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The Tribal Energy Loan Guarantee Program (TELGP) is a partial loan guarantee program that can guarantee up to $2 billion in loans to support economic opportunities to tribes through energy development projects and activities. Under this solicitation, DOE can guarantee up to 90 percent of the unpaid principal and interest due on any loan made to a federally recognized Indian tribe or Alaska Native Corporation for energy development. The tribal borrower will be required to invest equity in the project and all project debt will be provided by non-federal lenders. For more information, read our fact sheet.

See below for:


Questions about TELGP eligibility or application process? Contact us at or 202-586-1262.



Similar to the Financial Institution Partnership Program (FIPP) previously used by LPO and other federal credit programs, tribes will apply to an eligible lender, which will in turn apply to DOE for the partial guarantee. The borrower will be the tribe. Interested applicants and borrowers are encouraged to: 

1. Read the solicitation in its entirety. 

2. Engage with DOE’s Loan Origination Division prior to applying for a loan guarantee by emailing or by phone at 202-586-1262.

Applicants that are prepared to apply can do so through DOE’s online loan application portal.


Loan guarantees under TELGP are available to eligible Indian tribes or entities, including Alaska Native village or regional or village corporations, or other financial institutions or tribes meeting certain criteria established by DOE, that are able to demonstrate being eligible for the special programs and services provided by the United States to Indians because of their status as Indians, or their wholly-owned entities with appropriate legal authority. In addition, Tribal Energy Development Organizations that are majority-owned and controlled by one or more eligible tribes are also eligible for loan guarantees under TELGP. 

Please read the solicitation for further information about eligible borrowers. 


An eligible lender would be a federally regulated commercial bank, other financial institution or a tribe satisfying requirements established by DOE, that is able to demonstrate experience and capability to evaluate, underwrite, and negotiate energy development loans, similar to the proposed loan with its tribal customers, and should only apply for a guarantee if the proposed loan satisfies its own requirements. Please read the solicitation for further information about eligible lenders. 


DOE can support a broad range of energy-related projects for tribes, including fossil energy production and mining, renewable energy, transmission infrastructure, and energy storage projects. DOE is particularly focused on catalyzing the use of commercially available technologies in Indian country. Please read the solicitation for more information about eligible projects. Projects utilizing innovative technologies may wish to consider LPO's Title 17 Innovative Energy Loan Guarantee Program.


DOE will evaluate applications in a two phases. Following a favorable determination based on this two-phase review, DOE will commence more extensive due diligence and the negotiation of transaction terms. DOE would then proceed to offer a term sheet and conditional commitment for a partial loan guarantee. Upon satisfaction of conditions precedent, DOE would then provide the partial loan guarantee. Please read the solicitation for further information about the evaluation process. Please note that application submission deadlines are scheduled on a monthly basis until March 2022, and additional rounds may be announced in a supplement to the solicitation.


Doug Schultz discusses Tribal Energy Loan Guarantee Program
LPO's Doug Schultz (far left), Carole Plowfield and Kevin Frost (far right), Acting Director and Deputy Director for the Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs, respectively, discuss TELGP at ICEIWG 2018 2nd Quarter Meeting

LPO has worked in close collaboration with the Department's Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs in designing TELGP and reaching out to tribal members. This included emailing tribal leaders to solicit feedback about the proposed design of TELGP. Since early 2018, DOE staff has participated in one-on-one meetings with tribal leaders as well as participating at Reservation Economic Summit 2018 and 2019, NAFOA's Annual Conferences and Fall Finance & Tribal Economies Conferences, ICEIWG 2018 First Quarter Meeting, and the NCAI Mid Year Conference & Marketplace. LPO was also a sponsor of and exhibitor at the 2019 National Tribal Energy Summit 

LPO will continue to solicit feedback and may make adjustments to the program as appropriate to better serve tribes' needs, consistent with DOE's authority. 

LPO Senior Advisor John Lushetsky speaks at the opening session of the 2019 National Tribal Energy Summit
LPO Senior Advisor John Lushetsky speaks at the opening session of the 2019 National Tribal Energy Summit
National Conference of State Legislators



TELGP Solicitation

Authorizing Legislation

  • TELGP is authorized pursuant to Title XXVI of the Energy Policy Act of 1992, as amended, (25 USC Section 3502(c)) to make available up to $2 billion in partial loan guarantees.


  • The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2017 (P.L. 115-31) provided $8.5 million to remain available until expended for the cost of loan guarantees.

Interagency & Environmental Requirements

  • Various federal environmental and other laws apply to DOE loans and loan guarantees. Detailed information is available on LPO's Environmental Compliance webpage. 

Federal Credit Programs


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