheduled to expire Dec. 29. Without action, more than two million Americans will be cut off federal unemployment insurance immediately.
    Photo: Today I joined my colleagues in Congress and unemployed workers from around the country to call for a much needed renewal of federal unemployment insurance programs, scheduled to expire Dec. 29. Without action, more than two million Americans will be cut off federal unemployment insurance immediately.
  19. Our hearts are grieving with the entire Newtown community and all the families who lost loved ones last Friday morning. Watch me on the House floor talking about ways we can come together to prevent tragedies like this from ever happening again. Time for action!

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