Office of Science

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Science Headlines

Righting a Wrong, Nuclear Physicists Improve Precision of Neutrino Studies
A new study clears up a discrepancy regarding the biggest contributor of unwanted background signals in specialized detectors of neutrinos.
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Fermilab and Partners Achieve Sustained, High-Fidelity Quantum Teleportation
The team teleported the qubits 44 kilometers over a fiber-optic network, using state-of-the-art single-photon detectors and off-the-shelf equipment.
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FY 2020 Lab Report Cards
The FY 2020 Laboratory Performance Report Card for each Office of Science national laboratory.
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MIT Uses Neutrons in Drive to Improve Supercapacitors
At ORNL, MIT researchers used neutrons to study an MOF material that could one day serve as durable supercapacitors and potentially power vehicles.
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This Anti-COVID Mask Breaks the Mold
Scientists from Berkeley Lab and UC Berkeley have designed a rechargeable N95 mask with a custom fit.
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Under Wraps: X-Rays Reveal 1,900-Year-Old Mummy's Secrets
Researchers used X-rays at the Advanced Photon Source to see the preserved remains of an ancient Egyptian girl without disturbing the linen wrappings.
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From Graphs to Videos in a Single Summer: a SULI Intern Gets to Work
University of California, Santa Cruz senior Lilianne Callahan spent ten weeks creating new 3-D models of convective cloud evolution.
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Argonne Augments Theta supercomputer with GPUs to Accelerate Coronavirus Research
With funding from the CARES Act, Theta has been upgraded to provide additional computing power in support of COVID-19 research.
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Shapeshifting Proteins Provide Electrons Safe Passage During Photosynthesis
The results of a new scientific study reveal how photosynthetic reaction centers adapt to make light-driven reactions more efficient.
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Driving Water Splitting to Create Chemical Fuels
Scientists improve the conductivity of a promising electrode material for converting sunlight and water into hydrogen.
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University and Stakeholder News

UNM Student Recognized by DOE's Science Graduate Student Research Program
Alexandre Frederick Mills is a graduate student in The University of New Mexico's Department of Physics and Astronomy.
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Generating Photons for Communication in a Quantum Computing System
A new technique provides a means of interconnection between processors, opening the way to a complete quantum computing platform.
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Understanding How Algal Cells Divide When They Are Hungry
A new study from the MSU-DOE Plant Research Laboratory delves into how algae manage cell division processes when they suffer from starvation.
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Chemistry Grad Student Awarded DOE Support for Research at National Lab
Vivien Cherrette's research project involves quantum information science for experimental condensed matter physics.
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Bringing the Promise of Quantum Computing to Nuclear Physics
The aim is to improve the efficiency and scalability of quantum simulation algorithms, for future studies of nuclei and nuclear matter.
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Rebecca Rapp Selected for DOE’s Office of Science Graduate Student Research Program
Rapp will further her thesis research at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
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York's Dynamic Duo of Physics Score $1 Million + DOE Grant
Professors Popp and Lynch will continue their work on the Muon-to-Electron Conversion Experiment (Mu2e) currently under construction at Fermi Lab.
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Plant-Based Spray Could be Used in N95 Masks and Energy Devices
Engineers invent a way to spray extremely thin wires onto 3D objects.
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ODU Ph.D. Physics Student Selected for Department of Energy’s Science Research Program
Keegan Sherman is the first graduate student from Old Dominion U to receive the DOE Science Graduate Student Research Program supplemental award.
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Deep Learning Takes on Synthetic Biology
Computational algorithms enable identification and optimization of RNA-based tools for myriad applications.
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