Training & Careers

Career Level

I am an

Grant Type


Career Development Programs - Basic Research

Supports mentored career development of individuals proposing a career redirection in biomedical research
Supports mentored training for professionals with quantitative and engineering backgrounds

Career Development Programs - Clinical Research

Supports mentored career development of individuals proposing a career in clinical research
Supports mentored career development of individuals proposing a career in patient-oriented clinical research

Individual Awards

The purpose of the MOSAIC Postdoctoral Career Transition Award to Promote Diversity (K99/R00) program is to support a cohort of early career, independent investigators from diverse backgrounds conducting research in NIH mission areas. The long-term goal of this program is to enhance diversity in the biomedical research workforce.

Supports mentored training for postdoctoral fellows obtaining additional research experience
Facilitates a timely transition from postdoctoral research to an independent research position
Enhances the research training of promising postdoctorates, early in their postdoctoral training period, who have the potential to become productive investigators in research areas that will advance the goals of the BRAIN Initiative.

Individual Fellowships

The purpose of the Kirschstein-NRSA, dual-doctoral degree, predoctoral fellowship (F30) is to enhance the integrated research and clinical training of promising predoctoral students, who are matriculated in a combined MD/PhD or other dual-doctoral degree training program (e.g. DO/PhD, DDS/PhD, AuD/PhD, DVM/PhD), and who intend careers as physician-scientists or other clinician-scientists.
The NIBIB uses the Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards for Individual Predoctoral Fellows (F31) to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research to provide support for research training leading to the Ph.D. or equivalent research degree.
The purpose of the NIH Blueprint Diversity Specialized Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Advancement in Neuroscience (D-SPAN) Award is to support a defined pathway across career stages for outstanding graduate students who are from diverse backgrounds underrepresented in neuroscience research.

Loan Repayment Program

Pays qualified educational debt for individuals committed to clinical research

Supplements to Existing Awards

The overarching goal of this program is to support the transition and retention of investigators from mentored career development to research independence and to minimize departures from biomedical research workforce at this critical juncture. This supplement program is intended to ensure continuity of research among recipients of mentored career development (K) awards by providing supplemental research support to help sustain the investigator’s research during critical life events.

The overarching goal of this pilot program is to enhance the retention of investigators facing critical life events who are transitioning to the first renewal of their first independent research project grant award or to a second new NIH research project grant award. Retention at the first renewal or continuous NIH research project grant support is crucial for sustaining both the ongoing research NIH has made an investment in and for retaining diversity in the biomedical research workforce.