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NOAA Teacher at Sea aboard NOAA ship launch
NOAA Teacher at Sea Program

NOAA Teacher at Sea Sandra Camp aboard one of NOAA Ship Hi'ialakai's launches.

NOAA Teacher at Sea Program

The Office of Marine and Aviation Operations (OMAO) partners with NOAA's Teacher at Sea Program to provide teachers hands-on, real-world research experience working at sea with world-renowned NOAA scientists, thereby giving them unique insight into oceanic and atmospheric research crucial to the nation. The program provides a unique opportunity for kindergarten through college-level teachers to sail aboard NOAA research ships to work under the tutelage of scientists and crew.

Since its inception in 1990, NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program has enabled nearly 700 teachers to gain first-hand experience of science and life at sea. By participating in this program, teachers profoundly enrich their classroom curricula, enhance their approaches to teaching science, and engage their local community with knowledge that can only be gained by living and working side-by-side, day and night, with scientists who contribute to the world's oceanic and atmospheric scientific research.

NOAA Education Resources

NOAA offers a number of resources for educators. The NOAA Education Resources Portal assists educators in accessing these materials from one centralized interface. 

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