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PAHO Director calls on countries of the Americas to intensify COVID-19 preparedness and response activities

The Director of the Pan American Health Organization, Carissa F. Etienne, today recommended that countries intensify their plans to prepare and respond to COVID-19 given the appearance of cases of new coronavirus disease in the Region of the Americas.


World failing to provide children with a healthy life and a climate fit for their future: WHO-UNICEF-Lancet

No single country is adequately protecting children’s health, their environment and their futures, finds a landmark report released today by a Commission of over 40 child and adolescent health experts from around the world. The Commission was convened by the World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF and The Lancet.    



PAHO prepares Barbados COVID-19

PAHO Prepares Barbados for COVID-19 Testing

PAHO is implementing a comprehensive plan to support country preparedness efforts for the outbreak associated with the new Coronavirus (COVID-19).


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Carissa F. Etienne

"I believe strongly that good health is rooted in equity, universality, solidarity, and inclusiveness"

Dr. Carissa F. Etienne
Director of the Pan American Health Organization