Congresswoman Cheri Bustos

Representing the 17th District of Illinois
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Agriculture & Rural Development

As a member of the House Committee on Agriculture, and the Farm Commodities and Risk Management Subcommittee and the Livestock and Rural Development Subcommittee, I will fight each and every day for our region’s agricultural community.


Putting middle class families first is my top priority, and that’s why I will work with anyone, Democrat or Republican, if it is in the best interest of the people of our region.

Congressional Issues

Information and content related to Congress and the operations of the House of Representatives.


As the proud mother of three sons who were educated by our public schools, I know firsthand the importance of a high-quality education. I will work to make sure our schools are well-equipped, are students are well-prepared, and our teachers have the resources they need to educate all our children for the good-paying jobs of the 21st Century.

Energy and Environment

Affordable and reliable energy is an essential part of our economy and our quality of life. We must move towards energy independence and cleaner sources of energy, while promoting a comprehensive plan that keeps energy affordable for the middle class.

Fiscal Responsibility

The current budget deficit, created by generations of lawmakers in Washington, is a serious problem that did not get created overnight and will not get solved overnight either. But by working together, we can take commonsense steps that move our country in the right direction.

Government Accountability

Folks across Illinois have lost faith in government at all levels, and for good reason. Many in Washington continue to prioritize their political careers and special interest groups rather than their constituents back home. That’s why I’m dedicated to traveling back, and spending time listening to the people across our region, as often as I can.

Health Care

Health care is a deeply personal issue to me. My sister-in-law, Barb, died several years ago without health insurance. Barb and her husband both worked full-time, but they couldn’t afford health insurance and when she got sick, she couldn’t afford the most effective cancer treatment she needed to survive.

Illinois & Local Issues

Learn more about how I'm working to help folks across our district and throughout Illinois.

Jobs, Economy & Small Business

We need to get America back to work. Too many families are still struggling today and enough is enough. For too long, lawmakers have been looking out for themselves instead of looking out for the middle class. I want to focus on job creation and economic growth, not on scoring political points by handing out special favors.

Medicare and Social Security

I will fight to protect and preserve Social Security and Medicare.

Protecting the Second Amendment

As someone who proudly grew up in a family of hunters, and as the wife of a Sheriff’s Deputy and the mother of three sons who are avid sportsmen, I am a strong supporter of the Second Amendment. Alongside protecting the right to bear arms, I will also fight to ensure we have access to public lands for hunting, shooting, fishing and trapping.

Standing Up For Women

Advocating for women and families has been a continued focus throughout my life and career. I have always firmly believed that women should have equal opportunities and the ability to voice their opinions on community issues – whether the setting is in workplace, in the classroom or in the public sector.

Transportation & Infrascructure

Illinois’ 17th Congressional District is a central hub for shipping goods and people over road, rail, water and through the air. The region is home to three international airports (Quad City International Airport, Peoria International Airport and Chicago Rockford International Airport), in addition to smaller regional airports.

Veterans & Armed Forces

In order to best secure our national interests and promote the safety and security of the American people, as well as our friends in the international community, it is vitally important that we ensure our armed forces remain the best-trained and best-equipped in the world. Likewise, veterans and service members have bravely served their country, at a real sacrifice to themselves and their families. They deserve to be provided with the best possible care and help as they return from battlefields overseas.