Reimbursement Transportation Cost Payment

Reimbursement Transportation Cost Payment (RTCP)


The Agricultural Act of 2014 (the 2014 Farm Bill), re-authorized the Reimbursement Transportation Cost Payment Program for Geographically Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers (RTCP) to reimburse geographically disadvantaged producers with a portion of the cost to transport agricultural commodities or inputs used to produce an agricultural commodity.


RTCP is subject to appropriated funding and rescissions may apply. The 2014 Farm Bill authorized $1.996 million for fiscal year 2014.

Eligible Producers

Producers eligible for RTCP include geographically disadvantaged farmers and ranchers in Hawaii and Alaska or an insular area. This includes farmers and ranchers from the following areas:

  • Hawaii
  • Alaska
  • Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
  • Guam
  • American Samoa
  • Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
  • Federated States of Micronesia
  • Republic of the Marshall Islands
  • Republic of Palau
  • Virgin Island of the United States.

Read the RTCP fact sheet for information on:

  • Eligible Commodities
  • Eligibility Requirements
  • Payment Calculation
  • Transportation Rates
  • Sign-up Period
  • Where to File the Application
Other RTCP Program Information