Photo:Katherine Spivey

Katherine Spivey

GSA | Washington D.C.

Katherine Spivey is the General Services Administration (GSA)’s Plain Language Launcher and co-chair of the Plain Language Action and Information Network (PLAIN).

News and Events

2 posts

Plain Language

Plain Language Basics: Online Workshop

Take this three-hour online workshop to learn how to write and edit in plain language.
Sep 10, 2020
Plain Language

Plain Language Basics: Online Workshop

Take this three-hour online workshop to learn how to write and edit in plain language.
Aug 11, 2020
Plain Language

Federal Report Card Update

Learn how the Center for Plain Language is approaching the Federal Report Card and what agencies can do to get top grades.
Jul 15, 2020

The Intersection Between Plain Language and 508 Compliance

We’ll discuss how plain language intersects with 508 compliance requirements to make federal electronic documents and information technology accessible to people with disabilities.
Apr 15, 2020
Plain Language

Readability Audits of Government Websites with Katherine Spivey

In this meeting, we’ll talk about readability audits and formulas and how they work—and don’t work—to improve web content and the users’ experience.
Mar 11, 2020

SocialGov Winter Meeting

Join us for talks by colleagues from NIST, IRS, USPTO,, and DC HSEMA who will speak on the latest social media topics and an opportunity to do some in-person networking.
Jan 14, 2020
Plain Language

Federal Plain Language Report Card Planning

Come and help us plan for this year’s federal report card review.
Jul 10, 2019

How to Develop an Agency Brand Voice That Connects With Customers Online

Come join the Plain Language community on the 12th of June and learn how to develop an agency brand voice!
Jun 12, 2019

Principles of Speaking Plainly

This seminar adapts principles of plain language to the context of speaking, covering not only wording but also structure and integration with visual aids.
Apr 10, 2019

Managing Your Plain Language Career

We’ll discuss how to document and publicize your formal and informal plain language work — teaching, training, reviewing, or copyediting.
Mar 13, 2019

Plain Language Summit 2018

The federal Plain Language community is holding their first all-day summit in Washington D.C., and you’re invited!
Jul 20, 2018

January PLAIN Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Plain Language Community of Practice.
Jan 10, 2018

An Around the World Recap PLAIN Monthly Meeting

In this online event, PLAIN co-chairs will provide a recap of international plain language initiatives discussed at the 2017 Plain Language Association International conference in Graz, Austria.
Oct 11, 2017

How to Tell Your Agency’s Story—Plainly

You’ve got the right words, the active verbs, the carefully chosen adjectives and adverbs. You’ve got the facts. You’ve got the talking points. All you have to do is put it together, right? Wait. What you want to tell people is not necessarily what they need to know. I know it’s hard to organize material
Apr 16, 2014