Kaptur Bill to Rename NASA Plum Brook Station After Neil Armstrong Clears House and Senate, Heads to President’s Desk

December 16, 2020
Press Release
Station will be renamed as: the NASA John H. Glenn Research Center at the Neil A. Armstrong Test Facility

Washington, D.C. — Today, Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur (D-OH) released the following statement after her bipartisan, bicameral legislation to rename NASA’s Plum Brook Station in Sandusky, Ohio in honor of Neil Armstrong passed the U.S. House of Representatives. Plum Brook is part of the NASA John H. Glenn Research Center and is home to unique world-class facilities that conduct critical and innovative tests for the international aerospace community. Plum Brook Station is testing a new generation of space exploration technologies that are essential for NASA’s plans to explore the lunar surface and again land humans on the Moon. Rep. Kaptur introduced the legislation on a bipartisan basis alongside Rep. Anthony Gonzalez (R-OH). Companion legislation was introduced in the Senate by Senators Brown (D-OH) and Portman (R-OH) and has since passed.


Kaptur delivered the following remarks ahead of the final vote (as prepared for delivery):


  • Madam Speaker, I rise in support of S. 2472, the Neil A. Armstrong Test Facility Act, Congresswoman Horn, you have been a trusted and valued colleague and have ably served the nation and your constituents. I want to express my deep appreciation for your assistance on today’s legislation and for your friendship in Congress. In the frantic days before the end of session, Ohio is grateful for your assistance in getting this bill to the finish line.


  • The Neil A. Armstrong Test Facility Act renames the NASA Plum Brook Station after a true American Hero. The Plum Brook Station located in Sandusky Ohio is a true asset to American excellence in space exploration. The facilities at the site are second to none. It contains the space environments complex with the world’s largest space test chamber, the in-space propulsion building has a space chamber where we can fire an upper stage rocket. There is also a world class clean air hypersonic wind tunnel and a space chamber to test equipment to simulate planetary surface conditions.


  • These capabilities enable our scientists to prepare for the rigors of space exploration.


  • The Plum Brook Station and test facility in Sandusky Ohio is a national asset, and today, it is being renamed after a pioneer in human history. This year, the Plum Brook station finished testing the Orion 1 the spacecraft that will fly the Artemis 1 mission. This mission will eventually return a man to the moon. 51 years after Neil Armstrong captivated the world with his famous words that united mankind and allowed us to dream for a common purpose, the nation turns our attention back to the test facility.


  • I also want to express my deep appreciation for Representative Gonzalez’s partnership on this bill. I am pleased to see him managing the Republican time today. You and your staff have been able partners in securing a floor vote.


  • The people of Ohio are also grateful to Chairwoman Johnson, Ranking Member Lucas, our Senate Colleagues Senator Brown and Portman for their bicameral partnership on today’s legislation.


  • In the days of uncertainty for our society and planet, renaming the NASA Test Facility in Sandusky Ohio for Neil Armstrong offers a reminder to the world of the common purpose of the giant leaps that lie ahead for mankind.  Indeed, we must continue reaching for the stars.


  • I urge my colleagues to support S. 2472, the Neil A. Armstrong Test Facility Act and yield back.


"Renaming Plum Brook Station after one of our state’s greatest icons is a fitting way to memorialize Neil Armstrong’s legacy within the state of Ohio and to inspire the next generation of leaders in our quest to explore the universe,” said Rep. Gonzalez. “I am pleased to join Ohio's Senators, Congresswoman Kaptur, and the rest of the Ohio delegation in getting this legislation passed through Congress and on its way to the President's desk."



