Henry Cuellar

Vote Record
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DateRC#BillQuestionVoteBill Name
2/15 45 h res 65 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as Amended Yea Condemning the Government of North Korea for its flagrant and repeated violations of multiple United Nations Security Council resolutions, for its repeated provocations that threaten international peace and stabilitiy, and for its February 12, 2013, test of a nuclear device
2/15 44 h r 273 On Passage Yea To eliminate the 2013 statutory pay adjustment for Federal employees
2/15 43 h con res 15 On Agreeing to the Resolution Nay Providing for the conditional adjournment of the House and Senate
2/14 42 h res 66 On Agreeing to the Resolution Nay Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 273) to eliminate the 2013 statutory pay adjustment for Federal employees, and for other purposes
2/14 41 h res 66 On Ordering the Previous Question Yea Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 273) to eliminate the 2013 statutory pay adjustment for Federal employees, and for other purposes
2/13 40 h r 267 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass Yea Hydropower Regulatory Efficiency Act of 2013
2/13 39 h r 592 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass Yea To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to clarify that houses of worship are eligible for certain disaster relief and emergency assistance on terms equal to other eligible private nonprofit facilities, and for other purposes
2/6 38 h r 444 On Passage Aye To require that, if the President’s fiscal year 2014 budget does not achieve balance in a fiscal year covered by such budget, the President shall submit a supplemental unified budget by April 1, 2013, which identifies a fiscal year in which balance is achieved, and for other purposes
2/6 37 h r 444 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions Aye To require that, if the President’s fiscal year 2014 budget does not achieve balance in a fiscal year covered by such budget, the President shall submit a supplemental unified budget by April 1, 2013, which identifies a fiscal year in which balance is achieved, and for other purposes
2/6 36 h r 444 On Agreeing to the Amendment Aye Schrader of Oregon Amendment No. 2
2/6 35 h r 444 On Agreeing to the Amendment Aye Takano of California Amendment No. 1
2/5 34 h res 48 On Agreeing to the Resolution No Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 444) to require that, if the President’s fiscal year 2014 budget does not achieve balance in a fiscal year covered by such budget, the President shall submit a supplemental unified budget by April 1, 2013, which identifies a fiscal year in which balance is achieved
2/5 33 h res 48 On Ordering the Previous Question Yea Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 444) to require that, if the President’s fiscal year 2014 budget does not achieve balance in a fiscal year covered by such budget, the President shall submit a supplemental unified budget by April 1, 2013, which identifies a fiscal year in which balance is achieved
2/4 32 h r 297 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass Yea To amend the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize support for graduate medical education programs in children’s hospitals
2/4 31 h r 225 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass Yea To amend title IV of the Public Health Service Act to provide for a National Pediatric Research Network, including with respect to pediatric rare diseases or conditions
1/23 30 h r 325 On Passage Aye To ensure the complete and timely payment of the obligations of the United States Government until May 19, 2013, and for other purposes
1/23 29 h r 325 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions Yea To ensure the complete and timely payment of the obligations of the United States Government until May 19, 2013, and for other purposes
1/23 28 journal On Approving the Journal Nay
1/23 27 h res 39 On Agreeing to the Resolution No Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 325) to ensure the complete and timely payment of the obligations of the United States Government until May 19, 2013, and for other purposes
1/23 26 h res 39 On Ordering the Previous Question Nay Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 325) to ensure the complete and timely payment of the obligations of the United States Government until May 19, 2013, and for other purposes
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