PIRATA Northeast Extension

Tropical Atlantic Observations for Climate and Weather


The PIRATA Northeast Extension (PNE) project is a joint AOML and PMEL effort to expand the PIRATA array of tropical Atlantic ATLAS moorings into the northern and northeastern sectors of the Tropical Atlantic Ocean. Links below provide more information on PIRATA, the climate significance of the Tropical North Atlantic, PNE cruises, and related projects such as AMMA, TACE and AEROSE.


The PIRATA project is a joint effort between Brazil, France and the United States to collect oceanic and meteorological observations in the tropical Atlantic. PNE is the Northeast Extension of this project.tropical Atlantic. More...

The Tropical North Atlantic

The Tropical North Atlantic (TNA) region is of particular climate significance for rainfall patterns in the United States, central and South America, and Africa. It is also the region where Cape Verde-style hurricanes develop from African easterly waves ... and where many waves do not intensify into tropical cyclones. More...

PNE Cruises

Each year, an oceanographic cruise is used to service the PIRATA Northeast Extension moorings and collect hydrographic observations along 23 degrees west in the TNA region. More...

Related Projects

AMMA, TACE and AEROSE are international projects with goals overlapping those of PNE and PIRATA. More...

AOML's component of the PIRATA Northeast Extension is managed by Renellys Perez