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Supporting the brightest
tropical researchers

During his STRI fellowship, Mauro Lepore, a coral researcher from Argentina, joined STRI staff scientist Aaron O’Dea’s expedition to the Dominican Republic as part of the marine paleontology O’Dea lab’s Baseline Caribbean project.

The Short Term Fellowship deadline for October 15 has been cancelled.


Much of STRI’s success is due to its ability to attract some of the brightest scholars from diverse fields of tropical research. We invest more than $3 million every year to support creative young researchers at critical stages in their careers. Fellowships range from three months to three years and allow young scholars to explore their own research questions across Panama’s rich tropical ecosystems while based at our state-of-the-art facilities.

Before you apply

Prior to submitting the formal application, applicants must first reach out to the staff scientist they are interested in working with to determine if that scientist is available to serve as a research advisor and mentor. Staff research profiles and contact information can be found here and a list of research associates is here. Also, applicants should review the specific guidelines of each fellowship. You must use the Smithsonian Online Academic Appointment System (SOLAA) available through the Office of Fellowships and Internships webpage to apply for all internships for which you are eligible.

Current fellowship opportunities

Earl S. Tupper three-year postdoctoral fellowship


September 15


Three years

Program Dates

Fellowships usually begin about two months after notification of acceptance.


STRI’s most prestigious postdoctoral fellowship is awarded once a year to an outstanding candidate in one of the many research fields practiced at STRI. Successful candidate will conduct a three-year research program based at a STRI facility, typically in the lab of a staff scientist who serves as host or advisor on the project. 


Researchers whose Ph.D. studies are completed before fellowship begins.


A yearly stipend of $US 50,400 and a research budget of up to $16,000.

Short-Term fellowships


February 15, April 15, July 15 and October 15


Three months

Program dates

Fellowships usually begin about two months after notification of acceptance.


The Short-Term Fellowship Program allows selected candidates to come to STRI at any time of the year and is an excellent resource to provide support for graduate students and introduce them to tropical research. Although focused primarily on graduate students, awards are occasionally given to undergraduate and postdoctoral candidates. These fellowships enable selected candidates to work in the tropics and explore research possibilities at STRI.


Graduate students, undergrads and postdocs.


Fellowships provide a modest stipend to cover living expenses while at STRI (currently $1,000/month, a total amount of $3,000 for stipend), a modest research allowance, NOT to exceed $2000; and a round-trip coach airfare. Partial awards are occasionally given depending on funding availability. Applicants are encouraged to seek additional sources of funding.

Smithsonian Institution fellowships

The Smithsonian Institution’s central fellowship program awards scholarships to conduct independent study at one or more of the Smithsonian’s 19 units and research centers. Fellowships are designed for young scholars at different stages of their academic career from graduate students to senior postdoctoral researchers. Please follow the links below for information about duration, eligibility and stipends related to specific SI fellowships.

There are numerous Smithsonian Institution fellowships that can be hosted at STRI, ranging from 10 weeks to three years, depending on the fellowship. These academic appointments are targeted to a range of young scholars from graduate students to senior post-doctoral researchers. All applicants for fellowships are eligible and considered for the Secretary’s Distinguished Research Fellowship, which provides the awardee with an additional year of support.

The Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Program (SIFP) is listed in SOLAA under the Office of Fellowships.

Graduate student fellowships


November 1


10 weeks

Program dates

Fellows must begin within one year from the date of their award letter.


Graduate student fellowships are for students formally enrolled in a graduate program. Before appointment, students must have completed at least one full-time semester or equivalent of their graduate program. These fellowships are intended for students who have not advanced to candidacy if enrolled in a doctoral program.


Students currently enrolled in a graduate program.



Predoctoral student fellowship


November 1


3-12 months

Program dates

Fellows must begin within one year from the date of their award letter.


Pre-doctoral student fellowships are for university students currently enrolled as a candidate for a Ph.D. or equivalent. Before appointment, the university must approve the undertaking of dissertation research at the Smithsonian Institution and certify that the requirements for the dissertation have been met.


$40,000 annually; up to $4,000 research allowance

Postdoctoral Researcher Fellowship


November 1


3-24 months

Program dates

Fellows must begin within one year from the date of their award letter.


Postdoctoral fellowships require that the fellow’s doctorate be complete by the time the fellowship begins.


$55,000 annually; up to $4,000 research allowance

Senior postdoctoral researcher fellowship


November 1


3-24 months

Program dates

Fellows must begin within one year from the date of their award letter.


Senior postdoctoral positions are available to those who have held a Ph.D. for at least seven years or equivalent.


$55,000 annually; up to $4,000 for research allowance.

Biodiversity Genomics Postdoctoral Fellowship


November 1


12-24 months

Program dates

Awards announced in April; fellows must begin within one year from the date of their award letter.


The Smithsonian Institution Biodiversity Genomics Postdoctoral fellowship promotes collaborative research in fields involving comparative genomic approaches such as phylogenetics, population genomics, metagenomics or transcriptomics, and has a component that involves significant bioinformatics analysis. STRI is one of four Smithsonian units with molecular research facilities. Cross-unit collaboration is encouraged under this fellowship. The National Museum of Natural History, the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute/National Zoological Park and the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center are the other molecular facilities. Researchers who have completed their Ph.D. by the start date of the fellowship are eligible to apply.


$55,000 annually; up to $4,000 research allowance

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