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Jim Jordan

Jim Jordan
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  1. TUNE IN: I'll be on Fox News Sunday tomorrow morning at 9AM EST.
  2. Recent Posts by Others on Jim JordanSee All
    • Tony Smith
      Wish there were more like you working for us. Thanks
      43 minutes ago
    • Jason Jordan
      5 hours ago
    • Mitchell Vance Toon
       At first, I was a bit taken back when I read that you voted against the Sandy relief bill. However, after reading your respone today in the Tiffin Advertiser Tribune, I support the vote that you cast. I cannot imagine how difficult that decision was knowing that it would fall under great criticism. I have known for a long time that for economic recovery in this country is possible but going to be painful in some way for every level of income, every job sector, and every American in some way... it may mean the interstates get rougher, the tax returns cease, the snow on the streets don't get plowed, we keep our cars longer, we chop up credit cards, we ask our neighbor for help, communities have to vote in levies to offset lost state and federal income... I have been looking and hoping that there is somebody out there that has been elected who is not a career politician, who will not play the endless political games, who would stand on common sense principals, and who would dig in when it comes to what needs to be done. Thank you for doing that, please continue to cast the sometimes tough vote! http://advertiser-tribune.com/page/content.detail/id/552113/Jordan--Debt-requires-cuts.html?nav=5005
      8 hours ago
    • Melvin R. Blann III
      The actions taken by President Obama, Vice President Biden and Sen. Dianne Feinstein constitute grounds for impeachment for the following reason: The Oath of Office administered to the President obligates the President to “…preserve, protect and defend…” the Constitution. The Oath of Office administered to the Vice President and Senator obligates them to “…support and defend…” the Constitution. The anti-2nd Amendment legislation they are calling for, in conjunction with the fact that fails to provide for any of the Constitutional Rights provided for under due process, including “innocent unless proven otherwise” is contrary to, and inconsistent with their respective Oath of office. Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution stipulates that “…high crimes and other misdemeanors” are grounds for impeachment. Failure to uphold their respective Oath of Office (arguably) falls into that category. Either the Presidential and Federal Oath of Office is legally binding, or it is not. If it is, then the appropriate response if/when an elected Federal official fails to uphold their Oath of Office is impeachment. If you agree that failure to uphold the Oath of Office is an impeachable offense, then it is the obligation of the House of Representatives to charge each of them with the appropriate Articles of Impeachment. I urge you to begin this process without delay.
      11 hours ago
    • TEAM: T ogether E veryone A chives M ore !!!!!! The Congress needs to stand together. Entitlements: Stop hurting the people how really need, look for cuts in fraud, mismanagement, there’s billions there. You have people working, getting food stamps, and school vouchers, rent assistance, chips and have a fairly new automobile. Please leave the people alone how really need the help.
      16 hours ago
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  4. Last night, I voted against the fiscal cliff deal crafted by the Senate. The one bright spot of this bill is that it makes permanent most of the tax relief Republicans have championed for more than a decade. Unfortunately, it also allows taxes to increase for many families and small businesses. On spending, which is the real problem, this classic Washington deal is worse than doing nothing. We'll never get the budget balanced by delaying the few spending cuts that were agreed to in the summer of 2011.

Earlier in January

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Earlier in 2012